#if !defined(lint) && !defined(DOS) static char rcsid[] = "$Id: editorial.c 768 2007-10-24 00:10:03Z hubert@u.washington.edu $"; #endif /* ======================================================================== * Copyright 2013-2016 Eduardo Chappa * Copyright 2006-2007 University of Washington * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * ======================================================================== */ /*====================================================================== editorial.c Implements editorial text insertion/formatting ====*/ #include "../pith/headers.h" #include "../pith/conf.h" #include "../pith/state.h" #include "../pith/margin.h" #include "../pith/filter.h" #include "../pith/handle.h" #include "../pith/mailview.h" #include "../pith/editorial.h" /* * Internal prototypes */ int quote_editorial(long, char *, LT_INS_S **, void *); /* * Struct to help with editorial comment insertion */ #define EDITORIAL_MAX 128 typedef struct _editorial_s { char prefix[EDITORIAL_MAX]; int prelen; char postfix[EDITORIAL_MAX]; int postlen; int do_color; } EDITORIAL_S; char * format_editorial(char *s, int width, int flags, HANDLE_S **handlesp, gf_io_t pc) { gf_io_t gc; int *margin; EDITORIAL_S es; URL_HILITE_S uh; /* ASSUMPTION #2,341: All MIME-decoding is done by now */ gf_set_readc(&gc, s, strlen(s), CharStar, 0); margin = format_view_margin(); if(flags & FM_NOINDENT) margin[0] = margin[1] = 0; /* safety net */ if(width - (margin[0] + margin[1]) < 5){ margin[0] = margin[1] = 0; if(width < 5) width = 80; } width -= (margin[0] + margin[1]); if(width > 40){ width -= 12; es.prelen = MAX(2, MIN(margin[0] + 6, sizeof(es.prefix) - 3)); snprintf(es.prefix, sizeof(es.prefix), "%s[ ", repeat_char(es.prelen - 2, ' ')); es.postlen = 2; strncpy(es.postfix, " ]", sizeof(es.postfix)); es.postfix[sizeof(es.postfix)-1] = '\0'; } else if(width > 20){ width -= 6; es.prelen = MAX(2, MIN(margin[0] + 3, sizeof(es.prefix) - 3)); snprintf(es.prefix, sizeof(es.prefix), "%s[ ", repeat_char(es.prelen - 2, ' ')); es.postlen = 2; strncpy(es.postfix, " ]", sizeof(es.postfix)); es.postfix[sizeof(es.postfix)-1] = '\0'; } else{ width -= 2; strncpy(es.prefix, "[", sizeof(es.prefix)); es.prefix[sizeof(es.prefix)-1] = '\0'; strncpy(es.postfix, "]", sizeof(es.postfix)); es.postfix[sizeof(es.postfix)-1] = '\0'; es.prelen = 1; es.postlen = 1; } es.do_color = (!(flags & FM_NOCOLOR) && (flags & FM_DISPLAY) && pico_usingcolor()); gf_filter_init(); /* catch urls */ if((F_ON(F_VIEW_SEL_URL, ps_global) || F_ON(F_VIEW_SEL_URL_HOST, ps_global) || F_ON(F_SCAN_ADDR, ps_global)) && handlesp){ gf_link_filter(gf_line_test, gf_line_test_opt(url_hilite, gf_url_hilite_opt(&uh,handlesp,0))); } gf_link_filter(gf_wrap, gf_wrap_filter_opt(width, width, NULL, 0, (handlesp ? GFW_HANDLES : GFW_NONE))); gf_link_filter(gf_line_test, gf_line_test_opt(quote_editorial, &es)); /* If not for display, change to local end of line */ if(!(flags & FM_DISPLAY)) gf_link_filter(gf_nvtnl_local, NULL); return(gf_pipe(gc, pc)); } int quote_editorial(long int linenum, char *line, LT_INS_S **ins, void *local) { COLOR_PAIR *col = NULL; ins = gf_line_test_new_ins(ins, line, ((EDITORIAL_S *)local)->prefix, ((EDITORIAL_S *)local)->prelen); if(((EDITORIAL_S *)local)->do_color && ps_global->VAR_METAMSG_FORE_COLOR && ps_global->VAR_METAMSG_BACK_COLOR && (col = new_color_pair(ps_global->VAR_METAMSG_FORE_COLOR, ps_global->VAR_METAMSG_BACK_COLOR))){ if(!pico_is_good_colorpair(col)) free_color_pair(&col); if(col){ char *p; char normal_embed[(2 * RGBLEN) + 5]; char quote_color_embed[(2 * RGBLEN) + 5]; strncpy(quote_color_embed, color_embed(col->fg, col->bg), sizeof(quote_color_embed)); quote_color_embed[sizeof(quote_color_embed)-1] = '\0'; ins = gf_line_test_new_ins(ins, line, quote_color_embed, (2 * RGBLEN) + 4); /* * If there was already a color change back to normal color * in the line that was passed in, then instead of allowing * that color change back to normal we want to change that * to a color change back to our METAMSG color instead. * Search line for that and modify it. */ strncpy(normal_embed, color_embed(ps_global->VAR_NORM_FORE_COLOR, ps_global->VAR_NORM_BACK_COLOR), sizeof(normal_embed)); normal_embed[sizeof(normal_embed)-1] = '\0'; for(p = line; (p = strstr(p, normal_embed)); p++){ /* * Replace the normal color with our special quoting * color. No need to change it if there are no * characters after the color change because we're * going to change the color to normal right below * this anyway. */ if(strlen(p) > strlen(quote_color_embed)) rplstr(p, strlen(p)+1, strlen(quote_color_embed), quote_color_embed); } ins = gf_line_test_new_ins(ins, line+strlen(line), normal_embed, (2 * RGBLEN) + 4); free_color_pair(&col); } } ins = gf_line_test_new_ins(ins, line + strlen(line), ((EDITORIAL_S *)local)->postfix, ((EDITORIAL_S *)local)->postlen); return(0); }