/* * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2006-2007 University of Washington * Copyright 2013-2018 Eduardo Chappa * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * ======================================================================== */ #ifndef MSWIN_H #define MSWIN_H #define __far #define _far #define __export /* * Equivalent to a windows handle. */ typedef void *WINHAND; /* * Mouse input events. */ typedef struct { int event; int button; int nRow; int nColumn; int keys; int flags; } MEvent; /* * These define how mouse events get queued. */ #define MSWIN_MF_REPLACING 0x1000 #define MSWIN_MF_REPEATING 0x2000 typedef struct { int ch; int rval; LPTSTR name; LPTSTR label; int id; } MDlgButton; /* * Struct to tell pico how to build and what to return when * it's asked to build a popup menu. */ typedef struct _popup { enum {tIndex, tQueue, tMessage, tSubMenu, tSeparator, tTail} type; struct { /* menu's label */ char *string; enum {lNormal = 0, lChecked, lDisabled} style; } label; union { UCS val; /* Queue: inserted into input queue */ UCS msg; /* Message: gets posted to ghTTYWnd */ struct _popup *submenu; /* Submenu: array of submenu entries */ } data; struct { /* Internal data */ int id; } internal; } MPopup; /* * Type of function expected by mswin_allowcopy and mswin_allowcopycut * and used in EditDoCopyData */ typedef int (*getc_t)(int pos); /* * Callback used to fetch text for display in alternate window. Text * can be returned as either a pointer to a null terminated block of * text (a string), with CRLF deliminating lines. OR as a pointer to * an array of pointers to lines, each line being a null terminated * string. */ typedef int (*gettext_t)(char *title, void **text, long *len, int *format); /* * Type used by line up/down event handlers to move the body of the * displayed text, by sort callback to get/set sort order, by * header mode to get/set header state... */ typedef int (*cbarg_t)(int action, long args); /* * Callback used for periodic callback. */ typedef void (*cbvoid_t)(void); typedef char *(*cbstr_t)(char *); #define GETTEXT_TITLELEN 128 #define GETTEXT_TEXT 1 /* 'text' is pointer to text. */ #define GETTEXT_LINES 2 /* 'text' is pointer to array of * pointers to lines. */ #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 128 /* Max size of a directory path. */ #endif /* * Scroll callback values. Used to be mapped in the MSWIN_RANGE_START..END * range, but now are mapped directly to keydefs.h values. Except two of * them which don't have map values in keydefs.h so they're still in the * MSWIN_RANGE_START..END 0x7000 range. */ #define MSWIN_KEY_SCROLLUPPAGE 0x7000 #define MSWIN_KEY_SCROLLDOWNPAGE 0x7001 #define MSWIN_KEY_SCROLLUPLINE KEY_SCRLUPL #define MSWIN_KEY_SCROLLDOWNLINE KEY_SCRLDNL #define MSWIN_KEY_SCROLLTO KEY_SCRLTO #define MSWIN_PASTE_DISABLE 0 #define MSWIN_PASTE_FULL 1 #define MSWIN_PASTE_LINE 2 #define MSWIN_CURSOR_ARROW 0 #define MSWIN_CURSOR_BUSY 1 #define MSWIN_CURSOR_IBEAM 2 #define MSWIN_CURSOR_HAND 3 /* * Flags for mswin_displaytext */ #define MSWIN_DT_NODELETE 0x0001 /* Don't delete text when * window closes. */ #define MSWIN_DT_USEALTWINDOW 0x0002 /* Put text in alt window if already * open. Open if not. */ #define MSWIN_DT_FILLFROMFILE 0x0004 /* pText_utf8 is a filename. */ /* * functions from mswin.c */ WINHAND mswin_gethinstance(); WINHAND mswin_gethwnd (); void mswin_killsplash(); void mswin_settitle(char *); int mswin_getmouseevent (MEvent * pMouse); void mswin_mousetrackcallback (cbarg_t cbfunc); int mswin_popup(MPopup *members); void mswin_keymenu_popup (); void mswin_registericon(int row, int id, char *file); void mswin_destroyicons(); void mswin_finishicons(); void mswin_show_icon (int x, int y, char *file); void mswin_setdebug (int debug, FILE *debugfile); void mswin_setnewmailwidth (int width); int mswin_setdndcallback (int (*cb)()); int mswin_cleardndcallback (void); int mswin_setresizecallback (int (*cb)()); int mswin_clearresizecallback (int (*cb)()); void mswin_setdebugoncallback (cbvoid_t cbfunc); void mswin_setdebugoffcallback (cbvoid_t cbfunc); int mswin_setconfigcallback (cbvoid_t cffunc); int mswin_sethelpcallback (cbstr_t cbfunc); int mswin_setgenhelpcallback (cbstr_t cbfunc); void mswin_setclosetext (char *pCloseText); int mswin_setwindow (char *fontName, char *fontSize, char *fontStyle, char *windowPosition, char *cursorStyle, char *fontCharSet); int mswin_showwindow(); int mswin_getwindow (char *fontName, size_t nfontName, char *fontSize, size_t nfontSize, char *fontStyle, size_t nfontStyle, char *windowPosition, size_t nwindowPosition, char *foreColor, size_t nforeColor, char *backColor, size_t nbackColor, char *cursorStyle, size_t ncursorStyle, char *fontCharSet, size_t nfontCharSet); void mswin_noscrollupdate (int flag); void mswin_setscrollrange (long page, long max); void mswin_setscrollpos (long pos); long mswin_getscrollpos (void); long mswin_getscrollto (void); void mswin_setscrollcallback (cbarg_t cbfunc); void mswin_setsortcallback (cbarg_t cbfunc); void mswin_setflagcallback (cbarg_t cbfunc); void mswin_sethdrmodecallback (cbarg_t cbfunc); void mswin_setselectedcallback (cbarg_t cbfunc); void mswin_setzoomodecallback (cbarg_t cbfunc); void mswin_setfkeymodecallback (cbarg_t cbfunc); void mswin_setprintfont (char *fontName, char *fontSize, char *fontStyle, char *fontCharSet); void mswin_getprintfont (char *, size_t, char *, size_t, char *, size_t, char *, size_t); int mswin_yield (void); int mswin_charavail (void); UCS mswin_getc_fast (void); void mswin_flush_input (void); int mswin_showcursor (int show); int mswin_showcaret (int show); void mswin_trayicon (int show); int mswin_move (int row, int column); int mswin_getpos (int *row, int *column); int mswin_getscreensize (int *row, int *column); void mswin_minimize (void); int mswin_putblock (char *utf8_str, int strLen); int mswin_puts (char *utf8_str); int mswin_puts_n (char *utf8_str, int n); int mswin_putc (UCS c); int mswin_outc (char c); int mswin_rev (int state); int mswin_getrevstate (void); int mswin_bold (int state); int mswin_uline (int state); int mswin_eeol (void); int mswin_eeop (void); int mswin_beep (void); void mswin_pause (int); int mswin_flush (void); void mswin_setcursor (int); void mswin_messagebox (char *msg, int); void mswin_allowpaste (int); void mswin_allowcopycut (getc_t); void mswin_allowcopy (getc_t); void mswin_addclipboard (char *s); void mswin_allowmousetrack (int); int mswin_newmailicon (void); void mswin_newmailtext (char *t); void mswin_newmaildone (void); void mswin_mclosedtext (char *t); void mswin_menuitemclear (void); void mswin_menuitemadd (UCS key, char *label, int menuitem, int flags); int mswin_setwindowmenu (int menu); int mswin_print_ready (WINHAND hWnd, LPTSTR docDesc); int mswin_print_done (void); char * mswin_print_error (int errorcode); int mswin_print_char (TCHAR c); int mswin_print_char_utf8 (int c); int mswin_print_text (LPTSTR text); int mswin_print_text_utf8 (char *text); int mswin_savefile (char *dir, int dirlen, char *fName, int nMaxFName); int mswin_openfile (char *dir, int nMaxDName, char *fName, int nMaxFName, char *extlist); int mswin_multopenfile (char *dir, int nMaxDName, char *fName, int nMaxFName, char *extlist); char *mswin_rgbchoice(char *pOldRGB); void mswin_killbuftoclip (getc_t copyfunc); void pico_popup(); void mswin_paste_popup(); int mswin_fflush (FILE *f); void mswin_setperiodiccallback (cbvoid_t periodiccb, long period); WINHAND mswin_inst2task (WINHAND hInst); int mswin_ontask_del (WINHAND hTask, char *path); int mswin_exec_and_wait (char *whatsit, char *command, char *infile, char *outfile, int *exit_val, unsigned mseaw_flags); int mswin_shell_exec (char *command, WINHAND *childproc); void mswin_exec_err_msg (char *what, int status, char *buf, size_t buflen); int mswin_onexit_del (char *path); int mswin_set_quit_confirm (int); void mswin_showhelpmsg (WINHAND hWnd, char **helplines); typedef struct MSWIN_TEXTWINDOW MSWIN_TEXTWINDOW; MSWIN_TEXTWINDOW *mswin_displaytext (char *title, char *pText, size_t textLen, char **pLines, MSWIN_TEXTWINDOW *mswin_tw, int flags); int mswin_imaptelemetry(char *msg); void mswin_enableimaptelemetry(int state); int mswin_newmailwin(int is_us, char *from, char *subject, char *folder); int mswin_newmailwinon(void); char *mswin_reg_default_browser(char *url); int mswin_reg(int op, int tree, char *data, size_t size); int mswin_is_def_client(int type); int mswin_set_def_client(int type); char **mswin_reg_dump(void); int mswin_majorver(); int mswin_minorver(); char *mswin_compilation_date(); char *mswin_compilation_remarks(); char *mswin_specific_winver(); int mswin_usedialog (void); int mswin_dialog(UCS *prompt, UCS *string, int field_len, int append_current, int passwd, MDlgButton *button_list, char **help, unsigned flags); int mswin_select(char *utf8prompt, MDlgButton *button_list, int dflt, int on_ctrl_C, char **help, unsigned flags); int mswin_yesno(UCS *); int mswin_yesno_utf8(char *); BOOL MSWRShellCanOpen(LPTSTR key, char *cmdbuf, int clen, int allow_noreg); BOOL MSWRPeek(HKEY hRootKey, LPTSTR subkey, LPTSTR valstr, LPTSTR data, DWORD *dlen); int mswin_store_pass_prompt(void); void mswin_set_erasecreds_callback(cbvoid_t); void mswin_setviewinwindcallback (cbvoid_t); int mswin_setgenhelptextcallback(cbstr_t); int mswin_caninput(void); void mswin_beginupdate(void); void mswin_endupdate(void); int mswin_sethelptextcallback(cbstr_t); int strucmp(char *, char *); int struncmp(char *, char *, int); #ifdef MSC_MALLOC /* * These definitions will disable the SEGHEAP allocation routines, in * favor of the compliler libraries usual allocators. This is useful * when external debugging tools and the SEGHEAP debugging routines step * on each other... */ #define MemAlloc(X) malloc(X) #define MemFree(X) free(X) #define MemRealloc(X,Y) realloc(X,Y) #define MemFreeAll() #define MemDebug(X,Y) #else /* * Memory management stuff, from msmem.c */ typedef unsigned long MemSize; typedef void __far * MemPtr; #define MemAlloc(s) _MemAlloc (s, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define malloc(s) _MemAlloc (s, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define MemFree(b) _MemFree (b, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define free(b) _MemFree (b, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define MemRealloc(b,s) _MemRealloc (b, s, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define realloc(b,s) _MemRealloc (b, s, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define MEM_BLOCK_SIZE_MAX 0xff00 void MemDebug (int debug, FILE *debugFile); void __far * _MemAlloc (MemSize size, char __far * file, int line); int _MemFree (void __far *block, char __far *file, int line); void __far * _MemRealloc (void __far *block, MemSize size, char __far * file, int line); MemSize MemBlkSize (MemPtr block); void MemFreeAll (void); void MemFailSoon (MemSize); #endif /* functions from win moved to mswin.c */ int pico_scroll_callback (int, long); #undef sleep int sleep (int); /* * Signals that are not defined by MS C */ #define SIGHUP 1 /* Terminal hangup. */ #define SIGINT 2 /* Ctrl-C sequence */ #define SIGILL 4 /* illegal instruction - invalid function image */ #define SIGSEGV 11 /* segment violation */ #define SIGALRM 14 /* alarm clock */ #define SIGTERM 15 /* Software termination signal from kill */ #define SIGABRT 22 /* abnormal termination triggered by abort call */ #define SIGWINCH 28 /* Change in window size. */ #define fflush mswin_fflush #define alarm mswin_alarm /* * Registry setting constants */ #define MSWR_PINE_RC 1 #define MSWR_PINE_DIR 2 #define MSWR_PINE_EXE 3 #define MSWR_PINE_AUX 4 #define MSWR_PINE_POS 5 #define MSWR_PINE_CONF 6 #define MSWR_SDC_MAIL 1 #define MSWR_SDC_NEWS 2 #define MSWR_SDC_NNTP 3 #define MSWR_SDC_IMAP 4 #define MSWR_NULL 0x00 #define MSWR_OP_SET 0x01 #define MSWR_OP_FORCE 0x02 #define MSWR_OP_GET 0x04 #define MSWR_OP_BLAST 0x08 #endif /* MSWIN_H */