@echo OFF if "%1"=="" goto blankplat if "%2"=="" goto blankver if "%1"=="wnt" goto goodbuild if "%1"=="w2k" goto goodbuild echo Unknown build platform: %1 %2 goto usage :blankplat echo Must specify build platform (wnt, w2k)! goto usage :blankver echo Must specify build version (eg. 0.98) :usage echo usage: BINSTALLER plat ver echo where plat is wnt or w2k echo and ver is version (eg 0.98) goto fini :goodbuild set plat=%1 set ver=%2 set tmpfile=iss.SetupVars.tmp echo Building installer for platform %plat% for version %ver% echo Assuming existence of dist.%plat%.d! echo SourceDir=dist.%plat%.d > %tmpfile% goto %plat% :wnt echo AppVerName=Alpine %ver% >> %tmpfile% echo OutputBaseFilename=setup_alpine_%ver% >> %tmpfile% echo UninstallDisplayName=Alpine %ver% >> %tmpfile% goto goodbuildcont :w2k echo AppVerName=Alpine %ver% (with Windows Kerberos) >> %tmpfile% echo OutputBaseFilename=setup_alpine_%ver%_w2k >> %tmpfile% echo UninstallDisplayName=Alpine %ver% (with Windows Kerberos) >> %tmpfile% goto goodbuildcont :goodbuildcont iscc alpine.iss del %tmpfile% echo Done. :fini