/* ======================================================================== * Copyright 1988-2008 University of Washington * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * ======================================================================== */ /* * Program: VMS TCP/IP routines for Netlib. * * Author: Mark Crispin * Networks and Distributed Computing * Computing & Communications * University of Washington * Administration Building, AG-44 * Seattle, WA 98195 * Internet: MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU * * Date: 2 August 1994 * Last Edited: 13 January 2008 */ /* Thanks to Yehavi Bourvine at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem who contributed the original VMS code */ #include static char *tcp_getline_work (TCPSTREAM *stream,unsigned long *size, long *contd); /* TCP/IP manipulate parameters * Accepts: function code * function-dependent value * Returns: function-dependent return value */ void *tcp_parameters (long function,void *value) { return NIL; } /* TCP/IP open * Accepts: host name * contact service name * contact port number * Returns: TCP/IP stream if success else NIL */ TCPSTREAM *tcp_open (char *host,char *service,unsigned long port) { TCPSTREAM *stream = NIL; unsigned long sock; int status; char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; /* hostname to connect to */ struct dsc$descriptor HostDesc = { 0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, NULL }; port &= 0xffff; /* erase flags */ /* assign a local socket */ if (!((status = net_assign (&sock)) & 0x1)) { sprintf (tmp,"Unable to assign to net, status=%d",status); mm_log (tmp,ERROR); return NIL; } if (!((status = net_bind (&sock,1)) & 0x1)) { sprintf (tmp,"Unable to create local socket, status=%d",status); mm_log (tmp,ERROR); return NIL; } /* open connection */ HostDesc.dsc$w_length = strlen (host); HostDesc.dsc$a_pointer = host; if (!((status = tcp_connect (&sock,&HostDesc,port)) & 0x1)) { sprintf (tmp,"Can't connect to %.80s,%lu: %s",host,port,strerror (errno)); mm_log (tmp,ERROR); return NIL; } /* create TCP/IP stream */ stream = (TCPSTREAM *) fs_get (sizeof (TCPSTREAM)); stream->host = cpystr (host); /* copy official host name */ /* copy local host name */ stream->localhost = cpystr (mylocalhost ()); stream->port = port; /* copy port number */ /* init sockets */ stream->tcpsi = stream->tcpso = sock; stream->ictr = 0; /* init input counter */ return stream; /* return success */ } /* TCP/IP authenticated open * Accepts: NETMBX specifier * service name * returned user name buffer * Returns: TCP/IP stream if success else NIL */ TCPSTREAM *tcp_aopen (NETMBX *mb,char *service,char *usrbuf) { return NIL; } /* TCP receive line * Accepts: TCP stream * Returns: text line string or NIL if failure */ char *tcp_getline (TCPSTREAM *stream) { unsigned long n,contd; char *ret = tcp_getline_work (stream,&n,&contd); if (ret && contd) { /* got a line needing continuation? */ STRINGLIST *stl = mail_newstringlist (); STRINGLIST *stc = stl; do { /* collect additional lines */ stc->text.data = (unsigned char *) ret; stc->text.size = n; stc = stc->next = mail_newstringlist (); ret = tcp_getline_work (stream,&n,&contd); } while (ret && contd); if (ret) { /* stash final part of line on list */ stc->text.data = (unsigned char *) ret; stc->text.size = n; /* determine how large a buffer we need */ for (n = 0, stc = stl; stc; stc = stc->next) n += stc->text.size; ret = fs_get (n + 1); /* copy parts into buffer */ for (n = 0, stc = stl; stc; n += stc->text.size, stc = stc->next) memcpy (ret + n,stc->text.data,stc->text.size); ret[n] = '\0'; } mail_free_stringlist (&stl);/* either way, done with list */ } return ret; } /* TCP receive line or partial line * Accepts: TCP stream * pointer to return size * pointer to return continuation flag * Returns: text line string, size and continuation flag, or NIL if failure */ static char *tcp_getline_work (TCPSTREAM *stream,unsigned long *size, long *contd) { unsigned long n; char *s,*ret,c,d; *contd = NIL; /* assume no continuation */ /* make sure have data */ if (!tcp_getdata (stream)) return NIL; for (s = stream->iptr, n = 0, c = '\0'; stream->ictr--; n++, c = d) { d = *stream->iptr++; /* slurp another character */ if ((c == '\015') && (d == '\012')) { ret = (char *) fs_get (n--); memcpy (ret,s,*size = n); /* copy into a free storage string */ ret[n] = '\0'; /* tie off string with null */ return ret; } } /* copy partial string from buffer */ memcpy ((ret = (char *) fs_get (n)),s,*size = n); /* get more data from the net */ if (!tcp_getdata (stream)) fs_give ((void **) &ret); /* special case of newline broken by buffer */ else if ((c == '\015') && (*stream->iptr == '\012')) { stream->iptr++; /* eat the line feed */ stream->ictr--; ret[*size = --n] = '\0'; /* tie off string with null */ } else *contd = LONGT; /* continuation needed */ return ret; } /* TCP/IP receive buffer * Accepts: TCP/IP stream * size in bytes * buffer to read into * Returns: T if success, NIL otherwise */ long tcp_getbuffer (TCPSTREAM *stream,unsigned long size,char *buffer) { unsigned long n; char *bufptr = buffer; while (size > 0) { /* until request satisfied */ if (!tcp_getdata (stream)) return NIL; n = min (size,stream->ictr);/* number of bytes to transfer */ /* do the copy */ memcpy (bufptr,stream->iptr,n); bufptr += n; /* update pointer */ stream->iptr +=n; size -= n; /* update # of bytes to do */ stream->ictr -=n; } bufptr[0] = '\0'; /* tie off string */ return T; } /* TCP/IP receive data * Accepts: TCP/IP stream * Returns: T if success, NIL otherwise */ long tcp_getdata (TCPSTREAM *stream) { char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; int i,status; /* Note: the doc says we need here dynamic descriptor, but we need static * one... */ struct dsc$descriptor BufDesc = {BUFLEN,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S, stream->ibuf}; static short iosb[4]; if (stream->tcpsi < 0) return NIL; while (stream->ictr < 1) { /* if nothing in the buffer */ if (!((status = tcp_receive(&(stream->tcpsi), &BufDesc, iosb)) & 0x1)) { sprintf (tmp,"Error reading from TcpIp/NETLIB, status=%d",status); mm_log (tmp,ERROR); return tcp_abort (stream); } if (iosb[1] > BUFLEN) i = BUFLEN; else i = iosb[1]; if (i < 1) return tcp_abort (stream); stream->ictr = i; /* set new byte count */ stream->iptr = stream->ibuf;/* point at TCP buffer */ } return T; } /* TCP/IP send string as record * Accepts: TCP/IP stream * string pointer * Returns: T if success else NIL */ long tcp_soutr (TCPSTREAM *stream,char *string) { return tcp_sout (stream,string,(unsigned long) strlen (string)); } /* TCP/IP send string * Accepts: TCP/IP stream * string pointer * byte count * Returns: T if success else NIL */ long tcp_sout (TCPSTREAM *stream,char *string,unsigned long size) { int status; struct dsc$descriptor_s BufDesc = {strlen(string),DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S,string }; /* 2 = Do not add \r\n */ return ((status = tcp_send (&(stream->tcpso),&BufDesc,2)) & 0x1) ? T : tcp_abort (stream); } /* TCP/IP close * Accepts: TCP/IP stream */ void tcp_close (TCPSTREAM *stream) { tcp_abort (stream); /* nuke the stream */ /* flush host names */ fs_give ((void **) &stream->host); fs_give ((void **) &stream->localhost); fs_give ((void **) &stream); /* flush the stream */ } /* TCP/IP abort stream * Accepts: TCP/IP stream * Returns: NIL always */ long tcp_abort (TCPSTREAM *stream) { if (stream->tcpsi >= 0) { /* no-op if no socket */ /* nuke the socket */ tcp_disconnect (&(stream->tcpsi)); stream->tcpsi = stream->tcpso = -1; } return NIL; } /* TCP/IP get host name * Accepts: TCP/IP stream * Returns: host name for this stream */ char *tcp_host (TCPSTREAM *stream) { return stream->host; /* return host name */ } /* TCP/IP get remote host name * Accepts: TCP/IP stream * Returns: host name for this stream */ char *tcp_remotehost (TCPSTREAM *stream) { return stream->host; /* return host name */ } /* TCP/IP return port for this stream * Accepts: TCP/IP stream * Returns: port number for this stream */ unsigned long tcp_port (TCPSTREAM *stream) { return stream->port; /* return port number */ } /* TCP/IP get local host name * Accepts: TCP/IP stream * Returns: local host name */ char *tcp_localhost (TCPSTREAM *stream) { return stream->localhost; /* return local host name */ } /* Return my local host name * Returns: my local host name */ char *mylocalhost () { int status; char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; if (!myLocalHost) { /* have local host yet? */ /* receives local host name */ struct dsc$descriptor LocalhostDesc = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_D,NULL}; if (!((status = net_get_hostname (&LocalhostDesc)) & 0x1)) { sprintf (tmp,"Can't get local hostname, status=%d",status); mm_log (tmp,ERROR); return "UNKNOWN"; } strncpy (tmp,LocalhostDesc.dsc$a_pointer,LocalhostDesc.dsc$w_length); tmp[LocalhostDesc.dsc$w_length] = '\0'; str$free1_dx (&LocalhostDesc); myLocalHost = cpystr (tmp); } return myLocalHost; } /* TCP/IP return canonical form of host name * Accepts: host name * Returns: canonical form of host name */ char *tcp_canonical (char *name) { return name; } /* TCP/IP get client host name (server calls only) * Returns: client host name */ char *tcp_clienthost () { return "UNKNOWN"; }