/* ======================================================================== * Copyright 1988-2008 University of Washington * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * ======================================================================== */ /* * Program: MX mail routines * * Author(s): Mark Crispin * Networks and Distributed Computing * Computing & Communications * University of Washington * Administration Building, AG-44 * Seattle, WA 98195 * Internet: MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU * * Date: 3 May 1996 * Last Edited: 6 January 2008 */ #include #include #include extern int errno; /* just in case */ #include "mail.h" #include "osdep.h" #include #include #include #include "misc.h" #include "dummy.h" #include "fdstring.h" /* Index file */ #define MXINDEXNAME "/.mxindex" #define MXINDEX(d,s) strcat (mx_file (d,s),MXINDEXNAME) /* MX I/O stream local data */ typedef struct mx_local { int fd; /* file descriptor of open index */ unsigned char *buf; /* temporary buffer */ unsigned long buflen; /* current size of temporary buffer */ unsigned long cachedtexts; /* total size of all cached texts */ time_t scantime; /* last time directory scanned */ } MXLOCAL; /* Convenient access to local data */ #define LOCAL ((MXLOCAL *) stream->local) /* Function prototypes */ DRIVER *mx_valid (char *name); int mx_isvalid (char *name,char *tmp); int mx_namevalid (char *name); void *mx_parameters (long function,void *value); long mx_dirfmttest (char *name); void mx_scan (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat,char *contents); long mx_scan_contents (char *name,char *contents,unsigned long csiz, unsigned long fsiz); void mx_list (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat); void mx_lsub (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat); long mx_subscribe (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox); long mx_unsubscribe (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox); long mx_create (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox); long mx_delete (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox); long mx_rename (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *old,char *newname); int mx_rename_work (char *src,size_t srcl,char *dst,size_t dstl,char *name); MAILSTREAM *mx_open (MAILSTREAM *stream); void mx_close (MAILSTREAM *stream,long options); void mx_fast (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,long flags); char *mx_fast_work (MAILSTREAM *stream,MESSAGECACHE *elt); char *mx_header (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,unsigned long *length, long flags); long mx_text (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,STRING *bs,long flags); void mx_flag (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,char *flag,long flags); void mx_flagmsg (MAILSTREAM *stream,MESSAGECACHE *elt); long mx_ping (MAILSTREAM *stream); void mx_check (MAILSTREAM *stream); long mx_expunge (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,long options); long mx_copy (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,char *mailbox, long options); long mx_append (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox,append_t af,void *data); long mx_append_msg (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *flags,MESSAGECACHE *elt, STRING *st,SEARCHSET *set); int mx_select (struct direct *name); int mx_numsort (const void *d1,const void *d2); char *mx_file (char *dst,char *name); long mx_lockindex (MAILSTREAM *stream); void mx_unlockindex (MAILSTREAM *stream); void mx_setdate (char *file,MESSAGECACHE *elt); /* MX mail routines */ /* Driver dispatch used by MAIL */ DRIVER mxdriver = { "mx", /* driver name */ /* driver flags */ DR_MAIL|DR_LOCAL|DR_NOFAST|DR_CRLF|DR_LOCKING|DR_DIRFMT, (DRIVER *) NIL, /* next driver */ mx_valid, /* mailbox is valid for us */ mx_parameters, /* manipulate parameters */ mx_scan, /* scan mailboxes */ mx_list, /* find mailboxes */ mx_lsub, /* find subscribed mailboxes */ mx_subscribe, /* subscribe to mailbox */ mx_unsubscribe, /* unsubscribe from mailbox */ mx_create, /* create mailbox */ mx_delete, /* delete mailbox */ mx_rename, /* rename mailbox */ mail_status_default, /* status of mailbox */ mx_open, /* open mailbox */ mx_close, /* close mailbox */ mx_fast, /* fetch message "fast" attributes */ NIL, /* fetch message flags */ NIL, /* fetch overview */ NIL, /* fetch message envelopes */ mx_header, /* fetch message header only */ mx_text, /* fetch message body only */ NIL, /* fetch partial message test */ NIL, /* unique identifier */ NIL, /* message number */ mx_flag, /* modify flags */ mx_flagmsg, /* per-message modify flags */ NIL, /* search for message based on criteria */ NIL, /* sort messages */ NIL, /* thread messages */ mx_ping, /* ping mailbox to see if still alive */ mx_check, /* check for new messages */ mx_expunge, /* expunge deleted messages */ mx_copy, /* copy messages to another mailbox */ mx_append, /* append string message to mailbox */ NIL /* garbage collect stream */ }; /* prototype stream */ MAILSTREAM mxproto = {&mxdriver}; /* MX mail validate mailbox * Accepts: mailbox name * Returns: our driver if name is valid, NIL otherwise */ DRIVER *mx_valid (char *name) { char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; return mx_isvalid (name,tmp) ? &mxdriver : NIL; } /* MX mail test for valid mailbox * Accepts: mailbox name * temporary buffer to use * Returns: T if valid, NIL otherwise with errno holding dir stat error */ int mx_isvalid (char *name,char *tmp) { struct stat sbuf; errno = NIL; /* zap error */ if ((strlen (name) <= NETMAXMBX) && *mx_file (tmp,name) && !stat (tmp,&sbuf) && ((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)) { /* name is directory; is it mx? */ if (!stat (MXINDEX (tmp,name),&sbuf) && ((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)) return T; errno = NIL; /* directory but not mx */ } else if (!compare_cstring (name,"INBOX")) errno = NIL; return NIL; } /* MX mail test for valid mailbox * Accepts: mailbox name * Returns: T if valid, NIL otherwise */ int mx_namevalid (char *name) { char *s = (*name == '/') ? name + 1 : name; while (s && *s) { /* make sure valid name */ if (isdigit (*s)) s++; /* digit, check this node further... */ else if (*s == '/') break; /* all digit node, barf */ /* non-digit, skip to next node or return */ else if (!((s = strchr (s+1,'/')) && *++s)) return T; } return NIL; /* all numeric or empty node */ } /* MX manipulate driver parameters * Accepts: function code * function-dependent value * Returns: function-dependent return value */ void *mx_parameters (long function,void *value) { void *ret = NIL; switch ((int) function) { case GET_INBOXPATH: if (value) ret = mailboxfile ((char *) value,"~/INBOX"); break; case GET_DIRFMTTEST: ret = (void *) mx_dirfmttest; break; case GET_SCANCONTENTS: ret = (void *) mx_scan_contents; break; } return ret; } /* MX test for directory format internal node * Accepts: candidate node name * Returns: T if internal name, NIL otherwise */ long mx_dirfmttest (char *name) { int c; /* success if index name or all-numberic */ if (strcmp (name,MXINDEXNAME+1)) while ((c = *name++) != '\0') if (!isdigit (c)) return NIL; return LONGT; } /* MX scan mailboxes * Accepts: mail stream * reference * pattern to search * string to scan */ void mx_scan (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat,char *contents) { if (stream) dummy_scan (NIL,ref,pat,contents); } /* MX scan mailbox for contents * Accepts: mailbox name * desired contents * contents size * file size (ignored) * Returns: NIL if contents not found, T if found */ long mx_scan_contents (char *name,char *contents,unsigned long csiz, unsigned long fsiz) { long i,nfiles; void *a; char *s; long ret = NIL; size_t namelen = strlen (name); struct stat sbuf; struct direct **names = NIL; if ((nfiles = scandir (name,&names,mx_select,mx_numsort)) > 0) for (i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i) { if (!ret) { sprintf (s = (char *) fs_get (namelen + strlen (names[i]->d_name) + 2), "%s/%s",name,names[i]->d_name); if (!stat (s,&sbuf) && (csiz <= sbuf.st_size)) ret = dummy_scan_contents (s,contents,csiz,sbuf.st_size); fs_give ((void **) &s); } fs_give ((void **) &names[i]); } /* free directory list */ if ((a = (void *) names) != NULL) fs_give ((void **) &a); return ret; } /* MX list mailboxes * Accepts: mail stream * reference * pattern to search */ void mx_list (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat) { if (stream) dummy_list (NIL,ref,pat); } /* MX list subscribed mailboxes * Accepts: mail stream * reference * pattern to search */ void mx_lsub (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *ref,char *pat) { if (stream) dummy_lsub (NIL,ref,pat); } /* MX mail subscribe to mailbox * Accepts: mail stream * mailbox to add to subscription list * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure */ long mx_subscribe (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox) { return sm_subscribe (mailbox); } /* MX mail unsubscribe to mailbox * Accepts: mail stream * mailbox to delete from subscription list * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure */ long mx_unsubscribe (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox) { return sm_unsubscribe (mailbox); } /* MX mail create mailbox * Accepts: mail stream * mailbox name to create * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure */ long mx_create (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox) { DRIVER *test; int fd; char *s,tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; int mask = umask (0); long ret = NIL; if (!mx_namevalid (mailbox)) /* validate name */ sprintf (tmp,"Can't create mailbox %.80s: invalid MX-format name",mailbox); /* must not already exist */ else if ((test = mail_valid (NIL,mailbox,NIL)) && strcmp (test->name,"dummy")) sprintf (tmp,"Can't create mailbox %.80s: mailbox already exists",mailbox); /* create directory */ else if (!dummy_create_path (stream,MXINDEX (tmp,mailbox), get_dir_protection (mailbox))) sprintf (tmp,"Can't create mailbox %.80s: %s",mailbox,strerror (errno)); else { /* success */ /* set index protection */ set_mbx_protections (mailbox,tmp); /* tie off directory name */ *(s = strrchr (tmp,'/') + 1) = '\0'; /* set directory protection */ set_mbx_protections (mailbox,tmp); ret = LONGT; } umask (mask); /* restore mask */ if (!ret) MM_LOG (tmp,ERROR); /* some error */ return ret; } /* MX mail delete mailbox * mailbox name to delete * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure */ long mx_delete (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox) { DIR *dirp; struct direct *d; char *s; char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; if (!mx_isvalid (mailbox,tmp)) sprintf (tmp,"Can't delete mailbox %.80s: no such mailbox",mailbox); /* delete index */ else if (unlink (MXINDEX (tmp,mailbox))) sprintf (tmp,"Can't delete mailbox %.80s index: %s", mailbox,strerror (errno)); else { /* get directory name */ *(s = strrchr (tmp,'/')) = '\0'; if ((dirp = opendir (tmp)) != NULL) { /* open directory */ *s++ = '/'; /* restore delimiter */ /* massacre messages */ while ((d = readdir (dirp)) != NULL) if (mx_select (d)) { strcpy (s,d->d_name); /* make path */ unlink (tmp); /* sayonara */ } closedir (dirp); /* flush directory */ *(s = strrchr (tmp,'/')) = '\0'; if (rmdir (tmp)) { /* try to remove the directory */ sprintf (tmp,"Can't delete name %.80s: %s",mailbox,strerror (errno)); MM_LOG (tmp,WARN); } } return T; /* always success */ } MM_LOG (tmp,ERROR); /* something failed */ return NIL; } /* MX mail rename mailbox * Accepts: MX mail stream * old mailbox name * new mailbox name * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure */ long mx_rename (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *old,char *newname) { char c,*s,tmp[MAILTMPLEN],tmp1[MAILTMPLEN]; struct stat sbuf; if (!mx_isvalid (old,tmp)) sprintf (tmp,"Can't rename mailbox %.80s: no such mailbox",old); else if (!mx_namevalid (newname)) sprintf (tmp,"Can't rename to mailbox %.80s: invalid MX-format name", newname); /* new mailbox name must not be valid */ else if (mx_isvalid (newname,tmp)) sprintf (tmp,"Can't rename to mailbox %.80s: destination already exists", newname); else { mx_file (tmp,old); /* build old directory name */ mx_file (tmp1,newname); /* and new directory name */ /* easy if not INBOX */ if (compare_cstring (old,"INBOX")) { /* found superior to destination name? */ if ((s = strrchr (mx_file (tmp1,newname),'/')) != NULL) { c = *++s; /* remember first character of inferior */ *s = '\0'; /* tie off to get just superior */ /* name doesn't exist, create it */ if ((stat (tmp1,&sbuf) || ((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)) && !dummy_create_path (stream,tmp1,get_dir_protection (newname))) return NIL; *s = c; /* restore full name */ } if (!rename (tmp,tmp1)) return LONGT; } /* RFC 3501 requires this */ else if (dummy_create_path (stream,strcat (tmp1,"/"), get_dir_protection (newname))) { void *a; int i,n,lasterror; struct direct **names = NIL; size_t srcl = strlen (tmp); size_t dstl = strlen (tmp1); /* rename each mx file to new directory */ for (i = lasterror = 0,n = scandir (tmp,&names,mx_select,mx_numsort); i < n; ++i) { if (mx_rename_work (tmp,srcl,tmp1,dstl,names[i]->d_name)) lasterror = errno; fs_give ((void **) &names[i]); } /* free directory list */ if ((a = (void *) names) != NULL) fs_give ((void **) &a); if (lasterror || mx_rename_work (tmp,srcl,tmp1,dstl,MXINDEXNAME+1)) errno = lasterror; else return mx_create (NIL,"INBOX"); } sprintf (tmp,"Can't rename mailbox %.80s to %.80s: %s", old,newname,strerror (errno)); } MM_LOG (tmp,ERROR); /* something failed */ return NIL; } /* MX rename worker routine * Accepts: source directory name * source directory name length * destination directory name * destination directory name length * name of node to move * Returns: zero if success, non-zero if error */ int mx_rename_work (char *src,size_t srcl,char *dst,size_t dstl,char *name) { int ret; size_t len = strlen (name); char *s = (char *) fs_get (srcl + len + 2); char *d = (char *) fs_get (dstl + len + 1); sprintf (s,"%s/%s",src,name); sprintf (d,"%s%s",dst,name); ret = rename (s,d); fs_give ((void **) &s); fs_give ((void **) &d); return ret; } /* MX mail open * Accepts: stream to open * Returns: stream on success, NIL on failure */ MAILSTREAM *mx_open (MAILSTREAM *stream) { char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; /* return prototype for OP_PROTOTYPE call */ if (!stream) return user_flags (&mxproto); if (stream->local) fatal ("mx recycle stream"); stream->local = fs_get (sizeof (MXLOCAL)); /* note if an INBOX or not */ stream->inbox = !compare_cstring (stream->mailbox,"INBOX"); mx_file (tmp,stream->mailbox);/* get directory name */ /* canonicalize mailbox name */ fs_give ((void **) &stream->mailbox); stream->mailbox = cpystr (tmp); /* make temporary buffer */ LOCAL->buf = (char *) fs_get (CHUNKSIZE); LOCAL->buflen = CHUNKSIZE - 1; LOCAL->scantime = 0; /* not scanned yet */ LOCAL->fd = -1; /* no index yet */ LOCAL->cachedtexts = 0; /* no cached texts */ stream->sequence++; /* bump sequence number */ /* parse mailbox */ stream->nmsgs = stream->recent = 0; if (mx_ping (stream) && !(stream->nmsgs || stream->silent)) MM_LOG ("Mailbox is empty",(long) NIL); stream->perm_seen = stream->perm_deleted = stream->perm_flagged = stream->perm_answered = stream->perm_draft = stream->rdonly ? NIL : T; stream->perm_user_flags = stream->rdonly ? NIL : 0xffffffff; stream->kwd_create = (stream->user_flags[NUSERFLAGS-1] || stream->rdonly) ? NIL : T; /* can we create new user flags? */ return stream; /* return stream to caller */ } /* MX mail close * Accepts: MAIL stream * close options */ void mx_close (MAILSTREAM *stream,long options) { if (LOCAL) { /* only if a file is open */ int silent = stream->silent; stream->silent = T; /* note this stream is dying */ if (options & CL_EXPUNGE) mx_expunge (stream,NIL,NIL); /* free local scratch buffer */ if (LOCAL->buf) fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->buf); /* nuke the local data */ fs_give ((void **) &stream->local); stream->dtb = NIL; /* log out the DTB */ stream->silent = silent; /* reset silent state */ } } /* MX mail fetch fast information * Accepts: MAIL stream * sequence * option flags */ void mx_fast (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,long flags) { unsigned long i; MESSAGECACHE *elt; if (stream && LOCAL && ((flags & FT_UID) ? mail_uid_sequence (stream,sequence) : mail_sequence (stream,sequence))) for (i = 1; i <= stream->nmsgs; i++) if ((elt = mail_elt (stream,i))->sequence) mx_fast_work (stream,elt); } /* MX mail fetch fast information * Accepts: MAIL stream * message cache element * Returns: name of message file */ char *mx_fast_work (MAILSTREAM *stream,MESSAGECACHE *elt) { struct stat sbuf; struct tm *tm; /* build message file name */ sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"%s/%lu",stream->mailbox,elt->private.uid); /* have size yet? */ if (!elt->rfc822_size && !stat (LOCAL->buf,&sbuf)) { /* make plausible IMAPish date string */ tm = gmtime (&sbuf.st_mtime); elt->day = tm->tm_mday; elt->month = tm->tm_mon + 1; elt->year = tm->tm_year + 1900 - BASEYEAR; elt->hours = tm->tm_hour; elt->minutes = tm->tm_min; elt->seconds = tm->tm_sec; elt->zhours = 0; elt->zminutes = 0; elt->zoccident = 0; elt->rfc822_size = sbuf.st_size; } return (char *) LOCAL->buf; /* return file name */ } /* MX mail fetch message header * Accepts: MAIL stream * message # to fetch * pointer to returned header text length * option flags * Returns: message header in RFC822 format */ char *mx_header (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,unsigned long *length, long flags) { unsigned long i; int fd; MESSAGECACHE *elt; *length = 0; /* default to empty */ if (flags & FT_UID) return "";/* UID call "impossible" */ elt = mail_elt (stream,msgno);/* get elt */ if (!elt->private.msg.header.text.data) { /* purge cache if too big */ if (LOCAL->cachedtexts > max (stream->nmsgs * 4096,2097152)) { mail_gc (stream,GC_TEXTS);/* just can't keep that much */ LOCAL->cachedtexts = 0; } if ((fd = open (mx_fast_work (stream,elt),O_RDONLY,NIL)) < 0) return ""; /* is buffer big enough? */ if (elt->rfc822_size > LOCAL->buflen) { fs_give ((void **) &LOCAL->buf); LOCAL->buf = (char *) fs_get ((LOCAL->buflen = elt->rfc822_size) + 1); } /* slurp message */ read (fd,LOCAL->buf,elt->rfc822_size); /* tie off file */ LOCAL->buf[elt->rfc822_size] = '\0'; close (fd); /* flush message file */ /* find end of header */ if (elt->rfc822_size < 4) i = 0; else for (i = 4; (i < elt->rfc822_size) && !((LOCAL->buf[i - 4] == '\015') && (LOCAL->buf[i - 3] == '\012') && (LOCAL->buf[i - 2] == '\015') && (LOCAL->buf[i - 1] == '\012')); i++); /* copy header */ cpytxt (&elt->private.msg.header.text,LOCAL->buf,i); cpytxt (&elt->private.msg.text.text,LOCAL->buf+i,elt->rfc822_size - i); /* add to cached size */ LOCAL->cachedtexts += elt->rfc822_size; } *length = elt->private.msg.header.text.size; return (char *) elt->private.msg.header.text.data; } /* MX mail fetch message text (body only) * Accepts: MAIL stream * message # to fetch * pointer to returned stringstruct * option flags * Returns: T on success, NIL on failure */ long mx_text (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,STRING *bs,long flags) { unsigned long i; MESSAGECACHE *elt; /* UID call "impossible" */ if (flags & FT_UID) return NIL; elt = mail_elt (stream,msgno); /* snarf message if don't have it yet */ if (!elt->private.msg.text.text.data) { mx_header (stream,msgno,&i,flags); if (!elt->private.msg.text.text.data) return NIL; } /* mark as seen */ if (!(flags & FT_PEEK) && mx_lockindex (stream)) { elt->seen = T; mx_unlockindex (stream); MM_FLAGS (stream,msgno); } INIT (bs,mail_string,elt->private.msg.text.text.data, elt->private.msg.text.text.size); return T; } /* MX mail modify flags * Accepts: MAIL stream * sequence * flag(s) * option flags */ void mx_flag (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,char *flag,long flags) { mx_unlockindex (stream); /* finished with index */ } /* MX per-message modify flags * Accepts: MAIL stream * message cache element */ void mx_flagmsg (MAILSTREAM *stream,MESSAGECACHE *elt) { mx_lockindex (stream); /* lock index if not already locked */ } /* MX mail ping mailbox * Accepts: MAIL stream * Returns: T if stream alive, else NIL */ long mx_ping (MAILSTREAM *stream) { MAILSTREAM *sysibx = NIL; MESSAGECACHE *elt,*selt; struct stat sbuf; char *s,tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; int fd; unsigned long i,j,r,old; long nmsgs = stream->nmsgs; long recent = stream->recent; int silent = stream->silent; if (stat (stream->mailbox,&sbuf)) return NIL; stream->silent = T; /* don't pass up exists events yet */ if (sbuf.st_ctime != LOCAL->scantime) { struct direct **names = NIL; long nfiles = scandir (stream->mailbox,&names,mx_select,mx_numsort); if (nfiles < 0) nfiles = 0; /* in case error */ old = stream->uid_last; /* note scanned now */ LOCAL->scantime = sbuf.st_ctime; /* scan directory */ for (i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i) { /* if newly seen, add to list */ if ((j = atoi (names[i]->d_name)) > old) { /* swell the cache */ mail_exists (stream,++nmsgs); stream->uid_last = (elt = mail_elt (stream,nmsgs))->private.uid = j; elt->valid = T; /* note valid flags */ if (old) { /* other than the first pass? */ elt->recent = T; /* yup, mark as recent */ recent++; /* bump recent count */ } } fs_give ((void **) &names[i]); } /* free directory */ if ((s = (void *) names) != NULL) fs_give ((void **) &s); } stream->nmsgs = nmsgs; /* don't upset mail_uid() */ /* if INBOX, snarf from system INBOX */ if (mx_lockindex (stream) && stream->inbox && !strcmp (sysinbox (),stream->mailbox)) { old = stream->uid_last; MM_CRITICAL (stream); /* go critical */ /* see if anything in system inbox */ if (!stat (sysinbox (),&sbuf) && sbuf.st_size && (sysibx = mail_open (sysibx,sysinbox (),OP_SILENT)) && !sysibx->rdonly && (r = sysibx->nmsgs)) { for (i = 1; i <= r; ++i) {/* for each message in sysinbox mailbox */ /* build file name we will use */ sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"%s/%lu",stream->mailbox,++old); /* snarf message from Berkeley mailbox */ selt = mail_elt (sysibx,i); if (((fd = open (LOCAL->buf,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, (long) mail_parameters (NIL,GET_MBXPROTECTION,NIL))) >= 0) && (s = mail_fetchheader_full (sysibx,i,NIL,&j,FT_PEEK)) && (write (fd,s,j) == j) && (s = mail_fetchtext_full (sysibx,i,&j,FT_PEEK)) && (write (fd,s,j) == j) && !fsync (fd) && !close (fd)) { /* swell the cache */ mail_exists (stream,++nmsgs); stream->uid_last = /* create new elt, note its file number */ (elt = mail_elt (stream,nmsgs))->private.uid = old; recent++; /* bump recent count */ /* set up initial flags and date */ elt->valid = elt->recent = T; elt->seen = selt->seen; elt->deleted = selt->deleted; elt->flagged = selt->flagged; elt->answered = selt->answered; elt->draft = selt->draft; elt->day = selt->day;elt->month = selt->month;elt->year = selt->year; elt->hours = selt->hours;elt->minutes = selt->minutes; elt->seconds = selt->seconds; elt->zhours = selt->zhours; elt->zminutes = selt->zminutes; elt->zoccident = selt->zoccident; mx_setdate (LOCAL->buf,elt); sprintf (tmp,"%lu",i);/* delete it from the sysinbox */ mail_flag (sysibx,tmp,"\\Deleted",ST_SET); } else { /* failed to snarf */ if (fd) { /* did it ever get opened? */ close (fd); /* close descriptor */ unlink (LOCAL->buf);/* flush this file */ } sprintf (tmp,"Message copy to MX mailbox failed: %.80s", strerror (errno)); MM_LOG (tmp,ERROR); r = 0; /* stop the snarf in its tracks */ } } /* update scan time */ if (!stat (stream->mailbox,&sbuf)) LOCAL->scantime = sbuf.st_ctime; mail_expunge (sysibx); /* now expunge all those messages */ } if (sysibx) mail_close (sysibx); MM_NOCRITICAL (stream); /* release critical */ } mx_unlockindex (stream); /* done with index */ stream->silent = silent; /* can pass up events now */ mail_exists (stream,nmsgs); /* notify upper level of mailbox size */ mail_recent (stream,recent); return T; /* return that we are alive */ } /* MX mail check mailbox * Accepts: MAIL stream */ void mx_check (MAILSTREAM *stream) { if (mx_ping (stream)) MM_LOG ("Check completed",(long) NIL); } /* MX mail expunge mailbox * Accepts: MAIL stream * sequence to expunge if non-NIL * expunge options * Returns: T, always */ long mx_expunge (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,long options) { long ret; MESSAGECACHE *elt; unsigned long i = 1; unsigned long n = 0; unsigned long recent = stream->recent; if ((ret = (sequence ? ((options & EX_UID) ? mail_uid_sequence (stream,sequence) : mail_sequence (stream,sequence)) : LONGT) != 0L) && mx_lockindex (stream)) { /* lock the index */ MM_CRITICAL (stream); /* go critical */ while (i <= stream->nmsgs) {/* for each message */ elt = mail_elt (stream,i);/* if deleted, need to trash it */ if (elt->deleted && (sequence ? elt->sequence : T)) { sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"%s/%lu",stream->mailbox,elt->private.uid); if (unlink (LOCAL->buf)) {/* try to delete the message */ sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"Expunge of message %lu failed, aborted: %s",i, strerror (errno)); MM_LOG (LOCAL->buf,(long) NIL); break; } /* note uncached */ LOCAL->cachedtexts -= ((elt->private.msg.header.text.data ? elt->private.msg.header.text.size : 0) + (elt->private.msg.text.text.data ? elt->private.msg.text.text.size : 0)); mail_gc_msg (&elt->private.msg,GC_ENV | GC_TEXTS); if(elt->recent)--recent;/* if recent, note one less recent message */ mail_expunged(stream,i);/* notify upper levels */ n++; /* count up one more expunged message */ } else i++; /* otherwise try next message */ } if (n) { /* output the news if any expunged */ sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"Expunged %lu messages",n); MM_LOG (LOCAL->buf,(long) NIL); } else MM_LOG ("No messages deleted, so no update needed",(long) NIL); MM_NOCRITICAL (stream); /* release critical */ mx_unlockindex (stream); /* finished with index */ /* notify upper level of new mailbox size */ mail_exists (stream,stream->nmsgs); mail_recent (stream,recent); } return ret; } /* MX mail copy message(s) * Accepts: MAIL stream * sequence * destination mailbox * copy options * Returns: T if copy successful, else NIL */ long mx_copy (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *sequence,char *mailbox,long options) { FDDATA d; STRING st; MESSAGECACHE *elt; MAILSTREAM *astream; struct stat sbuf; int fd; unsigned long i,j,uid,uidv; char *t,tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; long ret; mailproxycopy_t pc = (mailproxycopy_t) mail_parameters (stream,GET_MAILPROXYCOPY,NIL); /* make sure valid mailbox */ if (!mx_valid (mailbox)) switch (errno) { case NIL: /* no error in stat() */ if (pc) return (*pc) (stream,sequence,mailbox,options); sprintf (LOCAL->buf,"Not a MX-format mailbox: %.80s",mailbox); MM_LOG (LOCAL->buf,ERROR); return NIL; default: /* some stat() error */ MM_NOTIFY (stream,"[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before copy",NIL); return NIL; } /* copy the messages */ if (!(ret = ((options & CP_UID) ? mail_uid_sequence (stream,sequence) : mail_sequence (stream,sequence)))); /* acquire stream to append to */ else if (!(astream = mail_open (NIL,mailbox,OP_SILENT))) { MM_LOG ("Can't open copy mailbox",ERROR); ret = NIL; } else { MM_CRITICAL (stream); /* go critical */ if (!(ret = mx_lockindex (astream))) MM_LOG ("Message copy failed: unable to lock index",ERROR); else { copyuid_t cu = (copyuid_t) mail_parameters (NIL,GET_COPYUID,NIL); SEARCHSET *source = cu ? mail_newsearchset () : NIL; SEARCHSET *dest = cu ? mail_newsearchset () : NIL; for (i = 1,uid = uidv = 0; ret && (i <= stream->nmsgs); i++) if ((elt = mail_elt (stream,i))->sequence) { if ((ret = ((fd = open (mx_fast_work (stream,elt),O_RDONLY,NIL)) >= 0)) != 0L) { fstat (fd,&sbuf); /* get size of message */ d.fd = fd; /* set up file descriptor */ d.pos = 0; /* start of file */ d.chunk = LOCAL->buf; d.chunksize = CHUNKSIZE; INIT (&st,fd_string,&d,sbuf.st_size); /* init flag string */ tmp[0] = tmp[1] = '\0'; if ((j = elt->user_flags) != 0L) do if ((t = stream->user_flags[find_rightmost_bit (&j)]) != NULL) strcat (strcat (tmp," "),t); while (j); if (elt->seen) strcat (tmp," \\Seen"); if (elt->deleted) strcat (tmp," \\Deleted"); if (elt->flagged) strcat (tmp," \\Flagged"); if (elt->answered) strcat (tmp," \\Answered"); if (elt->draft) strcat (tmp," \\Draft"); tmp[0] = '('; /* open list */ strcat (tmp,")"); /* close list */ if ((ret = mx_append_msg (astream,tmp,elt,&st,dest)) != 0L) { /* add to source set if needed */ if (source) mail_append_set (source,mail_uid (stream,i)); /* delete if doing a move */ if (options & CP_MOVE) elt->deleted = T; } } } /* return sets if doing COPYUID */ if (cu && ret) (*cu) (stream,mailbox,astream->uid_validity,source,dest); else { /* flush any sets we may have built */ mail_free_searchset (&source); mail_free_searchset (&dest); } mx_unlockindex (astream); /* unlock index */ } MM_NOCRITICAL (stream); mail_close (astream); /* finished with append stream */ } return ret; /* return success */ } /* MX mail append message from stringstruct * Accepts: MAIL stream * destination mailbox * append callback * data for callback * Returns: T if append successful, else NIL */ long mx_append (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox,append_t af,void *data) { MESSAGECACHE elt; MAILSTREAM *astream; char *flags,*date,tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; STRING *message; long ret = LONGT; /* default stream to prototype */ if (!stream) stream = user_flags (&mxproto); /* N.B.: can't use LOCAL->buf for tmp */ /* make sure valid mailbox */ if (!mx_isvalid (mailbox,tmp)) switch (errno) { case ENOENT: /* no such file? */ if (!compare_cstring (mailbox,"INBOX")) mx_create (NIL,"INBOX"); else { MM_NOTIFY (stream,"[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before append",NIL); return NIL; } /* falls through */ case 0: /* merely empty file? */ break; case EINVAL: sprintf (tmp,"Invalid MX-format mailbox name: %.80s",mailbox); MM_LOG (tmp,ERROR); return NIL; default: sprintf (tmp,"Not a MX-format mailbox: %.80s",mailbox); MM_LOG (tmp,ERROR); return NIL; } /* get first message */ if (!MM_APPEND (af) (stream,data,&flags,&date,&message)) return NIL; if (!(astream = mail_open (NIL,mailbox,OP_SILENT))) { MM_LOG ("Can't open append mailbox",ERROR); return NIL; } MM_CRITICAL (astream); /* go critical */ /* lock the index */ if (!(ret = mx_lockindex (astream))) MM_LOG ("Message append failed: unable to lock index",ERROR); else { appenduid_t au = (appenduid_t) mail_parameters (NIL,GET_APPENDUID,NIL); SEARCHSET *dst = au ? mail_newsearchset () : NIL; do { /* guard against zero-length */ if (!(ret = SIZE (message))) MM_LOG ("Append of zero-length message",ERROR); else if (date && !(ret = mail_parse_date (&elt,date))) { sprintf (tmp,"Bad date in append: %.80s",date); MM_LOG (tmp,ERROR); } else ret = mx_append_msg (astream,flags,date ? &elt : NIL,message,dst)&& MM_APPEND (af) (stream,data,&flags,&date,&message); } while (ret && message); /* return sets if doing APPENDUID */ if (au && ret) (*au) (mailbox,astream->uid_validity,dst); else mail_free_searchset (&dst); mx_unlockindex (astream); /* unlock index */ } MM_NOCRITICAL (astream); /* release critical */ mail_close (astream); return ret; } /* MX mail append single message * Accepts: MAIL stream * flags for new message if non-NIL * elt with source date if non-NIL * stringstruct of message text * searchset to place UID * Returns: T if success, NIL if failure */ long mx_append_msg (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *flags,MESSAGECACHE *elt, STRING *st,SEARCHSET *set) { char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; int fd; unsigned long uf; long f = mail_parse_flags (stream,flags,&uf); /* make message file name */ sprintf (tmp,"%s/%lu",stream->mailbox,++stream->uid_last); if ((fd = open (tmp,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, (long) mail_parameters (NIL,GET_MBXPROTECTION,NIL))) < 0) { sprintf (tmp,"Can't create append message: %s",strerror (errno)); MM_LOG (tmp,ERROR); return NIL; } while (SIZE (st)) { /* copy the file */ if (st->cursize && (write (fd,st->curpos,st->cursize) < 0)) { unlink (tmp); /* delete file */ close (fd); /* close the file */ sprintf (tmp,"Message append failed: %s",strerror (errno)); MM_LOG (tmp,ERROR); return NIL; } SETPOS (st,GETPOS (st) + st->cursize); } close (fd); /* close the file */ if (elt) mx_setdate (tmp,elt);/* set file date */ /* swell the cache */ mail_exists (stream,++stream->nmsgs); /* copy flags */ mail_append_set (set,(elt = mail_elt (stream,stream->nmsgs))->private.uid = stream->uid_last); if (f&fSEEN) elt->seen = T; if (f&fDELETED) elt->deleted = T; if (f&fFLAGGED) elt->flagged = T; if (f&fANSWERED) elt->answered = T; if (f&fDRAFT) elt->draft = T; elt->user_flags |= uf; return LONGT; } /* Internal routines */ /* MX file name selection test * Accepts: candidate directory entry * Returns: T to use file name, NIL to skip it */ int mx_select (struct direct *name) { char c; char *s = name->d_name; while ((c = *s++) != '\0') if (!isdigit (c)) return NIL; return T; } /* MX file name comparision * Accepts: first candidate directory entry * second candidate directory entry * Returns: negative if d1 < d2, 0 if d1 == d2, postive if d1 > d2 */ int mx_numsort (const void *d1,const void *d2) { return atoi ((*(struct direct **) d1)->d_name) - atoi ((*(struct direct **) d2)->d_name); } /* MX mail build file name * Accepts: destination string * source * Returns: destination */ char *mx_file (char *dst,char *name) { char *s; /* empty string if mailboxfile fails */ if (!mailboxfile (dst,name)) *dst = '\0'; /* driver-selected INBOX */ else if (!*dst) mailboxfile (dst,"~/INBOX"); /* tie off unnecessary trailing / */ else if ((s = strrchr (dst,'/')) && !s[1]) *s = '\0'; return dst; } /* MX read and lock index * Accepts: MAIL stream * Returns: T if success, NIL if failure */ long mx_lockindex (MAILSTREAM *stream) { unsigned long uf,sf,uid; int k = 0; unsigned long msgno = 1; struct stat sbuf; char *s,*t,*idx,tmp[2*MAILTMPLEN]; MESSAGECACHE *elt; blocknotify_t bn = (blocknotify_t) mail_parameters (NIL,GET_BLOCKNOTIFY,NIL); if ((LOCAL->fd < 0) && /* get index file, no-op if already have it */ (LOCAL->fd = open (strcat (strcpy (tmp,stream->mailbox),MXINDEXNAME), O_RDWR|O_CREAT, (long) mail_parameters (NIL,GET_MBXPROTECTION,NIL))) >= 0) { (*bn) (BLOCK_FILELOCK,NIL); flock (LOCAL->fd,LOCK_EX); /* get exclusive lock */ (*bn) (BLOCK_NONE,NIL); fstat (LOCAL->fd,&sbuf); /* get size of index */ /* slurp index */ read (LOCAL->fd,s = idx = (char *) fs_get (sbuf.st_size + 1),sbuf.st_size); idx[sbuf.st_size] = '\0'; /* tie off index */ /* parse index */ if (sbuf.st_size) while (s && *s) switch (*s) { case 'V': /* UID validity record */ stream->uid_validity = strtoul (s+1,&s,16); break; case 'L': /* UID last record */ stream->uid_last = strtoul (s+1,&s,16); break; case 'K': /* keyword */ /* find end of keyword */ if ((s = strchr (t = ++s,'\n')) != NULL) { *s++ = '\0'; /* tie off keyword */ /* copy keyword */ if ((k < NUSERFLAGS) && !stream->user_flags[k] && (strlen (t) <= MAXUSERFLAG)) stream->user_flags[k] = cpystr (t); k++; /* one more keyword */ } break; case 'M': /* message status record */ uid = strtoul (s+1,&s,16);/* get UID for this message */ if (*s == ';') { /* get user flags */ uf = strtoul (s+1,&s,16); if (*s == '.') { /* get system flags */ sf = strtoul (s+1,&s,16); while ((msgno <= stream->nmsgs) && (mail_uid (stream,msgno) < uid)) msgno++; /* find message number for this UID */ if ((msgno <= stream->nmsgs) && (mail_uid (stream,msgno) == uid)) { (elt = mail_elt (stream,msgno))->valid = T; elt->user_flags=uf; /* set user and system flags in elt */ if (sf & fSEEN) elt->seen = T; if (sf & fDELETED) elt->deleted = T; if (sf & fFLAGGED) elt->flagged = T; if (sf & fANSWERED) elt->answered = T; if (sf & fDRAFT) elt->draft = T; } break; } } default: /* bad news */ sprintf (tmp,"Error in index: %.80s",s); MM_LOG (tmp,ERROR); *s = NIL; /* ignore remainder of index */ } else { /* new index */ stream->uid_validity = time (0); user_flags (stream); /* init stream with default user flags */ } fs_give ((void **) &idx); /* flush index */ } return (LOCAL->fd >= 0) ? T : NIL; } /* MX write and unlock index * Accepts: MAIL stream */ #define MXIXBUFLEN 2048 void mx_unlockindex (MAILSTREAM *stream) { unsigned long i,j; off_t size = 0; char *s,tmp[MXIXBUFLEN + 64]; MESSAGECACHE *elt; if (LOCAL->fd >= 0) { lseek (LOCAL->fd,0,L_SET); /* rewind file */ /* write header */ sprintf (s = tmp,"V%08lxL%08lx",stream->uid_validity,stream->uid_last); for (i = 0; (i < NUSERFLAGS) && stream->user_flags[i]; ++i) sprintf (s += strlen (s),"K%s\n",stream->user_flags[i]); /* write messages */ for (i = 1; i <= stream->nmsgs; i++) { /* filled buffer? */ if (((s += strlen (s)) - tmp) > MXIXBUFLEN) { write (LOCAL->fd,tmp,j = s - tmp); size += j; *(s = tmp) = '\0'; /* dump out and restart buffer */ } elt = mail_elt (stream,i); sprintf(s,"M%08lx;%08lx.%04x",elt->private.uid,elt->user_flags,(unsigned) ((fSEEN * elt->seen) + (fDELETED * elt->deleted) + (fFLAGGED * elt->flagged) + (fANSWERED * elt->answered) + (fDRAFT * elt->draft))); } /* write tail end of buffer */ if ((s += strlen (s)) != tmp) { write (LOCAL->fd,tmp,j = s - tmp); size += j; } ftruncate (LOCAL->fd,size); flock (LOCAL->fd,LOCK_UN); /* unlock the index */ close (LOCAL->fd); /* finished with file */ LOCAL->fd = -1; /* no index now */ } } /* Set date for message * Accepts: file name * elt containing date */ void mx_setdate (char *file,MESSAGECACHE *elt) { time_t tp[2]; tp[0] = time (0); /* atime is now */ tp[1] = mail_longdate (elt); /* modification time */ utime (file,tp); /* set the times */ }