/* ======================================================================== * Copyright 2008-2010 Mark Crispin * ======================================================================== */ /* * Program: NT environment routines * * Author: Mark Crispin * * Date: 1 August 1988 * Last Edited: November 10, 2015. * Eduardo Chappa * * Previous versions of this file were: * * Copyright 1988-2008 University of Washington * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ static char *myUserName = NIL; /* user name */ static char *myLocalHost = NIL; /* local host name */ static char *myHomeDir = NIL; /* home directory name */ static char *myNewsrc = NIL; /* newsrc file name */ static char *sysInbox = NIL; /* system inbox name */ static long list_max_level = 5; /* maximum level of list recursion */ /* block environment init */ static short block_env_init = NIL; static short no822tztext = NIL; /* disable RFC [2]822 timezone text */ /* home namespace */ static NAMESPACE nshome = {"",'\\',NIL,NIL}; /* UNIX other user namespace */ static NAMESPACE nsother = {"#user.",'\\',NIL,NIL}; /* namespace list */ static NAMESPACE *nslist[3] = {&nshome,&nsother,NIL}; static long alarm_countdown = 0;/* alarm count down */ static void (*alarm_rang) (); /* alarm interrupt function */ static unsigned int rndm = 0; /* initial `random' number */ static int server_nli = 0; /* server and not logged in */ static int logtry = 3; /* number of login tries */ static char *sslCApath = NIL; /* non-standard CA path */ static char *sslCAfile = NIL; /* non-standard CA container */ static char *sslAppCApath = NIL; /* App SSL Certs CA path */ static char *sslAppCAfile = NIL; /* App SSL CA container */ /* block notification */ static blocknotify_t mailblocknotify = mm_blocknotify; /* callback to get username */ static userprompt_t mailusername = NIL; static long is_nt = -1; /* T if NT, NIL if not NT, -1 unknown */ static HINSTANCE netapi = NIL; typedef NET_API_STATUS (CALLBACK *GETINFO) (LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,DWORD,LPBYTE *); static GETINFO getinfo = NIL; #include "write.c" /* include safe writing routines */ #include "pmatch.c" /* include wildcard pattern matcher */ /* Get all authenticators */ #include "auths.c" /* Environment manipulate parameters * Accepts: function code * function-dependent value * Returns: function-dependent return value */ void *env_parameters (long function,void *value) { void *ret = NIL; switch ((int) function) { case GET_NAMESPACE: ret = (void *) nslist; break; case SET_USERPROMPT : mailusername = (userprompt_t) value; case GET_USERPROMPT : ret = (void *) mailusername; break; case SET_HOMEDIR: if (myHomeDir) fs_give ((void **) &myHomeDir); myHomeDir = cpystr ((char *) value); case GET_HOMEDIR: ret = (void *) myHomeDir; break; case SET_LOCALHOST: myLocalHost = cpystr ((char *) value); case GET_LOCALHOST: if (myLocalHost) fs_give ((void **) &myLocalHost); ret = (void *) myLocalHost; break; case SET_NEWSRC: if (myNewsrc) fs_give ((void **) &myNewsrc); myNewsrc = cpystr ((char *) value); case GET_NEWSRC: if (!myNewsrc) { /* set news file name if not defined */ char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; sprintf (tmp,"%s\\NEWSRC",myhomedir ()); myNewsrc = cpystr (tmp); } ret = (void *) myNewsrc; break; case SET_SYSINBOX: if (sysInbox) fs_give ((void **) &sysInbox); sysInbox = cpystr ((char *) value); case GET_SYSINBOX: ret = (void *) sysInbox; break; case SET_LISTMAXLEVEL: list_max_level = (long) value; case GET_LISTMAXLEVEL: ret = (void *) list_max_level; break; case SET_DISABLE822TZTEXT: no822tztext = value ? T : NIL; case GET_DISABLE822TZTEXT: ret = (void *) (no822tztext ? VOIDT : NIL); break; case SET_BLOCKENVINIT: block_env_init = value ? T : NIL; case GET_BLOCKENVINIT: ret = (void *) (block_env_init ? VOIDT : NIL); break; case SET_BLOCKNOTIFY: mailblocknotify = (blocknotify_t) value; case GET_BLOCKNOTIFY: ret = (void *) mailblocknotify; break; case SET_SSLCAPATH: /* this can be set null */ if (sslCApath) fs_give ((void **) &sslCApath); sslCApath = value ? cpystr ((char *) value) : value; break; case GET_SSLCAPATH: ret = (void *) sslCApath; break; case SET_SSLCAFILE: /* this can be set null */ if (sslCAfile) fs_give ((void **) &sslCAfile); sslCAfile = value ? cpystr ((char *) value) : value; break; case GET_SSLCAFILE: ret = (void *) sslCAfile; break; case SET_SSLAPPCAPATH: /* this can be set null */ if (sslAppCApath) fs_give ((void **) &sslAppCApath); sslAppCApath = value ? cpystr ((char *) value) : value; break; case GET_SSLAPPCAPATH: ret = (void *) sslAppCApath; break; case SET_SSLCAFILE: /* this can be set null */ if (sslAppCAfile) fs_give ((void **) &sslAppCAfile); sslAppCAfile = value ? cpystr ((char *) value) : value; break; case GET_SSLAPPCAFILE: ret = (void *) sslAppCAfile; break; } return ret; } /* Write current time * Accepts: destination string * optional format of day-of-week prefix * format of date and time * flag whether to append symbolic timezone */ static void do_date (char *date,char *prefix,char *fmt,int suffix) { time_t tn = time (0); struct tm *t = gmtime (&tn); int zone = t->tm_hour * 60 + t->tm_min; int julian = t->tm_yday; t = localtime (&tn); /* get local time now */ /* minus UTC minutes since midnight */ zone = t->tm_hour * 60 + t->tm_min - zone; /* julian can be one of: * 36x local time is December 31, UTC is January 1, offset -24 hours * 1 local time is 1 day ahead of UTC, offset +24 hours * 0 local time is same day as UTC, no offset * -1 local time is 1 day behind UTC, offset -24 hours * -36x local time is January 1, UTC is December 31, offset +24 hours */ if (julian = t->tm_yday -julian) zone += ((julian < 0) == (abs (julian) == 1)) ? -24*60 : 24*60; if (prefix) { /* want day of week? */ sprintf (date,prefix,days[t->tm_wday]); date += strlen (date); /* make next sprintf append */ } /* output the date */ sprintf (date,fmt,t->tm_mday,months[t->tm_mon],t->tm_year+1900, t->tm_hour,t->tm_min,t->tm_sec,zone/60,abs (zone) % 60); if (suffix) { /* append timezone suffix if desired */ char *tz; _tzset (); /* get timezone from TZ environment stuff */ tz = _tzname[_daylight ? (((struct tm *) t)->tm_isdst > 0) : 0]; if (tz && tz[0]) { char *s; for (s = tz; *s; s++) if (*s & 0x80) return; sprintf (date + strlen (date)," (%.50s)",tz); } } } /* Write current time in RFC 822 format * Accepts: destination string */ void rfc822_date (char *date) { do_date (date,"%s, ","%d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %+03d%02d", no822tztext ? NIL : T); } /* Write current time in fixed-width RFC 822 format * Accepts: destination string */ void rfc822_fixed_date (char *date) { do_date (date,NIL,"%02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d %+03d%02d",NIL); } /* Write current time in internal format * Accepts: destination string */ void internal_date (char *date) { do_date (date,NIL,"%02d-%s-%d %02d:%02d:%02d %+03d%02d",NIL); } /* Return random number */ long random (void) { if (!rndm) srand (rndm = (unsigned) time (0L)); return (long) rand (); } /* Set alarm timer * Accepts: new value * Returns: old alarm value */ long alarm (long seconds) { long ret = alarm_countdown; alarm_countdown = seconds; return ret; } /* The clock ticked */ void CALLBACK clock_ticked (UINT IDEvent,UINT uReserved,DWORD dwUser, DWORD dwReserved1,DWORD dwReserved2) { if (alarm_rang && !--alarm_countdown) (*alarm_rang) (); } /* Initialize server * Accepts: server name for syslog or NIL * /etc/services service name or NIL * alternate /etc/services service name or NIL * clock interrupt handler * kiss-of-death interrupt handler * hangup interrupt handler * termination interrupt handler */ void server_init (char *server,char *service,char *sslservice, void *clkint,void *kodint,void *hupint,void *trmint, void *staint) { if (!check_nt ()) { if (!auth_md5.server) fatal ("Can't run on Windows without MD5 database"); server_nli = T; /* Windows server not logged in */ } /* only do this if for init call */ if (server && service && sslservice) { long port; struct servent *sv; /* set server name in syslog */ openlog (server,LOG_PID,LOG_MAIL); fclose (stderr); /* possibly save a process ID */ /* Use SSL if SSL service, or if server starts with "s" and not service */ if (((port = tcp_serverport ()) >= 0)) { if ((sv = getservbyname (service,"tcp")) && (port == ntohs (sv->s_port))) syslog (LOG_DEBUG,"%s service init from %s",service,tcp_clientaddr ()); else if ((sv = getservbyname (sslservice,"tcp")) && (port == ntohs (sv->s_port))) { syslog (LOG_DEBUG,"%s SSL service init from %s",sslservice, tcp_clientaddr ()); ssl_server_init (server); } else { /* not service or SSL service port */ syslog (LOG_DEBUG,"port %ld service init from %s",port, tcp_clientaddr ()); if (*server == 's') ssl_server_init (server); } } /* make sure stdout does binary */ setmode (fileno (stdin),O_BINARY); setmode (fileno (stdout),O_BINARY); } alarm_rang = clkint; /* note the clock interrupt */ timeBeginPeriod (1000); /* set the timer interval */ timeSetEvent (1000,1000,clock_ticked,NIL,TIME_PERIODIC); } /* Wait for stdin input * Accepts: timeout in seconds * Returns: T if have input on stdin, else NIL */ long server_input_wait (long seconds) { fd_set rfd,efd; struct timeval tmo; FD_ZERO (&rfd); FD_ZERO (&efd); FD_SET (0,&rfd); FD_SET (0,&efd); tmo.tv_sec = seconds; tmo.tv_usec = 0; return select (1,&rfd,0,&efd,&tmo) ? LONGT : NIL; } /* Server log in * Accepts: user name string * password string * authenticating user name string * argument count * argument vector * Returns: T if password validated, NIL otherwise */ static int gotprivs = NIL; /* once-only flag to grab privileges */ long server_login (char *user,char *pass,char *authuser,int argc,char *argv[]) { HANDLE hdl; LUID tcbpriv; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp; char *s; /* need to get privileges? */ if (!gotprivs++ && check_nt ()) { /* hack for inetlisn */ if (argc >= 2) myClientHost = argv[1]; /* get process token and TCB priv value */ if (!(OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess (), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY,&hdl) && LookupPrivilegeValue ((LPSTR) NIL,SE_TCB_NAME,&tcbpriv))) return NIL; tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; /* want to enable this privilege */ tkp.Privileges[0].Luid = tcbpriv; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; /* enable it */ AdjustTokenPrivileges (hdl,NIL,&tkp,sizeof (TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NIL,(PDWORD) NIL); /* make sure it won */ if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) return NIL; } /* cretins still haven't given up */ if ((strlen (user) >= MAILTMPLEN) || (authuser && (strlen (authuser) >= MAILTMPLEN))) syslog (LOG_ALERT,"SYSTEM BREAK-IN ATTEMPT, host=%.80s",tcp_clienthost ()); else if (logtry > 0) { /* still have available logins? */ /* authentication user not supported */ if (authuser && *authuser && compare_cstring (authuser,user)) mm_log ("Authentication id must match authorization id",ERROR); if (check_nt ()) { /* NT: authserver_login() call not supported */ if (!pass) mm_log ("Unsupported authentication mechanism",ERROR); else if (( /* try to login and impersonate the guy */ #ifdef LOGIN32_LOGON_NETWORK LogonUser (user,".",pass,LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT,&hdl) || #endif LogonUser (user,".",pass,LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT,&hdl) || LogonUser (user,".",pass,LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT,&hdl) || LogonUser (user,".",pass,LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT,&hdl)) && ImpersonateLoggedOnUser (hdl)) return env_init (user,NIL); } else { /* Win9x: done if from authserver_login() */ if (!pass) server_nli = NIL; /* otherwise check MD5 database */ else if (s = auth_md5_pwd (user)) { /* change NLI state based on pwd match */ server_nli = strcmp (s,pass); memset (s,0,strlen (s));/* erase sensitive information */ fs_give ((void **) &s); /* flush erased password */ } /* success if no longer NLI */ if (!server_nli) return env_init (user,NIL); } } s = (logtry-- > 0) ? "Login failure" : "Excessive login attempts"; /* note the failure in the syslog */ syslog (LOG_INFO,"%s user=%.80s host=%.80s",s,user,tcp_clienthost ()); sleep (3); /* slow down possible cracker */ return NIL; } /* Authenticated server log in * Accepts: user name string * authentication user name string * argument count * argument vector * Returns: T if password validated, NIL otherwise */ long authserver_login (char *user,char *authuser,int argc,char *argv[]) { return server_login (user,NIL,authuser,argc,argv); } /* Log in as anonymous daemon * Accepts: argument count * argument vector * Returns: T if successful, NIL if error */ long anonymous_login (int argc,char *argv[]) { return server_login ("Guest",NIL,NIL,argc,argv); } /* Initialize environment * Accepts: user name * home directory, or NIL to use default * Returns: T, always */ long env_init (char *user,char *home) { /* don't init if blocked */ if (block_env_init) return LONGT; if (myUserName) fatal ("env_init called twice!"); myUserName = cpystr (user); /* remember user name */ if (!myHomeDir) /* only if home directory not set up yet */ myHomeDir = (home && *home) ? cpystr (home) : win_homedir (user); return T; } /* Check if NT * Returns: T if NT, NIL if Win9x */ int check_nt (void) { if (is_nt < 0) { /* not yet set up? */ OSVERSIONINFO ver; ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx (&ver); is_nt = (ver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) ? T : NIL; } return is_nt; } /* Return Windows home directory * Accepts: user name * Returns: home directory */ char *win_homedir (char *user) { char *s,*t,tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; PUSER_INFO_1 ui; /* Win9x default */ if (!check_nt ()) sprintf (tmp,"%s\\My Documents",defaultDrive ()); /* get from user info on NT */ else if ((netapi || (netapi = LoadLibrary ("netapi32.dll"))) && (getinfo || (getinfo = (GETINFO) GetProcAddress (netapi,"NetUserGetInfo"))) && MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP,0,user,strlen (user) + 1, (WCHAR *) tmp,MAILTMPLEN) && !(*getinfo) (NIL,(LPWSTR) &tmp,1,(LPBYTE *) &ui) && WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP,0,ui->usri1_home_dir,-1, tmp,MAILTMPLEN,NIL,NIL) && tmp[0]) { /* make sure doesn't end with delimiter */ if ((*(s = tmp + strlen (tmp) - 1) == '\\') || (*s == '/')) *s = '\0'; } /* no home dir, found Win2K user profile? */ else if ((s = getenv ("USERPROFILE")) && (t = strrchr (s,'\\'))) { strncpy (tmp,s,t-s); /* copy up to user name */ sprintf (tmp+(t-s),"\\%.100s\\My Documents",user); } /* last resort NT default */ else sprintf (tmp,"%s\\users\\default",defaultDrive ()); return cpystr (tmp); } /* Return default drive * Returns: default drive */ static char *defaultDrive (void) { char *s = getenv ("SystemDrive"); return (s && *s) ? s : "C:"; } /* Return my user name * Accepts: pointer to optional flags * Returns: my user name */ char *myusername_full (unsigned long *flags) { UCHAR usr[MAILTMPLEN]; DWORD len = MAILTMPLEN; char *user,*path,*d,*p,pth[MAILTMPLEN]; char *ret = "SYSTEM"; /* get user name if don't have it yet */ if (!myUserName && !server_nli && /* use callback, else logon name */ ((mailusername && (user = (char *) (*mailusername) ())) || (GetUserName (usr,&len) && _stricmp (user = (char *) usr,"SYSTEM")))) { if (block_env_init) { /* don't env_init if blocked */ if (flags) *flags = MU_LOGGEDIN; return user; } /* try HOMEPATH, then HOME */ if (p = getenv ("HOMEPATH")) sprintf (path = pth,"%s%s", (d = getenv ("HOMEDRIVE")) ? d : defaultDrive (),p); else if (!(path = getenv ("HOME"))) sprintf (path = pth,"%s\\My Documents",defaultDrive ()); /* make sure doesn't end with delimiter */ if ((*(p = path + strlen (path) -1) == '\\') || (*p == '/')) *p = '\0'; env_init (user,path); /* initialize environment */ } if (myUserName) { /* logged in? */ if (flags) /* Guest is an anonymous user */ *flags = _stricmp (myUserName,"Guest") ? MU_LOGGEDIN : MU_ANONYMOUS; ret = myUserName; /* return user name */ } else if (flags) *flags = MU_NOTLOGGEDIN; return ret; } /* Return my local host name * Returns: my local host name */ char *mylocalhost (void) { if (!myLocalHost) { char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; if (!wsa_initted++) { /* init Windows Sockets */ WSADATA wsock; if (WSAStartup (WINSOCK_VERSION,&wsock)) wsa_initted = 0; } if (wsa_initted && gethostname (tmp,MAILTMPLEN-1) != SOCKET_ERROR) myLocalHost = tcp_canonical (tmp); } return myLocalHost ? myLocalHost : "random-pc"; } /* Return my home directory name * Returns: my home directory name */ char *myhomedir () { if (!myHomeDir) myusername ();/* initialize if first time */ return myHomeDir ? myHomeDir : ""; } /* Return system standard INBOX * Accepts: buffer string */ char *sysinbox () { char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; if (!sysInbox) { /* initialize if first time */ if (check_nt ()) sprintf (tmp,MAILFILE,myUserName); else sprintf (tmp,"%s\\INBOX",myhomedir ()); sysInbox = cpystr (tmp); /* system inbox is from mail spool */ } return sysInbox; } /* Return mailbox directory name * Accepts: destination buffer * directory prefix * name in directory * Returns: file name or NIL if error */ char *mailboxdir (char *dst,char *dir,char *name) { char tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; if (dir || name) { /* if either argument provided */ if (dir) { if (strlen (dir) > NETMAXMBX) return NIL; strcpy (tmp,dir); /* write directory prefix */ } else tmp[0] = '\0'; /* otherwise null string */ if (name) { if (strlen (name) > NETMAXMBX) return NIL; strcat (tmp,name); /* write name in directory */ } /* validate name, return its name */ if (!mailboxfile (dst,tmp)) return NIL; } else strcpy (dst,myhomedir());/* no arguments, wants home directory */ return dst; /* return the name */ } /* Return mailbox file name * Accepts: destination buffer * mailbox name * Returns: file name or empty string for driver-selected INBOX or NIL if error */ char *mailboxfile (char *dst,char *name) { char homedev[3]; char *dir = myhomedir (); if (dir[0] && isalpha (dir[0]) && (dir[1] == ':')) { homedev[0] = dir[0]; /* copy home device */ homedev[1] = dir[1]; homedev[2] = '\0'; } else homedev[0] = '\0'; /* ??no home device?? */ *dst = '\0'; /* default to empty string */ /* check for INBOX */ if (!compare_cstring (name,"INBOX")); /* reject names with / */ else if (strchr (name,'/')) dst = NIL; else switch (*name) { case '#': /* namespace names */ if (((name[1] == 'u') || (name[1] == 'U')) && ((name[2] == 's') || (name[2] == 'S')) && ((name[3] == 'e') || (name[3] == 'E')) && ((name[4] == 'r') || (name[4] == 'R')) && (name[5] == '.')) { /* copy user name to destination buffer */ for (dir = dst,name += 6; *name && (*name != '\\'); *dir++ = *name++); *dir++ = '\0'; /* tie off user name */ /* look up homedir for user name */ if (dir = win_homedir (dst)) { /* build resulting name */ sprintf (dst,"%s\\%s",dir,name); fs_give ((void **) &dir); } else dst = NIL; } else dst = NIL; /* unknown namespace name */ break; case '\\': /* absolute path on default drive? */ sprintf (dst,"%s%s",homedev,name); break; default: /* any other name */ if (name[1] == ':') { /* some other drive? */ if (name[2] == '\\') strcpy (dst,name); else sprintf (dst,"%c:\\%s",name[0],name+2); } /* build home-directory relative name */ else sprintf (dst,"%s\\%s",dir,name); } return dst; /* return it */ } /* Lock file name * Accepts: return buffer for file name * file name * locking to be placed on file if non-NIL * Returns: file descriptor of lock or -1 if error */ int lockname (char *lock,char *fname,int op) { int ld; char c,*s; /* Win2K and Win98 have TEMP under windir */ if (!((s = lockdir (lock,getenv ("windir"),"TEMP")) || /* NT4, NT3.x and Win95 use one of these */ (s = lockdir (lock,getenv ("TEMP"),NIL)) || (s = lockdir (lock,getenv ("TMP"),NIL)) || (s = lockdir (lock,getenv ("TMPDIR"),NIL)) || /* try one of these */ (s = lockdir (lock,defaultDrive (),"WINNT\\TEMP")) || (s = lockdir (lock,defaultDrive (),"WINDOWS\\TEMP")) || /* C:\TEMP is last resort */ (s = lockdir (lock,defaultDrive (),"TEMP")))) { mm_log ("Unable to find temporary directory",ERROR); return -1; } /* generate file name */ while (c = *fname++) switch (c) { case '/': case '\\': case ':': *s++ = '!'; /* convert bad chars to ! */ break; default: *s++ = c; break; } *s++ = c; /* tie off name */ /* get the lock */ if (((ld = open (lock,O_BINARY|O_RDWR|O_CREAT,S_IREAD|S_IWRITE)) >= 0) && op) flock (ld,op); /* apply locking function */ return ld; /* return locking file descriptor */ } /* Build lock directory, check to see if it exists * Accepts: return buffer for lock directory * first part of possible name * optional second part * Returns: pointer to end of buffer if buffer has a good name, else NIL */ char *lockdir (char *lock,char *first,char *last) { struct stat sbuf; char c,*s; if (first && *first) { /* first part must be non-NIL */ /* copy first part */ for (s = lock; c = *first++; *s++ = (c == '/') ? '\\' : c); if (last && *last) { /* copy last part if specified */ /* write trailing \ in case not in first */ if (s[-1] != '\\') *s++ = '\\'; while (c = *last++) *s++ = (c == '/') ? '\\' : c; } if (s[-1] == '\\') --s; /* delete trailing \ if any */ *s = s[1] = '\0'; /* tie off name at this point */ if (!stat (lock,&sbuf)) { /* does the name exist? */ *s++ = '\\'; /* yes, reinstall trailing \ */ return s; /* return the name */ } } return NIL; /* failed */ } /* Unlock file descriptor * Accepts: file descriptor * lock file name from lockfd() */ void unlockfd (int fd,char *lock) { flock (fd,LOCK_UN); /* unlock it */ close (fd); /* close it */ } /* Determine default prototype stream to user * Accepts: type (NIL for create, T for append) * Returns: default prototype stream */ MAILSTREAM *default_proto (long type) { extern MAILSTREAM CREATEPROTO,APPENDPROTO; return type ? &APPENDPROTO : &CREATEPROTO; } /* Default block notify routine * Accepts: reason for calling * data * Returns: data */ void *mm_blocknotify (int reason,void *data) { void *ret = data; switch (reason) { case BLOCK_SENSITIVE: /* entering sensitive code */ ret = (void *) alarm (0); break; case BLOCK_NONSENSITIVE: /* exiting sensitive code */ if ((unsigned int) data) alarm ((unsigned int) data); break; default: /* ignore all other reasons */ break; } return ret; } void env_end(void) { if(myUserName) fs_give((void **) &myUserName); if(myLocalHost) fs_give((void **) &myLocalHost); if(myHomeDir) fs_give((void **) &myHomeDir); if(myNewsrc) fs_give((void **) &myNewsrc); if(sysInbox) fs_give((void **) &sysInbox); if(sslCApath) fs_give((void **) &sslCApath); if(sslCAfile) fs_give((void **) &sslCAfile); }