/* * Copyright 2018 Eduardo Chappa * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Last Edited: July 23, 2018 Eduardo Chappa * */ typedef struct http_val_param_s { char *value; PARAMETER *plist; } HTTP_VAL_PARAM_S; typedef struct http_param_list_s { HTTP_VAL_PARAM_S *vp; struct http_param_list_s *next; } HTTP_PARAM_LIST_S; typedef struct http_header_value_s { unsigned char *data; HTTP_PARAM_LIST_S *p; } HTTP_HEADER_S; typedef struct http_header_data_s { HTTP_HEADER_S *accept, /* RFC 7231, Section 5.3.2 */ *accept_charset, /* RFC 7231, Section 5.3.3 */ *accept_encoding, /* RFC 7231, Section 5.3.4 */ *accept_language, /* RFC 7231, Section 5.3.5 */ *accept_ranges, /* RFC 7233, Section 2.3 */ *age, /* RFC 7234, Section 5.1 */ *allow, /* RFC 7231, Section 7.4.1 */ *cache_control, /* RFC 7234, Section 5.2 */ *connection, /* RFC 7230, Section 6.1 */ *content_disposition, /* RFC 6266 */ *content_encoding, /* RFC 7231, Section */ *content_language, /* RFC 7231, Section */ *content_length, /* RFC 7230, Section 3.3.2 */ *content_location, /* RFC 7231, Section */ *content_type, /* RFC 7231, Section */ *date, /* RFC 7231, Section */ *etag, /* RFC 7232, Section 2.3 */ *expect, /* RFC 7231, Section 5.1.1 */ *expires, /* RFC 7234, Section 5.3 */ *from, /* RFC 7231, Section 5.5.1 */ *host, /* RFC 7230, Section 5.4 */ *last_modified, /* RFC 7232, Section 2.2 */ *location, /* RFC 7231, Section 7.1.2 */ *max_forwards, /* RFC 7231, Section 5.1.2 */ *mime_version, /* RFC 7231, Appendix A.1 */ *pragma, /* RFC 7234, Section 5.4 */ *proxy_authenticate, /* RFC 7235, Section 4.3 */ *referer, /* RFC 7231, Section 5.5.2 */ *retry_after, /* RFC 7231, Section 7.1.3 */ *server, /* RFC 7231, Section 7.4.2 */ *user_agent, /* RFC 7231, Section 5.5.3 */ *te, /* RFC 7230, Section 4.3 */ *trailer, /* RFC 7230, Section 4.4 */ *transfer_encoding, /* RFC 7230, Section 3.3.1 */ *upgrade, /* RFC 7230, Section 6.7 */ *via, /* RFC 7230, Section 5.7.1 */ *vary, /* RFC 7231, Section 7.1.4 */ *warning, /* RFC 7234, Section 5.5 */ *www_authenticate; /* RFC 7235, Section 4.1 */ } HTTP_HEADER_DATA_S; #define HTTP_MIME_URLENCODED "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" #define HTTP_1_1_VERSION "HTTP/1.1" #define HTTP_OK 200 #define HTTP_BAD 400 #define HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED 401 #define GET_HTTPPORT (long) 490 #define SET_HTTPPORT (long) 491 #define GET_SSLHTTPPORT (long) 492 #define SET_SSLHTTPPORT (long) 493 typedef struct http_status_s { char *version; int code; char *text; } HTTP_STATUS_S; typedef struct http_stream { NETSTREAM *netstream; HTTP_HEADER_DATA_S *header; /* headers sent by the server */ unsigned int debug : 1; /* send debug information */ char *url; /* original url */ char *urlhost; /* get original host */ char *urltail; /* the part of the URL after the original host */ HTTP_STATUS_S *status;/* parsed status line from server */ unsigned char *response; /* last reply line from server */ unsigned char *reply; /* the full reply from the server */ } HTTPSTREAM; /* parameters for a get or post call */ typedef struct http_param_s { char *name; char *value; } HTTP_PARAM_S; /* exported prototypes */ HTTPSTREAM *http_open (unsigned char *); unsigned char *http_post_param(unsigned char *, HTTP_PARAM_S *, int *); unsigned char *http_post_param2(unsigned char *, HTTP_PARAM_S *, int *); unsigned char *http_get_param(unsigned char *, HTTP_PARAM_S *, int *); unsigned char *http_get(unsigned char *, int *); void http_close (HTTPSTREAM *stream); HTTP_PARAM_S *http_param_get(int); void http_param_free(HTTP_PARAM_S **); void *http_parameters (long,void *); /* Ugghh.... just construct the URL for a get request */ unsigned char *http_get_param_url(unsigned char *, HTTP_PARAM_S *);