# Sample Pine mime.types file. # # This file illustrates the format of data Pine # uses to map MIME type and subtype information # to the file name extension of attachments it sends. # Pine first looks for "~/.mime.types", then adds # any unbound MIME types found in "/etc/mime.types" # and "/usr/local/lib/mime.types". application/postscript ai eps ps application/rtf rtf application/x-tex tex application/x-texinfo texinfo texi application/x-troff t tr roff audio/basic au snd audio/x-aiff aif aiff aifc audio/x-wav wav image/gif gif image/ief ief image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe image/tiff tiff tif image/x-xwindowdump xwd text/html html text/plain txt c cc h video/mpeg mpeg mpg mpe video/quicktime qt mov video/x-msvideo avi video/x-sgi-movie movie