Further details on the Carmel driver and the modifications for the X-BWC-Glyph character set are under the doc directory. Building the Carmel driver -------------------------- 1. Build pine, the c-client and imapd as you would normally so all machine dependent source directory links get set up correctly 2. Copy all files from contrib/carmel/c-client into the Pine c-client directory 3. run "patch < Makefile.patch" to modify the Makefile. 4. If you want the X-BWC-GLYPH character set stuff turned on in the c-client for mail generated before 1994 make sure that EXTRACFLAGS=-DBWC in the Makefile 5. If you want the carmel driver to be the default for non-fully qualified names, change that in the Makefile for your system. 6. If you want the X-BWC-Glyph display code turned on some patches have to be applied to Pine. If not, these steps can be skipped. 6a. Copy all the files from carmel/pine into the pine source directory. 6b. Run patch on each of them: "patch < makefile.ult", "patch < filter.c.pathc". 6c. You may have to add a -DBWC to the CFLAGS= line in the makefile for your system if there is no patch file for your system. 7. Remove the imapd executable imapd/imapd from the Pine source tree to force it to be rebuilt (Make won't figure it out). 8. Run build again from the top level directory