/* * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2006-2008 University of Washington * Copyright 2013-2020 Eduardo Chappa * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * ======================================================================== */ #include "headers.h" #include "xoauth2conf.h" #include "keymenu.h" #include "status.h" #include "confscroll.h" #include "init.h" #include "../pith/state.h" #include "../pith/conf.h" #include "../pith/list.h" #include "../pith/mailcmd.h" extern OAUTH2_S alpine_oauth2_list[]; XOAUTH2_INFO_S xoauth_default[] = { { GMAIL_NAME, GMAIL_ID, GMAIL_SECRET, GMAIL_TENANT, NULL, NULL}, { OUTLOOK_NAME, OUTLOOK_ID, OUTLOOK_SECRET, OUTLOOK_TENANT, NULL, NULL}, { YAHOO_NAME, YAHOO_ID, YAHOO_SECRET, YAHOO_TENANT, NULL, NULL}, { YANDEX_NAME, YANDEX_ID, YANDEX_SECRET, YANDEX_TENANT, NULL, NULL}, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; typedef enum {Xname = 0, Xid, Xsecret, Xtenant, Xuser, XFlow, Xend} XTYPES; typedef struct xoauh2_info_val_s { char *screen_name; char *pinerc_name; } XOAUTH2_INFO_VAL_S; /* the order here must match the order in XTYPES above */ XOAUTH2_INFO_VAL_S x_default[] = { {NULL, "/NAME="}, {"Client-Id", "/ID="}, {"Client-Secret", "/SECRET="}, {"Tenant", "/TENANT="}, {"Username", "/USER="}, {"Auth Flow", "/Flow="}, {NULL, NULL} }; #define XNAME x_default[Xname].pinerc_name #define XID x_default[Xid].pinerc_name #define XSECRET x_default[Xsecret].pinerc_name #define XTENANT x_default[Xtenant].pinerc_name #define XUSER x_default[Xuser].pinerc_name #define XFLOW x_default[XFlow].pinerc_name #define XOAUTH2_CLIENT_ID x_default[Xid].screen_name #define XOAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET x_default[Xsecret].screen_name #define XOAUTH2_TENANT x_default[Xtenant].screen_name #define XOAUTH2_USERS x_default[Xuser].screen_name #define XOAUTH2_FLOW x_default[XFlow].screen_name char *list_to_array(char **); char **array_to_list(char *); void write_xoauth_configuration(struct variable *, struct variable **, EditWhich); char **xoauth2_conf_dedup_and_merge(char ***); int same_xoauth2_info(XOAUTH2_INFO_S, XOAUTH2_INFO_S); XOAUTH2_INFO_S *xoauth_info_choice(XOAUTH2_INFO_S **, char *); int xoauth2_info_tool(struct pine *, int, CONF_S **, unsigned int); int same_xoauth2_info(XOAUTH2_INFO_S x, XOAUTH2_INFO_S y) { int rv = 0; if(x.name && y.name && !strcmp(x.name, y.name) && x.client_id && y.client_id && !strcmp(x.client_id, y.client_id) && ((!x.client_secret && !y.client_secret) || (x.client_secret && y.client_secret && !strcmp(x.client_secret, y.client_secret))) && ((!x.tenant && !y.tenant) || (x.tenant && y.tenant && !strcmp(x.tenant, y.tenant)))) rv = 1; return rv; } char * list_to_array(char **list) { char *rv; int i; size_t n; if(list == NULL || *list == NULL) return NULL; for(i = 0, n = 0; list[i] != NULL; i++) n += strlen(list[i]) + 1; rv = fs_get(n*sizeof(char)); *rv = '\0'; for(i = 0; list[i] != NULL; i++){ strcat(rv, list[i]); if(list[i+1] != NULL) strcat(rv, ","); } return rv; } char **array_to_list(char *array) { int i; char *u; if(array == NULL || *array == '\0') return NULL; for(u = array, i = 0; u && *u; u++) if(*u == ',') i++; return parse_list(array, i+1, 0,NULL); } char * xoauth_config_line(XOAUTH2_INFO_S *x) { size_t n; char *rv; int i; if(x == NULL) return NULL; n = strlen(XNAME) + strlen(x->name) + strlen(XID) + strlen(x->client_id) + strlen(x->client_secret ? XSECRET : "") + strlen(x->client_secret ? x->client_secret : "") + strlen(x->tenant ? XTENANT : "") + strlen(x->tenant ? x->tenant : "") + strlen(XUSER) + strlen(x->users ? x->users : "") + strlen(XFLOW) + strlen(x->flow ? x->flow : "") + 2 + 3 + (x->client_secret ? 3 : 0) + (x->tenant ? 3 : 0) + 3 + (x->flow ? 3 : 0) + 1; rv = fs_get(n*sizeof(char)); sprintf(rv, "%s\"%s\" %s\"%s\"", XNAME, x->name, XID, x->client_id); if(x->client_secret) sprintf(rv + strlen(rv), " %s\"%s\"", XSECRET, x->client_secret); if(x->tenant) sprintf(rv + strlen(rv), " %s\"%s\"", XTENANT, x->tenant); sprintf(rv + strlen(rv), " %s\"%s\"", XUSER, x->users ? x->users : ""); if(x->flow) sprintf(rv + strlen(rv), " %s\"%s\"", XFLOW, x->flow ? x->flow : ""); return rv; } int xoauth2_info_tool(struct pine *ps, int cmd, CONF_S **cl, unsigned int flags) { int rv = 0; switch(cmd){ case MC_CHOICE: *((*cl)->d.x.selected) = (*cl)->d.x.pat; rv = simple_exit_cmd(flags); case MC_EXIT: rv = simple_exit_cmd(flags); break; default: rv = -1; } if(rv > 0) ps->mangled_body = 1; return rv; } XOAUTH2_INFO_S * xoauth_info_choice(XOAUTH2_INFO_S **xinfo, char *user) { int i, n, rv; if(!ps_global->ttyo){ char *s; char prompt[1024]; char reply[1024]; int sel; for(i = n = 0; xinfo[i] != NULL; i++) n += strlen(xinfo[i]->client_id); + 5; /* number, parenthesis, space */ n += strlen(xinfo[0]->name) + strlen(user); n += 1024; /* large enough to display to lines of 80 characters in UTF-8 */ s = fs_get(n*sizeof(char)); sprintf(s, _("Alpine cannot determine which client-id to use for the username <%s> for your %s account. "), user, xinfo[0]->name); sprintf(s + strlen(s), _("Please select the client-id to use from the following list.\n\n")); for(i = 0; xinfo[i]; i++) sprintf(s + strlen(s), " %d) %.70s\n", i+1, xinfo[i]->client_id); sprintf(s + strlen(s), "%s", "\n\n"); display_init_err(s, 0); strncpy(prompt, _("Enter your selection number: "), sizeof(prompt)); prompt[sizeof(prompt)-1] = '\0'; do{ rv = optionally_enter(reply, 0, 0, sizeof(reply), prompt, NULL, NO_HELP, 0); sel = atoi(reply) - 1; rv = (sel >= 0 && sel < i) ? 0 : -1; } while (rv != 0); return copy_xoauth2_info(xinfo[rv]); } else{ CONF_S *ctmp = NULL, *first_line = NULL; XOAUTH2_INFO_S *x_sel = NULL; OPT_SCREEN_S screen; char tmp[1024]; dprint((9, "xoauth2 select client-id screen")); ps_global->next_screen = SCREEN_FUN_NULL; memset(&screen, 0, sizeof(screen)); for(i = 0; i < sizeof(tmp) && i < ps_global->ttyo->screen_cols; i++) tmp[i] = '-'; tmp[i] = '\0'; new_confline(&ctmp); ctmp->flags |= CF_NOSELECT; ctmp->value = cpystr(tmp); new_confline(&ctmp); ctmp->flags |= CF_NOSELECT; ctmp->value = cpystr(_("Select a Client-ID to use with this account")); new_confline(&ctmp); ctmp->flags |= CF_NOSELECT; ctmp->value = cpystr(tmp); new_confline(&ctmp); ctmp->flags |= CF_NOSELECT | CF_B_LINE; sprintf(tmp, _("Alpine cannot determine which client-id to use for the username <%s>"), user); new_confline(&ctmp); ctmp->flags |= CF_NOSELECT; ctmp->value = cpystr(tmp); sprintf(tmp, _("for your %s account. Please select the client-id to use from the following list.\n\n"), xinfo[0]->name); new_confline(&ctmp); ctmp->flags |= CF_NOSELECT; ctmp->value = cpystr(tmp); new_confline(&ctmp); ctmp->flags |= CF_NOSELECT | CF_B_LINE; for(i = 0; xinfo[i] != NULL; i++){ new_confline(&ctmp); if(!first_line) first_line = ctmp; ctmp->value = cpystr(xinfo[i]->client_id); ctmp->d.x.selected = &x_sel; ctmp->d.x.pat = copy_xoauth2_info(xinfo[i]); ctmp->keymenu = &xoauth2_id_select_km; ctmp->help = NO_HELP; ctmp->help_title = NULL; ctmp->tool = xoauth2_info_tool; ctmp->flags = CF_STARTITEM; ctmp->valoffset = 4; } (void)conf_scroll_screen(ps_global, &screen, first_line, _("SELECT CLIENT_ID"), _("xoauth2"), 0, NULL); return x_sel; } return NULL; } /* Get the client-id, etc. for server "name" associated to user "user" */ XOAUTH2_INFO_S * oauth2_get_client_info(unsigned char *name, char *user) { int i, j, matches; char ***alval, **lval; XOAUTH2_INFO_S *x, **xinfo; if(name == NULL || *name == '\0' || user == NULL || *user == '\0') return NULL; matches = 0; /* first count how many servers */ lval = ps_global->vars[V_XOAUTH2_INFO].current_val.l; for(i = 0; lval && lval[i]; i++){ x = xoauth_parse_client_info(lval[i]); if(x && x->name && name && !strcmp(x->name, name)) matches++; free_xoauth2_info(&x); } /* if nothing, use the default value */ for(i = 0; xoauth_default[i].name != NULL && strcmp(xoauth_default[i].name, name); i++); if(xoauth_default[i].name) matches++; if(matches == 0) return NULL; if(matches == 1) return copy_xoauth2_info(&xoauth_default[i]); /* more than one match, see if it is a duplicate client-id entry */ xinfo = fs_get((matches + 1)*sizeof(XOAUTH2_INFO_S *)); memset((void *)xinfo, 0, (matches + 1)*sizeof(XOAUTH2_INFO_S *)); matches = 0; /* restart the recount, it might go lower! */ for(i = 0; lval && lval[i]; i++){ x = xoauth_parse_client_info(lval[i]); if(x && x->name && name && !strcmp(x->name, name)){ for(j = 0; xinfo && xinfo[j] && !same_xoauth2_info(*x, *xinfo[j]); j++); if(!xinfo[j]) xinfo[matches++] = copy_xoauth2_info(x); } free_xoauth2_info(&x); } for(i = 0; xoauth_default[i].name != NULL && strcmp(xoauth_default[i].name, name); i++); for(j = 0; xinfo && xinfo[j] && !same_xoauth2_info(xoauth_default[i], *xinfo[j]); j++); if(!xinfo[j]) xinfo[matches++] = copy_xoauth2_info(&xoauth_default[i]); /* if after removing the duplicate entries, we only have one, use it */ if(matches == 1){ x = copy_xoauth2_info(xinfo[0]); free_xoauth2_info(&xinfo[0]); fs_give((void **) xinfo); return x; } /* we have more than one match, now check if any of them matches the given user */ matches = 0; for(i = 0; xinfo && xinfo[i]; i++){ lval = array_to_list(xinfo[i]->users); for(j = 0; lval && lval[j] && strucmp(lval[j], user); j++); if(lval && lval[j]){ matches++; free_xoauth2_info(&x); x = copy_xoauth2_info(xinfo[i]); } if(lval) free_list_array(&lval); } /* only one server matches the username */ if(matches == 1){ for(i = 0; xinfo[i] != NULL; i++) free_xoauth2_info(&xinfo[i]); fs_give((void **) xinfo); return x; } free_xoauth2_info(&x); /* We either have no matches, or have more than one match! * in either case, let the user pick what they want */ x = xoauth_info_choice(xinfo, user); for(i = 0; xinfo[i] != NULL; i++) free_xoauth2_info(&xinfo[i]); fs_give((void **) xinfo); /* Once the user chose a client-id, save it so we do not ask again */ if(x != NULL){ int n = x->users ? strlen(x->users) + 1 : 0; char ***alval, **l; fs_resize((void **) &x->users, (n + strlen(user) + 1)*sizeof(char)); x->users[n > 0 ? n - 1 : 0] = '\0'; if(n > 0) strcat(x->users, ","); strcat(x->users, user); alval = ALVAL(&ps_global->vars[V_XOAUTH2_INFO], Main); lval = *alval; for(n = 0; lval && lval[n]; n++); fs_resize((void **) &lval, (n+2)*sizeof(char *)); lval[n] = xoauth_config_line(x); lval[n+1] = NULL; *alval = xoauth2_conf_dedup_and_merge(&lval); set_current_val(&ps_global->vars[V_XOAUTH2_INFO], FALSE, FALSE); write_pinerc(ps_global, Main, WRP_NONE); } return x; } /* write vlist to v * Each vlist member is of type "p", while "v" is of type "l", so we * each entry in "l" by using each of the "p" entries. */ void write_xoauth_configuration(struct variable *v, struct variable **vlist, EditWhich ew) { int i, k, m, n; XOAUTH2_INFO_S *x = NULL, *y; char ***alval, **lval, **l; char *p; for (i = 0, n = 0; vlist[i] != NULL; i++) /* count number of lines we need */ if(!strcmp(vlist[i]->name, XOAUTH2_USERS)) n++; lval = fs_get((n+1)*sizeof(char *)); memset((void *) lval, 0, (n+1)*sizeof(char *)); m = -1; alval = ALVAL(v, ew); for (i = 0, k = 0; vlist[i] != NULL; i++){ if(x == NULL){ x = new_xoauth2_info(); x->name = cpystr(vlist[i]->descrip); /* hack! but makes life so much easier! */ for(m = 0; xoauth_default[m].name != NULL && strcmp(xoauth_default[m].name, x->name); m++); } if (x->client_id == NULL && !strcmp(vlist[i]->name, XOAUTH2_CLIENT_ID)){ p = PVAL(vlist[i], ew); if (p == NULL) p = vlist[i]->current_val.p; if(p != NULL) x->client_id = cpystr(p); continue; } if (x->client_secret == NULL && m >= 0 && xoauth_default[m].client_secret && !strcmp(vlist[i]->name, XOAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET)){ p = PVAL(vlist[i], ew); if (p == NULL) p = vlist[i]->current_val.p; if(p != NULL) x->client_secret = cpystr(p); continue; } if (x->tenant == NULL && m >= 0 && xoauth_default[m].tenant && !strcmp(vlist[i]->name, XOAUTH2_TENANT)){ p = PVAL(vlist[i], ew); if (p == NULL) p = vlist[i]->current_val.p; if(p != NULL) x->tenant = cpystr(p); continue; } if (x->flow == NULL && !strcmp(vlist[i]->name, XOAUTH2_FLOW)){ p = PVAL(vlist[i], ew); if (p == NULL) p = vlist[i]->current_val.p; if(p != NULL) x->flow = cpystr(p); continue; } if (x->users == NULL && !strcmp(vlist[i]->name, XOAUTH2_USERS)){ l = LVAL(vlist[i], ew); x->users = list_to_array(l); } /* don't let it get to here until we are done! */ lval[k++] = xoauth_config_line(x); /* get ready for next run */ free_xoauth2_info(&x); m = -1; } if(k > 0){ lval[k] = NULL; if(*alval) free_list_array(alval); *alval = lval; } else *alval = NULL; set_current_val(&ps_global->vars[V_XOAUTH2_INFO], FALSE, FALSE); } /* parse line of the form /NAME="text" /ID="text" /TENANT="text" /SECRET="text" /USER="text" */ XOAUTH2_INFO_S * xoauth_parse_client_info(char *lvalp) { char *s, *t, c; XOAUTH2_INFO_S *x; if (lvalp == NULL) return NULL; x = new_xoauth2_info(); if((s = strstr(lvalp, XNAME)) != NULL){ s += strlen(XNAME); if(*s == '"') s++; for(t = s; *t && *t != '"' && *t != ' '; t++); c = *t; *t = '\0'; if (*s) x->name = cpystr(s); *t = c; } else x->name = NULL; if((s = strstr(lvalp, XID)) != NULL){ s += strlen(XID); if(*s == '"') s++; for(t = s; *t && *t != '"' && *t != ' '; t++); c = *t; *t = '\0'; if (*s) x->client_id = cpystr(s); *t = c; } else x->client_id = NULL; if((s = strstr(lvalp, XTENANT)) != NULL){ s += strlen(XTENANT); if(*s == '"') s++; for(t = s; *t && *t != '"' && *t != ' '; t++); c = *t; *t = '\0'; if (*s) x->tenant = cpystr(s); *t = c; } else x->tenant = NULL; if((s = strstr(lvalp, XSECRET)) != NULL){ s += strlen(XSECRET); if(*s == '"') s++; for(t = s; *t && *t != '"' && *t != ' '; t++); c = *t; *t = '\0'; if (*s) x->client_secret = cpystr(s); *t = c; } else x->client_secret = NULL; if((s = strstr(lvalp, XFLOW)) != NULL){ s += strlen(XFLOW); if(*s == '"') s++; for(t = s; *t && *t != '"' && *t != ' '; t++); c = *t; *t = '\0'; if(*s) x->flow = cpystr(s); *t = c; } else x->flow = NULL; if((s = strstr(lvalp, XUSER)) != NULL){ s += strlen(XUSER); if(*s == '"') s++; for(t = s; *t && *t != '"' && *t != ' '; t++); c = *t; *t = '\0'; if(*s) x->users = cpystr(s); *t = c; } else x->users = NULL; return x; } char ** xoauth2_conf_dedup_and_merge(char ***alval) { int i, j, k, l, n, m; char **lval, **rv; XOAUTH2_INFO_S *x, *y; if(alval == NULL || *alval == NULL || **alval == NULL) return NULL; lval = *alval; for(i = 0; lval[i] != NULL; i++); /* count how many entries */ rv = fs_get((i+1)*sizeof(char *)); memset((void *)rv, 0, (i+1)*sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; lval[i] != NULL; i++){ x = xoauth_parse_client_info(lval[i]); for (j = 0; rv[j] != NULL; j++){ y = xoauth_parse_client_info(rv[j]); /* check if this is the same data. If so, merge the users into one and discard the old data */ if(same_xoauth2_info(*x, *y)){ char **l1, **l2, **l3; int k, n; /* merge user1 with user2, save in x->users */ l1 = array_to_list(x->users); l2 = array_to_list(y->users); for(n = 0; l1 && l1[n]; n++); for(m = 0; l2 && l2[m]; m++, n++); l3 = fs_get((n+1)*sizeof(char*)); memset((void *) l3, 0, (n+1)*sizeof(char *)); for(l = 0, n = 0; l1 && l1[l]; l++){ for(k = 0; l1 && l1[j] && l3[k] && strucmp(l1[l], l3[k]); k++); if(l3[k] == NULL && l1 && l1[l] != NULL) l3[n++] = cpystr(l1[l]); } for(l = 0; l2 && l2[l]; l++){ for(k = 0; l2 && l2[l] && l3[k] && strucmp(l2[l], l3[k]); k++); if(l3[k] == NULL && l2 && l2[l] != NULL) l3[n++] = cpystr(l2[l]); } l3[n++] = NULL; if(x->users) fs_give((void **) &x->users); x->users = list_to_array(l3); fs_give((void **) &rv[j]); rv[j] = xoauth_config_line(x); if(l1) free_list_array(&l1); if(l2) free_list_array(&l2); if(l3) free_list_array(&l3); free_xoauth2_info(&y); break; } free_xoauth2_info(&y); } if(rv[j] == NULL) rv[j] = cpystr(lval[i]); } return rv; } /* * X = new value, Y = default configuration */ void write_xoauth_conf_entry(XOAUTH2_INFO_S *x, XOAUTH2_INFO_S *y, CONF_S **cl, CONF_S **clb, CONF_S **fline, struct variable ***varlistp, int *pp, int ln, int key) { CONF_S *ctmpb = *clb; struct variable **varlist; int i, p = *pp; char tmp[1024], tmp2[16]; sprintf(tmp2, "%d", key); varlist = *varlistp; new_confline(cl)->var = NULL; if(fline && !*fline) *fline = *cl; (*cl)->flags |= CF_NOSELECT; (*cl)->help = NO_HELP; (*cl)->valoffset = 1; (*cl)->value = cpystr(x->name); (*cl)->varname = NULL; (*cl)->varnamep = ctmpb = *cl; /* Setup client-id variable */ varlist[p] = fs_get(sizeof(struct variable)); memset((void *) varlist[p], 0, sizeof(struct variable)); varlist[p]->name = cpystr(XOAUTH2_CLIENT_ID); varlist[p]->is_used = 1; varlist[p]->is_user = 1; varlist[p]->main_user_val.p = x->client_id && y->client_id && strcmp(x->client_id, y->client_id) ? cpystr(x->client_id) : NULL; varlist[p]->global_val.p = y->client_id ? cpystr(y->client_id) : NULL; varlist[p]->dname = cpystr(tmp2); /* hack, but makes life easier! */ varlist[p]->descrip = cpystr(x->name); /* hack, but makes life easier! */ set_current_val(varlist[p], FALSE, FALSE); /* Write client-id variable */ new_confline(cl)->var = varlist[p]; utf8_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %-*.100w =", ln, XOAUTH2_CLIENT_ID); tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0'; (*cl)->varname = cpystr(tmp); (*cl)->varmem = p++; (*cl)->valoffset = ln + 3 + 3; (*cl)->value = pretty_value(ps_global, *cl); (*cl)->keymenu = &config_xoauth2_text_keymenu; (*cl)->help = h_config_xoauth2_client_id; (*cl)->tool = text_tool; (*cl)->varnamep = ctmpb; /* Set up client-secret variable */ if(x->client_secret){ varlist[p] = fs_get(sizeof(struct variable)); memset((void *) varlist[p], 0, sizeof(struct variable)); varlist[p]->name = cpystr(XOAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET); varlist[p]->is_used = 1; varlist[p]->is_user = 1; varlist[p]->main_user_val.p = y->client_secret && strcmp(x->client_secret, y->client_secret) ? cpystr(x->client_secret) : NULL; varlist[p]->global_val.p = y->client_secret ? cpystr(y->client_secret) : NULL; varlist[p]->dname = cpystr(tmp2); /* hack, but makes life easier! */ varlist[p]->descrip = cpystr(x->name); /* hack, but makes life easier! */ set_current_val(varlist[p], FALSE, FALSE); /* Write client-secret variable */ new_confline(cl)->var = varlist[p]; utf8_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %-*.100w =", ln, XOAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET); tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0'; (*cl)->varname = cpystr(tmp); (*cl)->varmem = p++; (*cl)->valoffset = ln + 3 + 3; (*cl)->value = pretty_value(ps_global, *cl); (*cl)->keymenu = &config_xoauth2_text_keymenu; (*cl)->help = h_config_xoauth2_client_secret; (*cl)->tool = text_tool; (*cl)->varnamep = ctmpb; } /* Set up tenant variable */ if(x->tenant){ varlist[p] = fs_get(sizeof(struct variable)); memset((void *) varlist[p], 0, sizeof(struct variable)); varlist[p]->name = cpystr(XOAUTH2_TENANT); varlist[p]->is_used = 1; varlist[p]->is_user = 1; varlist[p]->main_user_val.p = y->tenant && strcmp(x->tenant, y->tenant) ? cpystr(x->tenant) : NULL; varlist[p]->global_val.p = y->tenant ? cpystr(y->tenant) : NULL; varlist[p]->dname = cpystr(tmp2); /* hack, but makes life easier! */ varlist[p]->descrip = cpystr(x->name); /* hack, but makes life easier! */ set_current_val(varlist[p], FALSE, FALSE); /* Write client-secret variable */ new_confline(cl)->var = varlist[p]; utf8_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %-*.100w =", ln, XOAUTH2_TENANT); tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0'; (*cl)->varname = cpystr(tmp); (*cl)->varmem = p++; (*cl)->valoffset = ln + 3 + 3; (*cl)->value = pretty_value(ps_global, *cl); (*cl)->keymenu = &config_xoauth2_text_keymenu; (*cl)->help = h_config_xoauth2_tenant; (*cl)->tool = text_tool; (*cl)->varnamep = ctmpb; } /* Set up flow variable */ if(x->flow){ varlist[p] = fs_get(sizeof(struct variable)); memset((void *) varlist[p], 0, sizeof(struct variable)); varlist[p]->name = cpystr(XOAUTH2_FLOW); varlist[p]->is_used = 1; varlist[p]->is_user = 1; varlist[p]->main_user_val.p = cpystr(x->flow); varlist[p]->global_val.p = cpystr(x->flow); varlist[p]->dname = cpystr(tmp2); /* hack, but makes life easier! */ varlist[p]->descrip = cpystr(x->name); /* hack, but makes life easier! */ set_current_val(varlist[p], FALSE, FALSE); /* Write client-secret variable */ new_confline(cl)->var = varlist[p]; utf8_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %-*.100w =", ln, XOAUTH2_FLOW); tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0'; (*cl)->varname = cpystr(tmp); (*cl)->varmem = p++; (*cl)->valoffset = ln + 3 + 3; (*cl)->value = pretty_value(ps_global, *cl); (*cl)->keymenu = &config_xoauth2_text_keymenu; (*cl)->help = h_config_xoauth2_flow; (*cl)->tool = text_tool; (*cl)->varnamep = ctmpb; } /* Setup users variable */ varlist[p] = fs_get(sizeof(struct variable)); memset((void *) varlist[p], 0, sizeof(struct variable)); varlist[p]->name = cpystr(XOAUTH2_USERS); varlist[p]->is_used = 1; varlist[p]->is_user = 1; varlist[p]->is_list = 1; varlist[p]->main_user_val.l = x->users ? array_to_list(x->users) : NULL; varlist[p]->dname = cpystr(tmp2); /* hack, but makes life easier! */ varlist[p]->descrip = cpystr(x->name); /* hack, but makes life easier! */ set_current_val(varlist[p], FALSE, FALSE); /* Write user variable */ new_confline(cl)->var = varlist[p]; utf8_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %-*.100w =", ln, XOAUTH2_USERS); tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0'; (*cl)->varname = cpystr(tmp); (*cl)->valoffset = ln + 3 + 3; (*cl)->keymenu = &config_xoauth2_wshuf_keymenu; (*cl)->help = h_config_xoauth2_username; if(x->users){ int z; for(z = 0; varlist[p]->main_user_val.l[z]; z++){ if(z) new_confline(cl); (*cl)->var = varlist[p]; (*cl)->varmem = z; (*cl)->valoffset = ln + 3 + 3; (*cl)->value = pretty_value(ps_global, *cl); (*cl)->keymenu = &config_xoauth2_wshuf_keymenu; (*cl)->tool = text_tool; (*cl)->varnamep = ctmpb = *cl; } } else { (*cl)->varmem = 0; (*cl)->value = pretty_value(ps_global, *cl); (*cl)->keymenu = &config_xoauth2_wshuf_keymenu; (*cl)->tool = text_tool; (*cl)->varnamep = ctmpb = *cl; } p++; *pp = p; *varlistp = varlist; *clb = ctmpb; /* Separate servers with a blank line */ new_confline(cl); (*cl)->flags |= CF_NOSELECT | CF_B_LINE; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Screen to add client_id and client_secret for a service ---*/ void alpine_xoauth2_configuration(struct pine *ps, int edit_exceptions) { struct variable **varlist = NULL; char tmp[MAXPATH+1], *pval, **lval, ***alval; char *s, *extraname = NULL; char *name, *id, *tenant, *secret, **user; char *name_lval, *id_lval, *tenant_lval, *secret_lval, *user_lval, *id_def, *tenant_def, *secret_def; int i, j, k, l, p, q, ln = 0, readonly_warning = 0, pos, count_vars; XTYPES m; CONF_S *ctmpa = NULL, *ctmpb, *first_line; FEATURE_S *feature; PINERC_S *prc = NULL; OPT_SCREEN_S screen; int expose_hidden_config, add_hidden_vars_title = 0; SAVED_CONFIG_S *vsave; XOAUTH2_INFO_S x, *y; dprint((3, "-- alpine_xoauth2_configuration --\n")); expose_hidden_config = F_ON(F_EXPOSE_HIDDEN_CONFIG, ps_global); ew = edit_exceptions ? ps_global->ew_for_except_vars : Main; if(ps->restricted) readonly_warning = 1; else{ switch(ew){ case Main: prc = ps->prc; break; case Post: prc = ps->post_prc; break; default: break; } readonly_warning = prc ? prc->readonly : 1; } ps->next_screen = SCREEN_FUN_NULL; mailcap_free(); /* free resources we won't be using for a while */ pos = -1; for(ln = 0, m = Xid; m < Xend; m++){ i = strlen(x_default[m].screen_name); if(ln < i) ln = i; } alval = ALVAL(&ps->vars[V_XOAUTH2_INFO], ew); lval = *alval = xoauth2_conf_dedup_and_merge(alval); set_current_val(&ps_global->vars[V_XOAUTH2_INFO], FALSE, FALSE); write_pinerc(ps_global, ew, WRP_NONE); do { ctmpa = first_line = NULL; for(i = 0, count_vars = 0; xoauth_default[i].name != NULL; i++){ /* always start with the default configuration */ for(k = 0, q = 0; lval && lval[k]; k++){ y = xoauth_parse_client_info(lval[k]); if(same_xoauth2_info(xoauth_default[i], *y)) break; free_xoauth2_info(&y); } if(lval == NULL || lval[k] == NULL){ count_vars += 3; if(xoauth_default[i].client_secret) count_vars++; if(xoauth_default[i].tenant) count_vars++; } for(k = 0; lval && lval[k]; k++){ y = xoauth_parse_client_info(lval[k]); if(y && (!y->name || strcmp(y->name, xoauth_default[i].name))){ free_xoauth2_info(&y); continue; } count_vars += 3; if(xoauth_default[i].client_secret != NULL) count_vars++; if(xoauth_default[i].tenant != NULL) count_vars++; free_xoauth2_info(&y); } } for(i = 0; varlist && varlist[i]; i++){ free_variable_values(varlist[i]); if(varlist[i]->descrip) fs_give((void **) &varlist[i]->descrip); if(varlist[i]->dname) fs_give((void **) &varlist[i]->dname); fs_give((void **) &varlist[i]); } if(varlist) fs_give((void **) varlist); varlist = fs_get((count_vars + 1)*sizeof(struct variable *)); memset((void *) varlist, 0, (count_vars +1)*sizeof(struct variable *)); for(i = 0, p = 0; xoauth_default[i].name != NULL; i++){ /* always start with the default configuration */ for(k = 0, q = 0; lval && lval[k]; k++){ y = xoauth_parse_client_info(lval[k]); if(same_xoauth2_info(xoauth_default[i], *y)) break; free_xoauth2_info(&y); } if(lval == NULL || lval[k] == NULL){ OAUTH2_S *oa2list; for(oa2list = alpine_oauth2_list; oa2list && oa2list->name; oa2list++){ if(oa2list->hide) continue; if(!strcmp(oa2list->name,xoauth_default[i].name)){ xoauth_default[i].flow = cpystr(oa2list->server_mthd[0].name ? "Authorize" : (oa2list->server_mthd[1].name ? "Device" : "Unknown")); write_xoauth_conf_entry(&xoauth_default[i], &xoauth_default[i], &ctmpa, &ctmpb, &first_line, &varlist, &p, ln, -i-1); fs_give((void **) &xoauth_default[i].flow); break; /* just one entry, set the default to the first entry */ } } } for(k = 0, q = 0; lval && lval[k]; k++){ OAUTH2_S *oa2list, *oa2; y = xoauth_parse_client_info(lval[k]); if(y && (!y->name || strcmp(y->name, xoauth_default[i].name))){ free_xoauth2_info(&y); continue; } if(y->client_id == NULL) y->client_id = cpystr(xoauth_default[i].client_id); if(y->client_secret == NULL && xoauth_default[i].client_secret != NULL) y->client_secret = cpystr(xoauth_default[i].client_secret); if(y->tenant == NULL && xoauth_default[i].tenant != NULL) y->tenant = cpystr(xoauth_default[i].tenant); for(oa2 = NULL, oa2list = alpine_oauth2_list; oa2 == NULL && oa2list; oa2list++) if(!strcmp(oa2list->name, y->name)) oa2 = oa2list; if(oa2 && y->flow == NULL) y->flow = cpystr(oa2->server_mthd[0].name ? "Authorize" : (oa2->server_mthd[1].name ? "Device" : "Unknown")); if(oa2 && !oa2->hide) write_xoauth_conf_entry(y, &xoauth_default[i], &ctmpa, &ctmpb, &first_line, &varlist, &p, ln, k); free_xoauth2_info(&y); } } vsave = save_config_vars(ps, expose_hidden_config); first_line = pos < 0 ? first_sel_confline(first_line) : set_confline_number(first_line, pos); pos = -1; memset(&screen, 0, sizeof(screen)); screen.ro_warning = readonly_warning; /* TRANSLATORS: Print something1 using something2. "configuration" is something1 */ switch(conf_scroll_screen(ps, &screen, first_line, "XOAUTH2 Alpine Info", _("configuration"), 0, &pos)){ case 0: break; case 1: write_xoauth_configuration(&ps->vars[V_XOAUTH2_INFO], varlist, ew); write_pinerc(ps, ew, WRP_NONE); break; case 4: /* add a service */ {char service[MAILTMPLEN+1]; char prompt[MAILTMPLEN+1]; int flags = OE_DISALLOW_HELP; strncpy(prompt, _("Enter service name: "), sizeof(prompt)); prompt[sizeof(prompt) - 1] = '\0'; service[0] = '\0'; if(optionally_enter(service, -(ps_global->ttyo ? FOOTER_ROWS(ps_global) : 3), 0, sizeof(service), prompt, NULL, NO_HELP, &flags) == 0){ for(i = 0; xoauth_default[i].name != NULL && strucmp(xoauth_default[i].name, service); i++); if(xoauth_default[i].name == NULL) q_status_message1(SM_ORDER, 3, 3, _("Service %s not known"), service); else{ char **list; ClearScreen(); ps_global->mangled_screen = 1; for(j = 0; lval && lval[j]; j++); list = fs_get((j+2)*sizeof(char *)); memset((void *)list, 0, (j+2)*sizeof(char *)); list[0] = xoauth_config_line(&xoauth_default[i]); for(i = 0; lval && lval[i]; i++) list[i+1] = cpystr(lval[i]); if(lval) free_list_array(&lval); *alval = lval = list; for(i = 0; varlist && varlist[i]; i++){ free_variable_values(varlist[i]); if(varlist[i]->descrip) fs_give((void **) &varlist[i]->descrip); if(varlist[i]->dname) fs_give((void **) &varlist[i]->dname); fs_give((void **) &varlist[i]); } if(varlist) fs_give((void **) varlist); } } } break; case 5: /* delete a service */ { int m, key; XOAUTH2_INFO_S *x; char question[MAILTMPLEN]; for(i = 0, m = 1, j = 0; varlist[i] && m < pos;) if(!varlist[i]->is_list){ i++; m++; } else { if(varlist[i]->current_val.l[j++]) m++; else{ j = 0; m += 2; i++; } } key = atoi(varlist[i]->dname); /* this hack avoids we rebuild varlist again */ if(key >= 0){ x = xoauth_parse_client_info(lval[key]); snprintf(question, sizeof(question), _("Delete this configuration for %s "), x->name); free_xoauth2_info(&x); if(want_to(question, 'n', 'n', NO_HELP, WT_NORM) != 'y') break; for(i = key; lval && lval[i] && lval[i+1]; i++){ fs_give((void **) &lval[i]); lval[i] = cpystr(lval[i+1]); } fs_give((void **) &lval[i]); } else { q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 3, 3, _("Cannot delete default configuration")); break; } if(lval && lval[0] == NULL) free_list_array(&lval); *alval = lval; pos = 1; /* reset at the top */ for(i = 0; varlist && varlist[i]; i++){ free_variable_values(varlist[i]); if(varlist[i]->descrip) fs_give((void **) &varlist[i]->descrip); if(varlist[i]->dname) fs_give((void **) &varlist[i]->dname); fs_give((void **) &varlist[i]); } if(varlist) fs_give((void **) varlist); } break; case 10: revert_to_saved_config(ps, vsave, expose_hidden_config); if(prc) prc->outstanding_pinerc_changes = 0; break; default: q_status_message(SM_ORDER,7,10, "conf_scroll_screen bad ret, not supposed to happen"); break; } } while (pos >= 0); #ifdef _WINDOWS mswin_set_quit_confirm (F_OFF(F_QUIT_WO_CONFIRM, ps_global)); #endif }