#if !defined(lint) && !defined(DOS) static char rcsid[] = "$Id: execview.c 942 2008-03-04 18:21:33Z hubert@u.washington.edu $"; #endif /* * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2006-2008 University of Washington * Copyright 2013-2019 Eduardo Chappa * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * ======================================================================== */ #include #include #include "../../c-client/mail.h" /* for MAILSTREAM and friends */ #include "../../c-client/osdep.h" #include "../../c-client/rfc822.h" /* for soutr_t and such */ #include "../../c-client/misc.h" /* for cpystr proto */ #include "../../c-client/utf8.h" /* for CHARSET and such*/ #include "../../c-client/imap4r1.h" #include "../../pith/debug.h" #include "../../pith/osdep/temp_nam.h" #include "../../pith/osdep/color.h" #include "../../pith/osdep/mimedisp.h" #include "../../pith/charconv/utf8.h" #include "../../pith/charconv/filesys.h" #include "../pith/mailcap.h" #include "../status.h" #include "../radio.h" #include "../signal.h" #include "../../pico/estruct.h" #include "../../pico/pico.h" #include "../mailview.h" #include "termin.gen.h" #ifdef _WINDOWS #include "../../pico/osdep/mswin.h" #endif /* Useful structures */ #if OSX_TARGET typedef struct _execview_event_data_s { int done; ProcessSerialNumber pid; int set_pid; } EXEC_EVENT_DATA_S; #endif /* internal prototypes */ #if OSX_TARGET pascal OSStatus osx_launch_app_callback(EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *); int install_app_launch_cb(void *); void osx_launch_special_handling(MCAP_CMD_S *, char *); #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Execute the given mailcap command Args: cmd -- the command to execute image_file -- the file the data is in needsterminal -- does this command want to take over the terminal? ----*/ void exec_mailcap_cmd(MCAP_CMD_S *mc_cmd, char *image_file, int needsterminal) { #ifdef _WINDOWS STARTUPINFO start_info; PROCESS_INFORMATION proc_info; WINHAND childProcess; int success = 0; char *cmd; LPTSTR image_file_lpt = NULL; LPTSTR cmd_lpt = NULL; /* no special handling yet, but could be used to replace '*' hack */ if(mc_cmd) cmd = mc_cmd->command; else return; dprint((9, "run_viewer: command=%s\n", cmd ? cmd : "?")) ; if(image_file) image_file_lpt = utf8_to_lptstr(image_file); /* Set to READONLY so the viewer can't try to edit it and keep it around */ if(image_file_lpt) SetFileAttributes(image_file_lpt, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); if(*cmd == '*' || (*cmd == '\"' && *(cmd+1) == '*')){ /* * It has been asked that there be the ability to do an * "Open With..." on attachments like you can from the * Windows file browser. After looking into this, it * seems that the only way to do this would be through * an undocumented hack. Here, we would pass "openas" as * the verb to mswin_shell_exec (also some changes in * mswin_shell_exec). Since this is the delicate world * of attachment handling, it seems right not to rely on * a hack. The interface wouldn't be too clean anyways, * as we would have to download the attachment only to * display the "Open With..." dialog. Go figure, some * things Microsoft just wants to keep to themselves. */ /* * 2/1/2007. No idea when the above comment was written, but it is * documented now at least. The below two urls describe the "openas" verb: * * http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/11/26/270710.aspx * http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ * shellcc/platform/shell/programmersguide/shell_basics/ * shell_basics_extending/context.asp */ success = mswin_shell_exec(cmd, &childProcess) == 0; } else{ memset(&proc_info, 0, sizeof(proc_info)); memset(&start_info, 0, sizeof(start_info)); start_info.dwFlags = STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK; start_info.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; if(cmd) cmd_lpt = utf8_to_lptstr(cmd); if(CreateProcess(NULL, cmd_lpt, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, NULL, NULL, &start_info, &proc_info) == TRUE){ q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 0, 4, "VIEWER command completed"); dprint ((3, "CreatProcess(%s) Success.\n", cmd ? cmd : "?")); childProcess = proc_info.hProcess; success = 1; } if(cmd_lpt) fs_give((void **) &cmd_lpt); } if(!success){ int rc = (int) GetLastError(); if(image_file_lpt) SetFileAttributes(image_file_lpt, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); our_unlink(image_file); q_status_message2(SM_ORDER, 3, 4, "\007Can't start viewer. %s%s.", (rc == 2 || rc == 3) ? "Viewer not found: " : (rc == 8) ? "Not enough memory" : "Windows error ", (rc == 2 || rc == 3) ? cmd : (rc == 8) ? "" : int2string(rc)); } if(image_file_lpt) fs_give((void **) &image_file_lpt); #elif OSX_TARGET char *command = NULL, *result_file = NULL, *p; char **r_file_h; PIPE_S *syspipe; int mode; if(!mc_cmd) return; if(mc_cmd->special_handling){ char *rhost; if(mime_os_specific_access()) osx_launch_special_handling(mc_cmd, image_file); else{ q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 0, 4, "VIEWER command cancelled"); our_unlink(image_file); } } else { char *cmd = mc_cmd->command; size_t l; l = 32 + strlen(cmd) + (2*strlen(image_file)); p = command = (char *) fs_get((l+1) * sizeof(char)); if(!needsterminal) /* put in background if it doesn't need terminal */ *p++ = '('; snprintf(p, l+1-(p-command), "%s", cmd); p += strlen(p); if(!needsterminal){ if(p-command+2 < l+1){ *p++ = ')'; *p++ = ' '; *p++ = '&'; } } if(p-command < l+1) *p++ = '\n'; if(p-command < l+1) *p = '\0'; dprint((9, "exec_mailcap_cmd: command=%s\n", command ? command : "?")); mode = PIPE_RESET; if(needsterminal == 1) r_file_h = NULL; else{ mode |= PIPE_WRITE | PIPE_STDERR; result_file = temp_nam(NULL, "pine_cmd"); r_file_h = &result_file; } if((syspipe = open_system_pipe(command, r_file_h, NULL, mode, 0, pipe_callback, NULL)) != NULL){ close_system_pipe(&syspipe, NULL, pipe_callback); if(needsterminal == 1) q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 0, 4, "VIEWER command completed"); else if(needsterminal == 2) display_output_file(result_file, "VIEWER", " command result", 1); else display_output_file(result_file, "VIEWER", " command launched", 1); } else q_status_message1(SM_ORDER, 3, 4, "Cannot spawn command : %s", cmd); fs_give((void **)&command); if(result_file) fs_give((void **)&result_file); } #else char *command = NULL, *result_file = NULL, *p, *cmd, *q, *psef; char **r_file_h; PIPE_S *syspipe; int mode; size_t l; /* no os-specific command handling */ if(mc_cmd) cmd = mc_cmd->command; else return; #ifdef PSEFCMD psef = fs_get((60 + strlen(PSEFCMD) + strlen(image_file))*sizeof(char)); sprintf(psef, "PSEF=`%s | /bin/grep \"%s\" | /bin/grep -v grep`", PSEFCMD, image_file); q = fs_get((80 + 2*strlen(psef))*sizeof(char)); /* bigger than 62 */ sprintf(q, "/bin/sh -c '(%s; while test -n \"$PSEF\" ; do %s ; sleep %d ; done)' ;", psef, psef, ps_global->sleep); fs_give((void **) &psef); #else q = cpystr(""); #endif /* PSEFCMD */ l = 45 + strlen(cmd) + 2*strlen(image_file) + strlen(q); p = command = (char *)fs_get((l+1) * sizeof(char)); if(!needsterminal) /* put in background if it doesn't need terminal */ *p++ = '('; snprintf(p, l+1-(p-command), "%s ; %s sleep 5 ; rm -f %s", cmd, q, image_file); fs_give((void **)&q); command[l] = '\0'; p += strlen(p); if(!needsterminal && (p-command)+5 < l){ *p++ = ')'; *p++ = ' '; *p++ = '&'; } *p++ = '\n'; *p = '\0'; dprint((9, "exec_mailcap_cmd: command=%s\n", command ? command : "?")); mode = PIPE_RESET; if(needsterminal == 1) r_file_h = NULL; else{ mode |= PIPE_WRITE | PIPE_STDERR; result_file = temp_nam(NULL, "pine_cmd"); r_file_h = &result_file; } if((syspipe = open_system_pipe(command, r_file_h, NULL, mode, 0, pipe_callback, NULL)) != NULL){ close_system_pipe(&syspipe, NULL, pipe_callback); if(needsterminal == 1) q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 0, 4, "VIEWER command completed"); else if(needsterminal == 2) display_output_file(result_file, "VIEWER", " command result", 1); else display_output_file(result_file, "VIEWER", " command launched", 1); } else q_status_message1(SM_ORDER, 3, 4, "Cannot spawn command : %s", cmd); fs_give((void **)&command); if(result_file) fs_give((void **)&result_file); #endif } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Execute the given mailcap test= cmd Args: cmd -- command to execute Returns exit status ----*/ int exec_mailcap_test_cmd(char *cmd) { #ifdef _WINDOWS return((WinExec(cmd, SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE) < 32) ? 1 : 0); #else PIPE_S *syspipe; return((syspipe = open_system_pipe(cmd, NULL, NULL, PIPE_SILENT, 0, pipe_callback, NULL)) ? close_system_pipe(&syspipe, NULL, pipe_callback) : -1); #endif } char * url_os_specified_browser(char *url) { #ifdef _WINDOWS return(mswin_reg_default_browser(url)); #elif OSX_TARGET if(mime_os_specific_access()){ return(cpystr("open")); } #endif /* do nothing here */ return(NULL); } /* * Return a pretty command, on some OS's we might do something * different than just display the command. * * free_ret - whether or not to free the return value */ char * execview_pretty_command(MCAP_CMD_S *mc_cmd, int *free_ret) { char *str; int rv_to_free = 0; if(free_ret) *free_ret = rv_to_free; if(!mc_cmd) return NULL; str = mc_cmd->command; #ifdef _WINDOWS if(*str == '*' || (*str == '\"' && str[1] == '*')){ if(!strncmp(str + ((*str == '\"') ? 2 : 1), "DDE*", 4)) str = cpystr("via app already running"); else if(!strncmp(str + ((*str == '\"') ? 2 : 1),"ShellEx*",8)) str = cpystr("via Explorer defined app"); else str = cpystr("via Windows-specific method"); rv_to_free = 1; } #elif OSX_TARGET if(mc_cmd->special_handling){ CFStringRef str_ref = NULL, kind_str_ref = NULL; CFURLRef url_ref; char buf[256]; if((str_ref = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, mc_cmd->command, kCFStringEncodingASCII)) == NULL) return ""; if((url_ref = CFURLCreateWithString(NULL, str_ref, NULL)) == NULL) return ""; if(LSCopyDisplayNameForURL(url_ref, &kind_str_ref) != noErr) return ""; if(CFStringGetCString(kind_str_ref, buf, (CFIndex)255, kCFStringEncodingASCII) == false) return ""; buf[255] = '\0'; str = cpystr(buf); rv_to_free = 1; if(kind_str_ref) CFRelease(kind_str_ref); } #else /* always pretty */ #endif if(free_ret) *free_ret = rv_to_free; return(str); } #if OSX_TARGET void osx_launch_special_handling(MCAP_CMD_S *mc_cmd, char *image_file) { CFStringRef str_ref = NULL; CFURLRef url_ref = NULL; LSLaunchFSRefSpec launch_spec; FSRef app_ref, file_ref; static EXEC_EVENT_DATA_S event_data; install_app_launch_cb((void *)&event_data); if((str_ref = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, mc_cmd->command, kCFStringEncodingASCII)) == NULL) return; if((url_ref = CFURLCreateWithString(NULL, str_ref, NULL)) == NULL) return; if(CFURLGetFSRef(url_ref, &app_ref) == false) return; if(FSPathMakeRef((unsigned char *)image_file, &file_ref, NULL) != noErr) return; launch_spec.appRef = &app_ref; launch_spec.numDocs = 1; launch_spec.itemRefs = &file_ref; launch_spec.passThruParams = NULL; launch_spec.launchFlags = kLSLaunchDontAddToRecents | kLSLaunchNoParams | kLSLaunchAsync | kLSLaunchNewInstance; /* would want to use this if we ever did true event handling */ launch_spec.asyncRefCon = 0; if(LSOpenFromRefSpec( &launch_spec, NULL) == noErr){ /* * Here's the strategy: we want to be able to just launch * the app and then just delete the temp file, but that * doesn't work because the called app needs the temp file * at least until it's finished loading. Being that there's * no way to tell when the app has finished loading, we wait * until the program has exited, which is the safest thing to * do and is what we do for windows. Since we haven't totally * embraced event handling at this point, we must do the waiting * synchronously. We allow for a keystroke to stop waiting, and * just delete the temp file. * Ideally, we would launch the app, and keep running, checking * the events until the process terminates, and then delete the * temp file. In this method, we would delete the temp file * at close time if the app was still running. */ int ch; OSStatus rne_rv; EventTargetRef target; EventRef out_event; EventTypeSpec event_types[2] = { {kEventClassApplication, kEventAppTerminated}, {kEventClassApplication, kEventAppLaunchNotification}}; q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 0, 4, "Waiting for program to finish, or press a key to stop waiting..."); flush_status_messages(1); target = GetEventDispatcherTarget(); event_data.done = 0; event_data.set_pid = 0; while(!event_data.done){ if((rne_rv = ReceiveNextEvent(2, event_types, 1, true, &out_event)) == noErr){ SendEventToEventTarget(out_event, target); ReleaseEvent(out_event); } else if(rne_rv == eventLoopTimedOutErr){ ch = read_char(1); if(ch) event_data.done = 1; } else if(rne_rv == eventLoopQuitErr) event_data.done = 1; } our_unlink(image_file); } q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 0, 4, "VIEWER command completed"); } pascal OSStatus osx_launch_app_callback(EventHandlerCallRef next_h, EventRef event,void *user_data) { EXEC_EVENT_DATA_S *ev_datap = (EXEC_EVENT_DATA_S *)user_data; ProcessSerialNumber pid; Boolean res = 0; static int dont_do_anything_yet = 0; switch(GetEventClass(event)){ case kEventClassKeyboard: ev_datap->done = 1; break; case kEventClassApplication: switch(GetEventKind(event)){ case kEventAppTerminated: GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamProcessID, typeProcessSerialNumber, NULL, sizeof(pid), NULL, &pid); SameProcess(&ev_datap->pid, &pid, &res); if(res){ ev_datap->done = 1; ev_datap->set_pid = 0; } break; case kEventAppLaunchNotification: /* could check asyncRef too */ if(!ev_datap->set_pid){ /* should always be true */ GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamProcessID, typeProcessSerialNumber, NULL, sizeof(ev_datap->pid), NULL, &(ev_datap->pid)); ev_datap->set_pid = 1; } break; } break; } return(noErr); } int install_app_launch_cb(void *user_data) { static int already_installed = 0; if(!already_installed){ EventHandlerUPP cb_upp; EventTypeSpec event_types[2] = { {kEventClassApplication, kEventAppTerminated}, {kEventClassApplication, kEventAppLaunchNotification}}; if((cb_upp = NewEventHandlerUPP(osx_launch_app_callback)) == NULL) return 1; InstallApplicationEventHandler(cb_upp, 2, event_types, user_data, NULL); already_installed = 1; } return 0; } #endif /* OSX_TARGET */