#if !defined(lint) && !defined(DOS) static char rcsid[] = "$Id: debuging.c 900 2008-01-05 01:13:26Z hubert@u.washington.edu $"; #endif /* * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2006-2008 University of Washington * Copyright 2013-2020 Eduardo Chappa * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * ======================================================================== */ #include /* os-dep defs/includes */ #include /* generally useful definitions */ #include "../../c-client/mail.h" /* for MAILSTREAM and friends */ #include "../../c-client/osdep.h" #include "../../c-client/rfc822.h" /* for soutr_t and such */ #include "../../c-client/misc.h" /* for cpystr proto */ #include "../../c-client/utf8.h" /* for CHARSET and such*/ #include "../../c-client/imap4r1.h" #include "../../pith/osdep/canaccess.h" #include "../../pith/debug.h" #include "../../pith/osdep/debugtime.h" #include "../../pith/osdep/color.h" #include "../../pith/osdep/bldpath.h" #include "../../pith/osdep/rename.h" #include "../../pith/osdep/filesize.h" #include "../../pith/init.h" #include "../../pith/status.h" #include "../../pith/sort.h" #include "../../pith/state.h" #include "../../pith/msgno.h" #include "../../pith/conf.h" #include "../../pith/flag.h" #include "../../pith/foldertype.h" #include "../../pith/folder.h" #include "../../pith/charconv/utf8.h" #include "../../pith/charconv/filesys.h" #include "../help.h" #include "debuging.h" #ifdef DEBUG /* * globally visible */ FILE *debugfile = NULL; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Initialize debugging - open the debug log file Args: none Result: opens the debug logfile for dprints Opens the file "~/.pine-debug1. Also maintains .pine-debug[2-4] by renaming them each time so the last 4 sessions are saved. ----*/ void init_debug(void) { char nbuf[5]; char newfname[MAXPATH+1], filename[MAXPATH+1], *dfile = NULL; int i, fd; if(!((debug || ps_global->debug_imap || ps_global->debug_tcp) && ps_global->write_debug_file)) return; for(i = ps_global->debug_nfiles - 1; i > 0; i--){ build_path(filename, ps_global->home_dir, DEBUGFILE, sizeof(filename)); strncpy(newfname, filename, sizeof(newfname)-1); newfname[sizeof(newfname)-1] = '\0'; snprintf(nbuf, sizeof(nbuf), "%d", i); strncat(filename, nbuf, sizeof(filename)-1-strlen(filename)); snprintf(nbuf, sizeof(nbuf), "%d", i+1); strncat(newfname, nbuf, sizeof(newfname)-1-strlen(newfname)); (void)rename_file(filename, newfname); } build_path(filename, ps_global->home_dir, DEBUGFILE, sizeof(filename)-1); strncat(filename, "1", sizeof(filename)-1-strlen(filename)); filename[sizeof(filename)-1] = '\0'; debugfile = NULL; dfile = filename; /* * We were doing our_open so _WINDOWS would open it in widechar mode, but * that means we have to print in widechar mode. For now just do open, since * we it's a debug file and still readable. The alternative is copying all * debug text to a widechar buffer, which would be a drag. */ if((fd = open(filename, O_TRUNC|O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600)) >= 0) debugfile = fdopen(fd, "w+"); if(debugfile != NULL){ char rev[128]; time_t now = time((time_t *)0); if(ps_global->debug_flush) setvbuf(debugfile, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); if(ps_global->debug_nfiles == 0){ /* * If no debug files are asked for, make filename a tempfile * to be used for a record should pine later crash... */ if(debug < 9 && !ps_global->debug_flush && ps_global->debug_imap<4){ our_unlink(filename); dfile = NULL; } } dprint((0, "Debug output of the Alpine program (debug=%d debug_imap=%d). Version %s (%s %s)\n%s\n", debug, ps_global->debug_imap, ALPINE_VERSION, SYSTYPE ? SYSTYPE : "?", get_alpine_revision_string(rev, sizeof(rev)), ctime(&now))); dprint((0, "Starting after the reading_pinerc calls, the data in this file should\nbe encoded as UTF-8. Before that it will be in the user's native charset.\n")); if(dfile && (debug > DEFAULT_DEBUG || ps_global->debug_imap > 0 || ps_global->debug_tcp > 0)){ snprintf(newfname, sizeof(newfname), "Debug file: %s (level=%d imap=%d)", dfile, debug, ps_global->debug_imap); init_error(ps_global, SM_ORDER, 3, 5, newfname); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to save the debug file if we crash in a controlled way Args: dfile: pointer to open debug file Result: tries to move the appropriate .pine-debugx file to .pine-crash Looks through the four .pine-debug files hunting for the one that is associated with this pine, and then renames it. ----*/ void save_debug_on_crash(FILE *dfile, int (*keystrokes) (int *, char *, size_t)) { char nbuf[5], crashfile[MAXPATH+1], filename[MAXPATH+1]; int i; struct stat dbuf, tbuf; time_t now = time((time_t *)0); if(!(dfile && fstat(fileno(dfile), &dbuf) == 0)) return; fprintf(dfile, "save_debug_on_crash: Version %s: debug level %d", ALPINE_VERSION, debug); fprintf(dfile, "\n : %s\n", ctime(&now)); build_path(crashfile, ps_global->home_dir, ".pine-crash",sizeof(crashfile)); fprintf(dfile, "Attempting to save debug file to %s\n\n", crashfile); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n Attempting to save debug file to %s\n\n", crashfile); /* Blat out last n keystrokes */ if(keystrokes){ int cval; char cstr[256]; fputs("========== Latest Keystrokes =========================\n", dfile); while((*keystrokes)(&cval, cstr, sizeof(cstr)) != -1){ fprintf(dfile, "\t%s\t(0x%4.4x)\n", cstr, cval); } } fputs("========== Latest Keystrokes End =====================\n\n", dfile); #ifdef DEBUGJOURNAL fputs("========== Append DebugJournal =======================\n", dfile); #else /* DEBUGJOURNAL */ fputs("========== Append Journal =======================\n", dfile); #endif /* DEBUGJOURNAL */ debugjournal_to_file(dfile); #ifdef DEBUGJOURNAL fputs("========== Append DebugJournal End ===================\n", dfile); #else /* DEBUGJOURNAL */ fputs("========== Append Journal End ===================\n", dfile); #endif /* DEBUGJOURNAL */ /* look for existing debug file */ for(i = 1; i <= ps_global->debug_nfiles; i++){ build_path(filename, ps_global->home_dir, DEBUGFILE, sizeof(filename)); snprintf(nbuf, sizeof(nbuf), "%d", i); strncat(filename, nbuf, sizeof(filename)-1-strlen(filename)); if(our_stat(filename, &tbuf) != 0) continue; /* This must be the current debug file */ if(tbuf.st_dev == dbuf.st_dev && tbuf.st_ino == dbuf.st_ino){ rename_file(filename, crashfile); break; } } /* if current debug file name not found, write it by hand */ if(i > ps_global->debug_nfiles){ FILE *cfp; char buf[1025]; /* * Copy the debug temp file into the */ if((cfp = our_fopen(crashfile, "wb")) != NULL){ buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0'; fseek(dfile, 0L, 0); while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, dfile) && fputs(buf, cfp) != EOF) ; fclose(cfp); } } fclose(dfile); } /* * functions required by pith library */ #define CHECK_EVERY_N_TIMES 100 #define MAX_DEBUG_FILE_SIZE 200000L /* * This is just to catch runaway Pines that are looping spewing out * debugging (and filling up a file system). The stop doesn't have to be * at all precise, just soon enough to hopefully prevent filling the * file system. If the debugging level is high (9 for now), then we're * presumably looking for some problem, so don't truncate. */ int do_debug(FILE *debug_fp) { static int counter = CHECK_EVERY_N_TIMES; static int ok = 1; long filesize; if(!debugfile) return(0); if(debug <= DEFAULT_DEBUG && !ps_global->debug_flush && !ps_global->debug_tcp && !ps_global->debug_timestamp && !ps_global->debug_imap && ok && --counter <= 0){ if((filesize = fp_file_size(debug_fp)) != -1L) ok = (unsigned long)filesize < (unsigned long)MAX_DEBUG_FILE_SIZE; counter = CHECK_EVERY_N_TIMES; if(!ok){ fprintf(debug_fp, "\n\n --- No more debugging ---\n"); fprintf(debug_fp, " (debug file growing too large - over %ld bytes)\n\n", MAX_DEBUG_FILE_SIZE); fflush(debug_fp); } } if(ok && ps_global->debug_timestamp) fprintf(debug_fp, "\n%s\n", debug_time(0, ps_global->debug_timestamp, ps_global->signal_in_progress)); return(ok); } void output_debug_msg(int dlevel, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; if(debugfile && debug >= dlevel && do_debug(debugfile)){ int l; va_start(args, fmt); vfprintf(debugfile, fmt, args); va_end(args); if((l = strlen(fmt)) > 2 && fmt[l-1] != '\n') fputc('\n', debugfile); if(ps_global->debug_flush) fflush(debugfile); } if(panicking()) return; #ifdef DEBUGJOURNAL if(dlevel <= 9 || dlevel <= debug){ /* * Make this static in order to move it off of * the stack. We were getting "random" crashes * on some systems when this size interacted with * pthread stack size somehow. Taking it off of * the stack ought to fix that without us having to * understand how it all works. */ static char b[64000]; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(b, sizeof(b), fmt, args); va_end(args); b[sizeof(b)-1] = '\0'; add_review_message(b, dlevel); } #endif /* DEBUGJOURNAL */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dump the whole config enchilada using the given function Args: ps -- pine struct containing vars to dump pc -- function to use to write the config data brief -- brief dump, only dump user_vals Result: command line, global, user var's written with given function ----*/ void dump_configuration(int brief) { gf_io_t pc; if(!do_debug(debugfile)) return; gf_set_writec(&pc, debugfile, 0L, FileStar, 0); dump_config(ps_global, pc, brief); } void dump_config(struct pine *ps, gf_io_t pc, int brief) { int i; char quotes[3], tmp[MAILTMPLEN]; register struct variable *vars; FEATURE_S *feat; quotes[0] = '"'; quotes[1] = '"'; quotes[2] = '\0'; for(i = (brief ? 2 : 0); i < (brief ? 4 : 6); i++){ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "======= %.20s_val options set", (i == 0) ? "Current" : (i == 1) ? "Command_line" : (i == 2) ? "User" : (i == 3) ? "PostloadUser" : (i == 4) ? "Global" : "Fixed"); gf_puts(tmp, pc); if(i > 1){ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " (%.100s)", (i == 2) ? ((ps->prc) ? ps->prc->name : ".pinerc") : (i == 3) ? ((ps->post_prc) ? ps->post_prc->name : "postload") : (i == 4) ? ((ps->pconf) ? ps->pconf->name : SYSTEM_PINERC) : #if defined(DOS) || defined(OS2) "NO FIXED" #else ((can_access(SYSTEM_PINERC_FIXED, ACCESS_EXISTS) == 0) ? SYSTEM_PINERC_FIXED : "NO pine.conf.fixed") #endif ); gf_puts(tmp, pc); } gf_puts(" =======\n", pc); for(vars = ps->vars; vars->name; vars++){ if(vars->is_list){ char **t; t = (i == 0) ? vars->current_val.l : (i == 1) ? vars->cmdline_val.l : (i == 2) ? vars->main_user_val.l : (i == 3) ? vars->post_user_val.l : (i == 4) ? vars->global_val.l : vars->fixed_val.l; if(t && *t){ /* MAILTMPLEN = sizeof(tmp) */ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %20.20s : %.*s\n", vars->name, MAILTMPLEN-26, **t ? *t : quotes); gf_puts(tmp, pc); while(++t && *t){ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp)," %20.20s : %.*s\n","", MAILTMPLEN-26, **t ? *t : quotes); gf_puts(tmp, pc); } } } else{ char *t; t = (i == 0) ? vars->current_val.p : (i == 1) ? vars->cmdline_val.p : (i == 2) ? vars->main_user_val.p : (i == 3) ? vars->post_user_val.p : (i == 4) ? vars->global_val.p : vars->fixed_val.p; if(t){ /* MAILTMPLEN = sizeof(tmp) */ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %20.20s : %.*s\n", vars->name, MAILTMPLEN-26, *t ? t : quotes); gf_puts(tmp, pc); } } } } if(!brief){ gf_puts("========== Feature settings ==========\n", pc); for(i = 0; (feat = feature_list(i)); i++) if(feat->id != F_OLD_GROWTH){ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %.50s%.100s\n", F_ON(feat->id, ps) ? " " : "no-", feat->name); gf_puts(tmp, pc); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dump interesting variables from the given pine struct Args: ps -- pine struct to dump pc -- function to use to write the config data Result: various important pine struct data written ----*/ void dump_pine_struct(struct pine *ps, gf_io_t pc) { char *p; extern char term_name[]; int i; MAILSTREAM *m; MSGNO_S *msgmap; gf_puts("========== struct pine * ==========\n", pc); if(!ps){ gf_puts("!No struct!\n", pc); return; } gf_puts("ui:\tlogin = ", pc); gf_puts((ps->ui.login) ? ps->ui.login : "NULL", pc); gf_puts(", full = ", pc); gf_puts((ps->ui.fullname) ? ps->ui.fullname : "NULL", pc); gf_puts("\n\thome = ", pc); gf_puts((ps->ui.homedir) ? ps->ui.homedir : "NULL", pc); gf_puts("\nhome_dir=\t", pc); gf_puts(ps->home_dir ? ps->home_dir : "NULL", pc); gf_puts("\nhostname=\t", pc); gf_puts(ps->hostname ? ps->hostname : "NULL", pc); gf_puts("\nlocaldom=\t", pc); gf_puts(ps->localdomain ? ps->localdomain : "NULL", pc); gf_puts("\nuserdom=\t", pc); gf_puts(ps->userdomain ? ps->userdomain : "NULL", pc); gf_puts("\nmaildom=\t", pc); gf_puts(ps->maildomain ? ps->maildomain : "NULL", pc); gf_puts("\ncur_cntxt=\t", pc); gf_puts((ps->context_current && ps->context_current->context) ? ps->context_current->context : "None", pc); gf_puts("\ncur_fldr=\t", pc); gf_puts(ps->cur_folder, pc); gf_puts("\nnstream=\t", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) ps->s_pool.nstream), pc); for(i = 0; i < ps->s_pool.nstream; i++){ m = ps->s_pool.streams[i]; gf_puts("\nstream slot ", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) i), pc); if(!m){ gf_puts(" empty", pc); continue; } if(ps->mail_stream == m) gf_puts("\nThis is the current mailstream", pc); if(sp_flagged(m, SP_INBOX)) gf_puts("\nThis is the inbox stream", pc); gf_puts("\nactual mbox=\t", pc); gf_puts(m->mailbox ? m->mailbox : "no mailbox!", pc); gf_puts("\nflags=", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) sp_flags(m)), pc); gf_puts("\nnew_mail_count=", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) sp_new_mail_count(m)), pc); gf_puts("\nmail_since_cmd=", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) sp_mail_since_cmd(m)), pc); gf_puts("\nmail_box_changed=", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) sp_mail_box_changed(m)), pc); gf_puts("\nunsorted_newmail=", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) sp_unsorted_newmail(m)), pc); gf_puts("\nneed_to_rethread=", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) sp_need_to_rethread(m)), pc); gf_puts("\nviewing_a_thread=", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) sp_viewing_a_thread(m)), pc); gf_puts("\ndead_stream=", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) sp_dead_stream(m)), pc); gf_puts("\nnoticed_dead_stream=", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) sp_noticed_dead_stream(m)), pc); gf_puts("\nio_error_on_stream=", pc); gf_puts(long2string((long) sp_io_error_on_stream(m)), pc); msgmap = sp_msgmap(m); if(msgmap){ gf_puts("\nmsgmap: tot=", pc); gf_puts(long2string(mn_get_total(msgmap)), pc); gf_puts(", cur=", pc); gf_puts(long2string(mn_get_cur(msgmap)), pc); gf_puts(", del=", pc); gf_puts(long2string(count_flagged(m, F_DEL)),pc); gf_puts(", hid=", pc); gf_puts(long2string(any_lflagged(msgmap, MN_HIDE)), pc); gf_puts(", exld=", pc); gf_puts(long2string(any_lflagged(msgmap, MN_EXLD)), pc); gf_puts(", slct=", pc); gf_puts(long2string(any_lflagged(msgmap, MN_SLCT)), pc); gf_puts(", chid=", pc); gf_puts(long2string(any_lflagged(msgmap, MN_CHID)), pc); gf_puts(", coll=", pc); gf_puts(long2string(any_lflagged(msgmap, MN_COLL)), pc); gf_puts(", usor=", pc); gf_puts(long2string(any_lflagged(msgmap, MN_USOR)), pc); gf_puts(", stmp=", pc); gf_puts(long2string(any_lflagged(msgmap, MN_STMP)), pc); gf_puts(", sort=", pc); if(mn_get_revsort(msgmap)) gf_puts("rev-", pc); gf_puts(sort_name(mn_get_sort(msgmap)), pc); } else gf_puts("\nNo msgmap", pc); } gf_puts("\nterm ", pc); #if !defined(DOS) && !defined(OS2) gf_puts("type=", pc); gf_puts(term_name, pc); gf_puts(", ttyname=", pc); gf_puts((p = (char *)ttyname(0)) ? p : "NONE", pc); #endif gf_puts(", size=", pc); gf_puts(int2string(ps->ttyo->screen_rows), pc); gf_puts("x", pc); gf_puts(int2string(ps->ttyo->screen_cols), pc); gf_puts(", speed=", pc); gf_puts((ps->low_speed) ? "slow" : "normal", pc); gf_puts("\n", pc); } void dump_contexts(void) { int i = 0; CONTEXT_S *c = ps_global->context_list; if(!(debugfile && debug > 7 && do_debug(debugfile))) return; while(debugfile && c != NULL){ fprintf(debugfile, "\n***** context %s\n", c->context); if(c->label) fprintf(debugfile,"LABEL: %s\n", c->label); if(c->comment) fprintf(debugfile,"COMMENT: %s\n", c->comment); for(i = 0; i < folder_total(FOLDERS(c)); i++) fprintf(debugfile, " %d) %s\n", i + 1, folder_entry(i,FOLDERS(c))->name); c = c->next; } } #endif /* DEBUG */