path: root/web/src/cgi.tcl-1.10/example/examples.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web/src/cgi.tcl-1.10/example/examples.cgi')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/src/cgi.tcl-1.10/example/examples.cgi b/web/src/cgi.tcl-1.10/example/examples.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..75afb1e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/src/cgi.tcl-1.10/example/examples.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+package require cgi
+cgi_eval {
+ source example.tcl
+ input
+ title "cgi.tcl examples"
+ # use targets if we are framed
+ if {0==[catch {import framed}]} {
+ set target "target=script"
+ } else {
+ set target ""
+ }
+ # create a hyperlink to run a script
+ proc run {name} {
+ url $name.cgi [cgi $name] [uplevel {set target}]
+ }
+ # create hyperlink to show script source
+ proc display {name} {
+ url $name.cgi [cgi display scriptname=$name.cgi] [uplevel {set target}]
+ }
+ body bgcolor=#d0a0a0 text=#000000 {
+ p "These are examples of cgi.tcl, a CGI support library for Tcl
+ programmers. If you would like to show off what you've
+ written with cgi.tcl, give me an html-formatted blurb and I'll
+ add it to a page of [link realapps]. For more information,
+ visit the [link CGITCL]."
+ bullet_list {
+ li "[run cookie] - Cookie example. Also see [run passwd-form] to see cookies in the context of a real application."
+ li "[run creditcard] - Check a credit card."
+ li "[run download] - Demonstrate file downloading. Also see [run upload]."
+ li "[run echo] - Echo everything - good for debugging forms."
+ li "[run error] - Error handling example."
+ li "[run evaljs] - Evaluate an expression using JavaScript."
+ li "[run examples] - Generate the page you are now reading."
+ li "[run form-tour] and [display form-tour-result] - Show
+ many different form elements and the backend to process them."
+ li "[run format-tour] - Demonstrate many formats."
+ li "[run frame] - Framed example (of this page)."
+ li "[url "image.cgi" [cgi display-in-frame [cgi_cgi_set scriptname \
+ image.cgi]] $target] - Produce a raw image."
+ li "[run img] - Examples of images embedded in a page."
+ li "[run kill] - Allow anyone to kill runaway CGI processes."
+ li "[display oratcl] - Use [link Oratcl] to query an Oracle database."
+ li "[run nistguest] - Specialized guestbook"
+ li "[run parray] - Demonstrate parray (print array elements)."
+ li "[run passwd-form] and [display passwd] - Form for
+ changing a password and its backend. Note that this CGI script
+ is [bold not] setuid because it is written using [link Expect].
+ The script also demonstrates a nice use of cookies."
+ li "[run push] - Demonstrate server-push."
+ li "[run rm] - Allow anyone to remove old CGI files from /tmp."
+ li "[run stopwatch] - A stopwatch written as a Tcl applet."
+ li "[display unimail] - A universal mail backend that mails the
+ values of any form back to the form owner."
+ li "[run upload] - Demonstrate file uploading. Also see [run download]."
+ li "[run utf] - Demonstrate UTF output."
+ li "[run validate] - Validate input fields using JavaScript."
+ li "[run vclock] - Lincoln Stein's virtual clock.
+ This was the big example in his paper. Examine the
+ source to [eval url [list "his Perl version"] \
+ [cgi display] $target] or compare them
+ [url "side by side" [cgi vclock-src-frame] target=script2]."
+ li "[run visitor] - Example of a visitor counter."
+ li "[run version] - Show version information."
+ li "[run vote] - Vote for a quote."
+ li "[run display] - Display a CGI script with clickable
+ source commands. Not a particularly interesting application -
+ just a utility to help demo these other CGI scripts! But it is
+ written using cgi.tcl so it might as well be listed here."
+ }
+ }