path: root/web/cgi/alpine/2.0/conduit/export
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web/cgi/alpine/2.0/conduit/export')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/cgi/alpine/2.0/conduit/export b/web/cgi/alpine/2.0/conduit/export
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..42a9f82b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/cgi/alpine/2.0/conduit/export
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# $Id: export 391 2007-01-25 03:53:59Z $
+# ========================================================================
+# Copyright 2006 University of Washington
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# ========================================================================
+# export
+# Purpose: CGI script to download exported folder
+# Input:
+set export_vars {
+#set export_via_ip_address 1
+#set export_via_local_hostname 1
+# inherit global config
+source ../alpine.tcl
+set mailextension ".mbx"
+proc WPServerIP {} {
+ global _wp
+ catch {
+ set ip
+ set sid [socket -async [info hostname] [expr {([string length $_wp(serverport)]) ? $_wp(serverport) : 80}]]
+ set ip [lindex [ fconfigure $sid -sockname ] 0]
+ close $sid
+ }
+ return $ip
+WPEval $export_vars {
+ # grok PATH_INFO for collection 'c' and folder 'f' uid 'u' and part 'p'
+ if {!([info exists env(PATH_INFO)] && [string length $env(PATH_INFO)]
+ && [regexp {^/([0-9]+)/(.*)$} $env(PATH_INFO) dummy c f])} {
+ WPCmd PEInfo statmsg "Invalid Detach: $env(SCRIPT_NAME)"
+ cgi_exit
+ }
+ # generate filenames to hold exported folder and control file
+ for {set n 0} {1} {incr n} {
+ set rhandle [WPCmd PESession random 64]
+ set cfile [file join $_wp(fileroot) $_wp(detachpath) detach.${rhandle}-control]
+ set dfile [file join $_wp(fileroot) $_wp(detachpath) detach.${rhandle}-data]
+ if {[file exists $cfile] == 0 && [file exists $dfile] == 0} {
+ if {[catch {open $cfile {RDWR CREAT EXCL} [cgi_tmpfile_permissions]} cfd]
+ || [catch {open $dfile {RDWR CREAT EXCL} [cgi_tmpfile_permissions]} dfd]} {
+ if {[info exists dfd]} {
+ catch {close $cfd}
+ catch {file delete -force $cfile}
+ set errstr $dfd
+ } else {
+ set errstr $cfd
+ }
+ error [list _action Export "Cannot create command/control files: [cgi_quote_html $errstr]" "Please close this window"]
+ } else {
+ close $dfd
+ break
+ }
+ } elseif {$n > 4} {
+ error [list _action Export "Command file creation limit" "Please close this window"]
+ }
+ }
+ catch {file delete $dfile}
+ if {[catch {WPCmd PEFolder export $c $f $dfile} result]} {
+ WPCmd PEInfo statmsg $result
+ } else {
+ if {[set dfilesize [file size $dfile]] > 0
+ && ([info exists _wp(uplim_bytes)] && $_wp(uplim_bytes) > 0)
+ && $dfilesize > $_wp(uplim_bytes)} {
+ if {$_wp(uplim_bytes) > (1000000)} {
+ set dfs [format {%s.%.2s MB} [WPcomma [expr {$dfilesize / 1000000}]] [expr {$dfilesize % 1000000}]]
+ set esl [format {%s.%.2s MB} [WPcomma [expr {$_wp(uplim_bytes) / 1000000}]] [expr {$_wp(uplim_bytes) % 1000000}]]
+ } else {
+ set dfs "[WPcomma $dfs] KB"
+ set esl "[WPcomma $_wp(uplim_bytes)] KB"
+ }
+ WPCmd PEInfo statmsg "Exported folder size ($dfs) exceeds the maximum ($esl) size that can be imported.<br>If you wish to import this folder back into Web Alpine at a later time,<br>you should break it up into smaller folders"
+ }
+ if {[info exists export_via_ip_address]} {
+ if {[regsub {^(http[s]?://)[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.]+(.*)$} "[cgi_root]/pub/getach.tcl" "\\1\[[WPServerIP]\]\\2" redirect] != 1} {
+ WPCmd PEInfo statmsg "Cannot determine server address"
+ catch {unset redirect}
+ }
+ } elseif {[info exists export_via_local_hostname]} {
+ if {[regsub {^(http[s]?://)[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.]+(.*)$} "[cgi_root]/pub/getach.tcl" "\\1\[[info hostname]\]\\2" redirect] != 1} {
+ WPCmd PEInfo statmsg "Cannot determine server address"
+ catch {unset redirect}
+ }
+ } else {
+ set redirect "[cgi_root]/pub/getach.tcl"
+ }
+ set givenname "[file tail $f]${mailextension}"
+ set safegivenname $givenname
+ regsub -all {[/]} $safegivenname {-} safegivenname
+ regsub -all {[ ]} $safegivenname {_} safegivenname
+ regsub -all {[\?]} $safegivenname {X} safegivenname
+ regsub -all {[&]} $safegivenname {X} safegivenname
+ regsub -all {[#]} $safegivenname {X} safegivenname
+ regsub -all {[=]} $safegivenname {X} safegivenname
+ set safegivenname "/$safegivenname"
+ puts $cfd "Content-type: Application/X-Mail-Folder"
+ puts $cfd "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$givenname\""
+ # side-step the cgi_xxx stuff in this special case because
+ # we don't want to buffer up the downloading attachment...
+ puts $cfd "Content-Length: $dfilesize"
+ puts $cfd "Expires: [clock format [expr {[clock seconds] + 3600}] -f {%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT} -gmt true]"
+ puts $cfd "Cache-Control: max-age=3600"
+ puts $cfd ""
+ puts $cfd $dfile
+ # exec chmod [cgi_tmpfile_permissions] $dfile
+ close $cfd
+ exec /bin/chmod [cgi_tmpfile_permissions] $cfile
+ exec /bin/chmod [cgi_tmpfile_permissions] $dfile
+ }
+ # prepare to clean up if the brower never redirects
+ if {[info exists redirect]} {
+ set redirect "${redirect}${safegivenname}?h=${rhandle}"
+ } else {
+ set redirect "[cgi_root]/$_wp(appdir)/$_wp(ui2dir)/folders/"
+ }
+ cgi_http_head {
+ # redirect to the place we stuffed the export info. use the ip address
+ # to foil spilling any session cookies or the like
+ if {[info exists env(SERVER_PROTOCOL)] && [regexp {[Hh][Tt][Tt][PP]/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)} $env(SERVER_PROTOCOL) m vmaj vmin] && $vmaj >= 1 && $vmin >= 1} {
+ cgi_puts "Status: 303 Temporary Redirect"
+ } else {
+ cgi_puts "Status: 302 Redirected"
+ }
+ cgi_puts "URI: $redirect"
+ cgi_puts "Location: $redirect"
+ }
+ cgi_body {}
+ exec echo $rhandle | [file join $_wp(cgipath) [WPCmd PEInfo set wp_ver_dir] whackatch.tcl] >& /dev/null &