path: root/mapi/pmapi.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mapi/pmapi.c')
1 files changed, 2929 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mapi/pmapi.c b/mapi/pmapi.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7fa3b455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mapi/pmapi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2929 @@
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2006-2009 University of Washington
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * ========================================================================
+ */
+#include "pmapi.h"
+static int xlate_key;
+mapi_global_s *ms_global = NULL;
+#define SIZEOF_20KBUF (20480)
+char tmp_20k_buf[SIZEOF_20KBUF];
+void mm_searched (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number);
+void mm_exists (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number);
+void mm_expunged (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number);
+void mm_flags (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number);
+void mm_notify (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *string,long errflg);
+void mm_list (MAILSTREAM *stream,int delimiter,char *name,long attributes);
+void mm_lsub (MAILSTREAM *stream,int delimiter,char *name,long attributes);
+void mm_status (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox,MAILSTATUS *status);
+void mm_log (char *string,long errflg);
+void mm_dlog (char *string);
+int fetch_recursively(BODY *body, long msgno, char *prefix,
+ PART *part, long flags, FLAGS MAPIflags,
+ sessionlist_s *cs);
+LRESULT CALLBACK Login(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+void mm_login (NETMBX *mb,char *user,char *pwd,long trial);
+void mm_critical (MAILSTREAM *stream);
+void mm_nocritical (MAILSTREAM *stream);
+long mm_diskerror (MAILSTREAM *stream,long errcode,long serious);
+void mm_fatal (char *string);
+lpMapiFileDesc new_mapi_file_desc(int arraysize);
+void free_mapi_file_desc(lpMapiFileDesc lpmfd, int arraysize);
+file_s *new_file_s();
+void free_file_s(file_s *fs);
+void init_prcvars(mapi_global_s *nmg);
+void init_prcfeats(mapi_global_s *nmg);
+void expand_env_vars(mapi_global_s *nmg);
+void init_fcc_folder(mapi_global_s *nmg);
+void init_pmapi_registry_vars(mapi_global_s *nmg);
+void init_pmapi_vars(mapi_global_s *nmg);
+char *copy_remote_to_local(char *pinerc, sessionlist_s *cs);
+int read_pinerc(mapi_global_s *nmg, sessionlist_s *cs,
+ char *prc, char *pineconf, char *pinercex, int depth);
+void free_mapi_global(mapi_global_s *nmg);
+MAILSTREAM *first_open(sessionlist_s *cs);
+int lookup_file_mime_type(char *fn, BODY *body);
+int LookupMIMEFileExt(char *val, char *mime_type, DWORD *vallen);
+int in_passfile(sessionlist_s *cs);
+int set_text_data(BODY *body, char *txt);
+int get_suggested_directory(char *dir);
+int get_suggested_file_ext(char *file_ext, PART *part, DWORD *file_extlen);
+int InitDebug();
+int GetPineData();
+int UnderlineSpace(char *s);
+int GetOutlookVersion();
+char *pmapi_generate_message_id();
+SENDSTREAM *mapi_smtp_open(sessionlist_s *cs, char **servers, long options);
+char *encode_mailto_addr_keyval(lpMapiRecipDesc lpmr);
+char *encode_mailto_keyval(char *key, char* val);
+void mm_searched (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_searched: not implemented\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+void mm_exists (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_exists: not implemented\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+void mm_expunged (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_expunged: not implemented\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+void mm_flags (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_flags: number is %d\r\n", number);
+ _flushall();
+ }
+void mm_notify (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *string,long errflg)
+ mapi_global_s *nmg;
+ nmg = ms_global;
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "IMAP mm_notify:%s %s\r\n",
+ (errflg == NIL ? "" :
+ (errflg == WARN ? " WARN:":
+ (errflg == ERROR ? " ERROR:":
+ (errflg == PARSE ? " PARSE:":" BYE:")))), string);
+ _flushall();
+ }
+void mm_list (MAILSTREAM *stream,int delimiter,char *name,long attributes)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_list: not implemented\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+void mm_lsub (MAILSTREAM *stream,int delimiter,char *name,long attributes)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_lsub: not implemented\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+void mm_status (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox,MAILSTATUS *status)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_status: not implemented\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+void mm_log (char *string,long errflg)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_log:%s %s\r\n",
+ (errflg == NIL ? "" :
+ (errflg == WARN ? " WARN:":
+ (errflg == ERROR ? " ERROR:":
+ (errflg == PARSE ? " PARSE:":" BYE:")))), string);
+ _flushall();
+ }
+ if(errflg == ERROR)
+ ErrorBox("ERROR: %s", string);
+void mm_dlog (char *string)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ time_t now;
+ struct tm *tm_now;
+ now = time((time_t *)0);
+ tm_now = localtime(&now);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d %d/%d: %s\r\n",
+ tm_now->tm_hour, tm_now->tm_min, tm_now->tm_sec,
+ tm_now->tm_mon+1, tm_now->tm_mday, string);
+ _flushall();
+ }
+int fetch_recursively(BODY *body, long msgno, char *prefix, PART *part,
+ long flags, FLAGS MAPIflags, sessionlist_s *cs)
+ FILE *attfd;
+ PART *subpart;
+ mapi_global_s *nmg;
+ int num = 0, tmplen;
+ file_s *tfs, *tfs2;
+ unsigned long declen, numwritten;
+ void *decf;
+ char tmp[64], file_ext[64], filename[1024], dir[1024];
+ DWORD file_extlen = 64;
+ char *tmpatt;
+ unsigned long tmpattlen;
+ nmg = ms_global;
+ tmp[0] = '\0';
+ if(body && body->type == TYPEMULTIPART){
+ part = body->nested.part;
+ fetch_recursively(&part->body, msgno, prefix, part,
+ flags, MAPIflags, cs);
+ }
+ else{
+ do{
+ num++;
+ sprintf(tmp, "%s%s%d", prefix, (*prefix ? "." : ""), num);
+ if(part && part->body.type == TYPEMULTIPART){
+ subpart = part->body.nested.part;
+ fetch_recursively(&subpart->body, msgno, tmp,
+ subpart, flags, MAPIflags, cs);
+ }
+ else{
+ tmpatt = mail_fetch_body(cs->open_stream, msgno,
+ tmp, &tmpattlen, flags);
+ if(strcmp(tmp, "1") == 0){
+ if(((part && part->body.type == TYPETEXT) ||
+ (!part && body->type == TYPETEXT)) &&
+ !(MAPIflags & MAPI_BODY_AS_FILE)){
+ if(cs->lpm->lpszNoteText){
+ fs_give((void **)&cs->lpm->lpszNoteText);
+ cs->lpm->lpszNoteText = NULL;
+ }
+ cs->lpm->lpszNoteText = mstrdup(tmpatt);
+ tmpatt = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ cs->lpm->lpszNoteText = mstrdup("");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(tmpatt && part && part->body.encoding == ENCBASE64){
+ decf = rfc822_base64(tmpatt, tmpattlen, &declen);
+ tmpatt = NULL;
+ }
+ else if(tmpatt && part && part->body.encoding == ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE){
+ decf = rfc822_qprint(tmpatt, tmpattlen, &declen);
+ tmpatt = NULL;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(tmpatt){
+ decf = mstrdup(tmpatt);
+ declen = tmpattlen;
+ }
+ else decf = NULL;
+ }
+ if(decf){
+ dir[0] = '\0';
+ get_suggested_directory(dir);
+ tmplen = strlen(dir);
+ if(dir[tmplen - 1] != '\\'){
+ dir[tmplen] = '\\';
+ dir[tmplen+1] = '\0';
+ }
+ file_ext[0] = '\0';
+ get_suggested_file_ext(file_ext,part, &file_extlen);
+ do{
+ sprintf(filename, "%smapiapp%d%s", dir, nmg->attach_no,
+ file_ext);
+ nmg->attach_no++;
+ }while (_access(filename, 00) != -1);
+ attfd = fopen(filename, "wb");
+ if(attfd){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd,"preparing to write attachment to %s\r\n",
+ filename);
+ numwritten = fwrite(decf, sizeof(char), declen, attfd);
+ fclose(attfd);
+ fs_give((void **)&decf);
+ tfs = new_file_s();
+ tfs->filename = mstrdup(filename);
+ if(!cs->fs)
+ cs->fs = tfs;
+ else{
+ for(tfs2 = cs->fs; tfs2->next; tfs2 = tfs2->next);
+ tfs2->next = tfs;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd,"Failure in opening %s for attachment\r\n",
+ filename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }while(part && (part = part->next));
+ }
+ return 0;
+int fetch_structure_and_attachments(long msgno, long flags,
+ FLAGS MAPIflags, sessionlist_s *cs)
+ BODY *body = NULL;
+ ENVELOPE *env;
+ ADDRESS *addr;
+ mapi_global_s *nmg;
+ file_s *tfs;
+ int num = 0, restore_seen = 0, file_count = 0, i;
+ unsigned long recips;
+ char tmp[1024]; /* don't know how much space we'll need */
+ nmg = ms_global;
+ env = mail_fetch_structure(cs->open_stream, msgno, &body, flags);
+ if(env == NULL || body == NULL){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "mail_fetch_structure returned %p for env and %p for body\r\n", env, body);
+ return MAPI_E_FAILURE;
+ }
+ if(cs->lpm){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "global lpm is set when it SHOULDN'T be! Freeing\r\n");
+ if(free_mbuffer(cs->lpm))
+ free_MapiMessage(cs->lpm, 1);
+ cs->lpm = NULL;
+ }
+ cs->lpm = new_MapiMessage(1);
+ if(env->subject) cs->lpm->lpszSubject = mstrdup(env->subject);
+ if(env->date){
+ elt = mail_elt(cs->open_stream, msgno);
+ mail_parse_date(elt, env->date);
+ sprintf(tmp, "%d/%s%d/%s%d %s%d:%s%d",
+ elt->year+BASEYEAR, (elt->month < 10) ? "0": "",
+ elt->month, (elt->day < 10) ? "0":"", elt->day,
+ (elt->hours < 10) ? "0":"", elt->hours,
+ (elt->minutes < 10) ? "0":"", elt->minutes);
+ cs->lpm->lpszDateReceived = mstrdup(tmp);
+ }
+ if(env->from){
+ cs->lpm->lpOriginator = new_MapiRecipDesc(1);
+ if(env->from->personal)
+ cs->lpm->lpOriginator->lpszName = mstrdup(env->from->personal);
+ if(env->from->mailbox && env->from->host){
+ /* don't know if these could ever be empty */
+ sprintf(tmp, "%s@%s", env->from->mailbox, env->from->host);
+ cs->lpm->lpOriginator->lpszAddress = mstrdup(tmp);
+ }
+ cs->lpm->lpOriginator->ulRecipClass = MAPI_ORIG;
+ }
+ if(env->to || env->cc || env->bcc){ /* should always be true */
+ recips = 0;
+ if(env->to){
+ addr = env->to;
+ while(addr){
+ recips++;
+ addr = addr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if(env->cc){
+ addr = env->cc;
+ while(addr){
+ recips++;
+ addr = addr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if(env->bcc){
+ addr = env->bcc;
+ while(addr){
+ recips++;
+ addr = addr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ cs->lpm->nRecipCount = recips;
+ cs->lpm->lpRecips = new_MapiRecipDesc(recips);
+ recips = 0;
+ if(env->to){
+ addr = env->to;
+ while(addr){
+ cs->lpm->lpRecips[recips].ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO;
+ if(addr->personal)
+ cs->lpm->lpRecips[recips].lpszName = mstrdup(addr->personal);
+ if(addr->mailbox && addr->host){
+ sprintf(tmp, "%s@%s", addr->mailbox, addr->host);
+ cs->lpm->lpRecips[recips].lpszAddress = mstrdup(tmp);
+ }
+ recips++;
+ addr = addr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if(env->cc){
+ addr = env->cc;
+ while(addr){
+ cs->lpm->lpRecips[recips].ulRecipClass = MAPI_CC;
+ if(addr->personal)
+ cs->lpm->lpRecips[recips].lpszName = mstrdup(addr->personal);
+ if(addr->mailbox && addr->host){
+ sprintf(tmp, "%s@%s", addr->mailbox, addr->host);
+ cs->lpm->lpRecips[recips].lpszAddress = mstrdup(tmp);
+ }
+ recips++;
+ addr = addr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if(env->bcc){
+ addr = env->bcc;
+ while(addr){
+ cs->lpm->lpRecips[recips].ulRecipClass = MAPI_BCC;
+ if(addr->personal)
+ cs->lpm->lpRecips[recips].lpszName = mstrdup(addr->personal);
+ if(addr->mailbox && addr->host){
+ sprintf(tmp, "%s@%s", addr->mailbox, addr->host);
+ cs->lpm->lpRecips[recips].lpszAddress = mstrdup(tmp);
+ }
+ recips++;
+ addr = addr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(flags & FT_PEEK){
+ /* gotta remember to unflag \Seen if we just want a peek */
+ sprintf(tmp, "%d", msgno);
+ mail_fetch_flags(cs->open_stream, tmp, NIL);
+ elt = mail_elt(cs->open_stream, msgno);
+ if(!elt->seen){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "Message has not been seen, and a PEEK is requested\r\n");
+ restore_seen = 1;
+ }
+ else if(MSDEBUG)
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "Message has already been marked seen\r\n");
+ }
+ fetch_recursively(body, msgno, "", NULL, flags, MAPIflags, cs);
+ if(cs->fs){
+ for(tfs = cs->fs; tfs; tfs = tfs->next)
+ file_count++;
+ cs->lpm->lpFiles = new_mapi_file_desc(file_count);
+ for(i = 0, tfs = cs->fs; i < file_count && tfs; i++, tfs = tfs->next){
+ cs->lpm->lpFiles[i].lpszPathName = mstrdup(tfs->filename);
+ }
+ cs->lpm->nFileCount = file_count;
+ free_file_s(cs->fs);
+ cs->fs = NULL;
+ }
+ if(restore_seen){
+ elt = mail_elt(cs->open_stream, msgno);
+ if(!elt->seen && MSDEBUG)
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "Fetched body and Message still isn't seen\r\n");
+ else if(MSDEBUG)
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "Message has been seen, clearing flag\r\n");
+ if(elt->seen){
+ mail_flag(cs->open_stream, tmp, "\\SEEN", NIL);
+ elt = mail_elt(cs->open_stream, msgno);
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "After calling mail_flag(), elt->seen is %s\r\n",
+ elt->seen ? "SET" : "UNSET");
+ }
+ }
+LRESULT CALLBACK Login(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ mapi_global_s *nmg;
+ nmg = ms_global;
+ switch(message){
+ SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_SERVER, nmg->tmpmbxptr);
+ if(/*nmg->flags.mapi_logon_ui &&*/ in_passfile(nmg->cs)){
+ SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_LOGIN, nmg->cs->dlge.edit1);
+ SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_PASSWORD, nmg->cs->dlge.edit2);
+ }
+ else
+ SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_LOGIN,
+ (*nmg->cs->mb->user) ? nmg->cs->mb->user
+ : nmg->prcvars[USER_ID]->val.p);
+ return TRUE;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ if(LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK){
+ nmg->cs->flags.dlg_cancel = 0;
+ GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_LOGIN, nmg->cs->dlge.edit1, EDITLEN);
+ GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_PASSWORD, nmg->cs->dlge.edit2, EDITLEN);
+ EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if(LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL){
+ nmg->cs->flags.dlg_cancel = 1;
+ EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void mm_login (NETMBX *mb,char *user,char *pwd,long trial)
+ mapi_global_s *nmg;
+ pw_cache_s *tpwc, *dpwc;
+ int tmp_set_mbx = 0;
+ nmg = ms_global;
+ nmg->cs->mb = mb;
+ if(!nmg->cs->flags.dlg_cancel){
+ for(tpwc = nmg->cs->pwc; tpwc; tpwc = tpwc->next){
+ if(tpwc->validpw && strcmp(tpwc->host, mb->host) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(tpwc){
+ strcpy(user, tpwc->user);
+ strcpy(pwd, tpwc->pwd);
+ tpwc->validpw = 0;
+ }
+ /* else if(!nmg->cs->flags.check_stream) { */
+ else if(nmg->cs->flags.mapi_logon_ui || !nmg->pmapi_strict_no_dialog) {
+ if(!nmg->tmpmbxptr){
+ tmp_set_mbx = 1;
+ nmg->tmpmbxptr = mb->host;
+ }
+ DialogBox(nmg->mhinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1),
+ nmg->cs->mhwnd, (DLGPROC)Login);
+ if(tmp_set_mbx)
+ nmg->tmpmbxptr = NULL;
+ if(!nmg->cs->flags.dlg_cancel){
+ strcpy(user, nmg->cs->dlge.edit1);
+ strcpy(pwd, nmg->cs->dlge.edit2);
+ tpwc = nmg->cs->pwc;
+ while(tpwc){
+ if(tpwc->validpw == 0){
+ dpwc = tpwc;
+ tpwc = tpwc->next;
+ if(dpwc == nmg->cs->pwc)
+ nmg->cs->pwc = dpwc->next;
+ fs_give((void **)&dpwc);
+ }
+ else
+ tpwc = tpwc->next;
+ }
+ if(nmg->cs->pwc == NULL){
+ nmg->cs->pwc = (pw_cache_s *)fs_get(sizeof(pw_cache_s));
+ tpwc = nmg->cs->pwc;
+ }
+ else {
+ for(tpwc = nmg->cs->pwc; tpwc->next; tpwc = tpwc->next);
+ tpwc->next = (pw_cache_s *)fs_get(sizeof(pw_cache_s));
+ tpwc = tpwc->next;
+ }
+ memset(tpwc, 0, sizeof(pw_cache_s));
+ strncpy(tpwc->user, nmg->cs->dlge.edit1, EDITLEN - 1);
+ strncpy(tpwc->pwd, nmg->cs->dlge.edit2, EDITLEN - 1);
+ strncpy(tpwc->host, mb->host, EDITLEN - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nmg->cs->mb = NULL;
+void mm_critical (MAILSTREAM *stream)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_critical: not implemented\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+void mm_nocritical (MAILSTREAM *stream)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_nocritical: not implemented\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+long mm_diskerror (MAILSTREAM *stream,long errcode,long serious)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_diskerror: not implemented\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+ return 1;
+void mm_fatal (char *string)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "IMAP mm_fatal: %s\r\n", string);
+ _flushall();
+ }
+sessionlist_s *new_sessionlist()
+ sessionlist_s *cs;
+ cs = (sessionlist_s *)fs_get(sizeof(sessionlist_s));
+ memset(cs, 0, sizeof(sessionlist_s));
+ cs->session_number = ms_global->next_session++;
+ return cs;
+sessionlist_s *free_sessionlist_node(sessionlist_s *cs)
+ sessionlist_s *ts;
+ ts = cs->next;
+ if(cs->currently_open)
+ fs_give((void **)&cs->currently_open);
+ if(cs->fs)
+ free_file_s(cs->fs);
+ if(cs->lpm){
+ if(free_mbuffer(cs->lpm))
+ free_MapiMessage(cs->lpm, 1);
+ cs->lpm = NULL;
+ }
+ fs_give((void **)&cs);
+ return ts;
+sessionlist_s *get_session(unsigned long num)
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ sessionlist_s *ts;
+ ts = nmg->sessionlist;
+ while(ts && ts->session_number != num) ts = ts->next;
+ return ts;
+void *mm_cache (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long msgno,long op){}
+mapi_global_s *new_mapi_global()
+ mapi_global_s *nmg;
+ int i;
+ nmg = (mapi_global_s *)fs_get(sizeof(mapi_global_s));
+ memset(nmg, 0, sizeof(mapi_global_s));
+ for(i=0; i < NUMPRCVARS; i++){
+ nmg->prcvars[i] = (rc_entry_s *)fs_get(sizeof(rc_entry_s));
+ memset(nmg->prcvars[i], 0, sizeof(rc_entry_s));
+ }
+ for(i=0; i < NUMPRCFEATS; i++){
+ nmg->prcfeats[i] = (rc_feat_s *)fs_get(sizeof(rc_feat_s));
+ memset(nmg->prcfeats[i], 0, sizeof(rc_feat_s));
+ }
+ nmg->next_session = 1;
+ return nmg;
+int InitPineSpecific(sessionlist_s *cs)
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ if(nmg->inited) return 0;
+ init_prcvars(ms_global);
+ init_prcfeats(ms_global);
+ init_pmapi_registry_vars(ms_global);
+ if(read_pinerc(ms_global, cs, ms_global->pinerc,
+ ms_global->pineconf, ms_global->pinercex, 0) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ expand_env_vars(ms_global);
+ init_fcc_folder(ms_global);
+ msprint1("Fcc folder defined: %s", ms_global->fccfolder);
+ init_pmapi_vars(ms_global);
+ nmg->inited = 1;
+ return 1;
+new_mbuffer(void *buf, int arraysize, BufType type)
+ MBUFFER_LIST_S *tlist, *tlist2;
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ tlist = (MBUFFER_LIST_S *)fs_get(sizeof(MBUFFER_LIST_S));
+ memset(tlist, 0, sizeof(MBUFFER_LIST_S));
+ tlist->buf = buf;
+ tlist->arraysize = arraysize;
+ tlist->type = type;
+ if(!nmg->mapi_bufs)
+ nmg->mapi_bufs = tlist;
+ else{
+ for(tlist2 = nmg->mapi_bufs; tlist2->next; tlist2 = tlist2->next);
+ tlist2->next = tlist;
+ }
+ return(0);
+free_mbuffer(void *buf)
+ MBUFFER_LIST_S *tlist, *pre_tlist = NULL;
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ sessionlist_s *session;
+ for(tlist = nmg->mapi_bufs; tlist && tlist->buf != buf; pre_tlist = tlist, tlist = tlist->next);
+ if(!tlist){
+ msprint1("ERROR: buf %p not found in list!\r\n", buf);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(tlist == nmg->mapi_bufs)
+ nmg->mapi_bufs = tlist->next;
+ else
+ pre_tlist->next = tlist->next;
+ switch (tlist->type) {
+ case RecipDesc:
+ free_MapiRecipDesc(tlist->buf, tlist->arraysize);
+ break;
+ case Message:
+ for(session = nmg->sessionlist; session; session = session->next){
+ if(session->lpm == tlist->buf)
+ session->lpm = NULL;
+ }
+ free_MapiMessage(tlist->buf, tlist->arraysize);
+ break;
+ }
+ fs_give((void **)&tlist);
+ return 0;
+new_MapiRecipDesc(int arraysize)
+ lpMapiRecipDesc lpmrd;
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ lpmrd = (MapiRecipDesc *)fs_get(arraysize*sizeof(MapiRecipDesc));
+ memset(lpmrd, 0, arraysize*sizeof(MapiRecipDesc));
+ new_mbuffer((void *)lpmrd, arraysize, RecipDesc);
+ return lpmrd;
+free_MapiRecipDesc(lpMapiRecipDesc buf, int arraysize)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < arraysize; i++){
+ if(buf[i].lpszName)
+ fs_give((void **)&buf[i].lpszName);
+ if(buf[i].lpszAddress)
+ fs_give((void **)&buf[i].lpszAddress);
+ }
+ fs_give((void **)&buf);
+new_MapiMessage(int arraysize)
+ lpMapiMessage lpmm;
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ lpmm = (lpMapiMessage)fs_get(arraysize*sizeof(MapiMessage));
+ memset(lpmm, 0, arraysize*sizeof(MapiMessage));
+ new_mbuffer((void *)lpmm, arraysize, Message);
+ return lpmm;
+free_MapiMessage(lpMapiMessage buf, int arraysize)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < arraysize; i++){
+ if(buf[i].lpszSubject)
+ fs_give((void **)&buf[i].lpszSubject);
+ if(buf[i].lpszNoteText)
+ fs_give((void **)&buf[i].lpszNoteText);
+ if(buf[i].lpszMessageType)
+ fs_give((void **)&buf[i].lpszMessageType);
+ if(buf[i].lpszDateReceived)
+ fs_give((void **)&buf[i].lpszDateReceived);
+ if(buf[i].lpszConversationID)
+ fs_give((void **)&buf[i].lpszConversationID);
+ if(buf[i].lpOriginator){
+ if(free_mbuffer(buf[i].lpOriginator))
+ free_MapiRecipDesc(buf[i].lpOriginator, 1);
+ }
+ if(buf[i].lpRecips){
+ if(free_mbuffer(buf[i].lpRecips))
+ free_MapiRecipDesc(buf[i].lpRecips, buf[i].nRecipCount);
+ }
+ if(buf[i].lpFiles)
+ free_mapi_file_desc(buf[i].lpFiles, buf[i].nFileCount);
+ }
+ fs_give((void **)&buf);
+lpMapiFileDesc new_mapi_file_desc(int arraysize)
+ lpMapiFileDesc lpmfd;
+ lpmfd = (MapiFileDesc *)fs_get(arraysize * sizeof (MapiFileDesc));
+ memset(lpmfd, 0, arraysize * sizeof(MapiFileDesc));
+ return lpmfd;
+void free_mapi_file_desc(lpMapiFileDesc lpmfd, int arraysize)
+ int i;
+ if(lpmfd == NULL) return;
+ for(i = 0; i < arraysize; i++){
+ if(lpmfd[i].lpszPathName)
+ fs_give((void **)&lpmfd[i].lpszPathName);
+ if(lpmfd[i].lpszFileName)
+ fs_give((void **)&lpmfd[i].lpszFileName);
+ /* NOTE: if lpFileType gets used, free it here */
+ }
+ fs_give((void **)&lpmfd);
+file_s *new_file_s()
+ file_s *tmp_fs;
+ tmp_fs = (file_s *)fs_get(sizeof(file_s));
+ memset(tmp_fs, 0, sizeof(file_s));
+ return tmp_fs;
+void free_file_s(file_s *fs)
+ if(fs == NULL) return;
+ if(fs->next)
+ free_file_s(fs->next);
+ if(fs->filename)
+ fs_give((void **)&fs->filename);
+ fs_give((void **)&fs);
+init_prcvars(mapi_global_s *nmg)
+ int i=0;
+ nmg->prcvars[USER_ID]->var = mstrdup("user-id");
+ nmg->prcvars[PERSONAL_NAME]->var = mstrdup("personal-name");
+ nmg->prcvars[USER_DOMAIN]->var = mstrdup("user-domain");
+ nmg->prcvars[SMTP_SERVER]->var = mstrdup("smtp-server");
+ nmg->prcvars[SMTP_SERVER]->islist = 1;
+ nmg->prcvars[INBOX_PATH]->var = mstrdup("inbox-path");
+ nmg->prcvars[FEATURE_LIST]->var = mstrdup("feature-list");
+ nmg->prcvars[FEATURE_LIST]->islist = 1;
+ nmg->prcvars[CHARACTER_SET]->var = mstrdup("character-set");
+ nmg->prcvars[FOLDER_COLLECTIONS]->var = mstrdup("folder-collections");
+ nmg->prcvars[FOLDER_COLLECTIONS]->islist = 1;
+ nmg->prcvars[PMAPI_SEND_BEHAVIOR]->var = mstrdup("pmapi-send-behavior");
+ nmg->prcvars[PMAPI_SEND_BEHAVIOR]->ispmapivar = 1;
+ nmg->prcvars[DEFAULT_FCC]->var = mstrdup("default-fcc");
+ nmg->prcvars[PMAPI_SUPPRESS_DIALOGS]->var = mstrdup("pmapi-suppress-dialogs");
+ nmg->prcvars[PMAPI_SUPPRESS_DIALOGS]->ispmapivar = 1;
+ nmg->prcvars[PMAPI_STRICT_NO_DIALOG]->var = mstrdup("pmapi-strict-no-dialog");
+ nmg->prcvars[PMAPI_STRICT_NO_DIALOG]->ispmapivar = 1;
+init_prcfeats(mapi_global_s *nmg)
+ nmg->prcfeats[ENABLE8BIT]->var = mstrdup("enable-8bit-esmtp-negotiation");
+void init_fcc_folder(mapi_global_s *nmg)
+ char *fcc, **fc, *desc = NULL, *col = NULL, *tfcc, *p, *p2;
+ int i = 0;
+ if(!nmg->prcvars[DEFAULT_FCC]->val.p)
+ nmg->prcvars[DEFAULT_FCC]->val.p = cpystr("sent-mail");
+ fcc = nmg->prcvars[DEFAULT_FCC]->val.p;
+ if(!fcc || !(*fcc)) return;
+ if(strcmp(fcc, "\"\"") == 0) return;
+ if((*fcc == '{') || (isalpha(fcc[0]) && (fcc[1] == ':'))
+ || ((fcc[0] == '\\') && (fcc[1] == '\\'))){
+ nmg->fccfolder = cpystr(fcc);
+ return;
+ }
+ fc = nmg->prcvars[FOLDER_COLLECTIONS]->val.l;
+ if(!fc || !fc[0] || !fc[0][0]) return;
+ get_pair(fc[i], &desc, &col, 0, 0);
+ if(desc)
+ fs_give((void **)&desc);
+ if(!col)
+ return;
+ p = strrchr(col, '[');
+ p2 = strrchr(col, ']');
+ if((p2 < p) || (!p)){
+ if(col)
+ fs_give((void **)&col);
+ return;
+ }
+ tfcc = (char *)fs_get((strlen(col) + strlen(fcc) + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ *p = '\0';
+ p2++;
+ sprintf(tfcc, "%s%s%s", col, fcc, p2);
+ nmg->fccfolder = tfcc;
+ if(col)
+ fs_give((void **)&col);
+void init_pmapi_registry_vars(mapi_global_s *nmg)
+ HKEY hKey;
+ BYTE keyData[1024];
+ DWORD keyDataSize = 1024;
+ DWORD keyDataType;
+ int i;
+ "Software\\University of Washington\\Alpine\\1.0\\PmapiOpts",
+ 0,
+ &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ return;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMPRCVARS; i++){
+ if(nmg->prcvars[i]->ispmapivar && nmg->prcvars[i]->islist == 0){
+ keyDataSize = 1024;
+ if((RegQueryValueEx(hKey, nmg->prcvars[i]->var, 0, &keyDataType,
+ keyData, &keyDataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ && keyDataType == REG_SZ){
+ if(nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p);
+ nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p = mstrdup(keyData);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
+void init_pmapi_vars(mapi_global_s *nmg)
+ char *b;
+ if(b = nmg->prcvars[PMAPI_SEND_BEHAVIOR]->val.p){
+ if(_stricmp(b, "always-prompt") == 0)
+ nmg->pmapi_send_behavior = PMSB_ALWAYS_PROMPT;
+ else if(_stricmp(b, "always-send") == 0)
+ nmg->pmapi_send_behavior = PMSB_ALWAYS_SEND;
+ else if(_stricmp(b, "never-send") == 0)
+ nmg->pmapi_send_behavior = PMSB_NEVER_SEND;
+ }
+ else
+ nmg->pmapi_send_behavior = PMSB_ALWAYS_PROMPT;
+ if(b = nmg->prcvars[PMAPI_SUPPRESS_DIALOGS]->val.p){
+ if(_stricmp(b, "yes") == 0)
+ nmg->pmapi_suppress_dialogs = PMSD_YES;
+ else if(_stricmp(b, "prompt") == 0)
+ nmg->pmapi_suppress_dialogs = PMSD_PROMPT;
+ else if(_stricmp(b, "no") == 0)
+ nmg->pmapi_suppress_dialogs = PMSD_NO;
+ }
+ else
+ nmg->pmapi_suppress_dialogs = PMSD_NO;
+ if(b = nmg->prcvars[PMAPI_STRICT_NO_DIALOG]->val.p){
+ if(_stricmp(b, "yes") == 0)
+ nmg->pmapi_strict_no_dialog = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ nmg->pmapi_strict_no_dialog = 0;
+char *copy_remote_to_local(char *pinerc, sessionlist_s *cs)
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ char *tmptext, dir[1024], filename[1024];
+ unsigned long tmptextlen, i = 0, numwritten;
+ FILE *prcfd;
+ if(nmg->cs) return NULL;
+ if(!(cs->open_stream = mapi_mail_open(cs, NULL, pinerc,
+ ms_global->debug ? OP_DEBUG : NIL))){
+ ErrorBox("Couldn't open %s for reading as remote pinerc", pinerc);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ nmg->cs = NULL;
+ nmg->tmpmbxptr = NULL;
+ tmptext = mail_fetch_body(cs->open_stream, cs->open_stream->nmsgs,
+ "1", &tmptextlen, NIL);
+ dir[0] = '\0';
+ get_suggested_directory(dir);
+ do{
+ sprintf(filename, "%s%smapipinerc%d", dir,
+ dir[strlen(dir)-1] == '\\' ? "" : "\\", i);
+ i++;
+ }while (_access(filename, 00) != -1);
+ if(prcfd = fopen(filename, "wb")){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"preparing to write pinerc to %s\r\n",
+ filename);
+ numwritten = fwrite(tmptext, sizeof(char), tmptextlen, prcfd);
+ fclose(prcfd);
+ }
+ else{
+ ErrorBox("Couldn't open temp file %s for writing", filename);
+ mail_close_full(cs->open_stream, NIL);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cs->open_stream = mail_close_full(cs->open_stream, NIL);
+ return(mstrdup(filename));
+int read_pinerc(mapi_global_s *nmg, sessionlist_s *cs,
+ char *prc, char *pineconf, char *pinercex, int depth)
+ FILE *prcfd;
+ int i, varnum, j, varlen, create_local = 0, k;
+ char line[BUFLEN], *local_pinerc, *p;
+ if(nmg == NULL) return -1;
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd,
+ "read_pinerc called: prc: %s, pineconf: %s, pinercex: %s, depth: %d\r\n",
+ prc ? prc : "NULL", pineconf ? pineconf : "NULL",
+ pinercex ? pinercex : "NULL", depth);
+ }
+ if(pineconf){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "Recursively calling read_pinerc for pineconf\r\n");
+ read_pinerc(nmg, cs, pineconf, NULL, NULL, 1);
+ }
+ if(prc == NULL){
+ ErrorBox("No value found for %s. Try running Alpine.", "pinerc");
+ DEBUG_WRITE("No value found for %s\r\n","pinerc");
+ _flushall();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(*prc == '{'){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "REMOTE PINERC: %s\r\n", prc);
+ if(!(local_pinerc = copy_remote_to_local(prc, cs))){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "Couldn't copy remote pinerc to local\r\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ create_local = 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!(local_pinerc = mstrdup(prc))){
+ ErrorBox("Couldn't fs_get for %s","pinerc");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "Preparing to open local pinerc %s\r\n", local_pinerc);
+ prcfd = fopen(local_pinerc, "r");
+ if(prcfd == NULL){
+ DEBUG_WRITE("Couldn't open %s\r\n","pinerc");
+ _flushall();
+ ErrorBox("Couldn't open %s\r\n","pinerc");
+ if(local_pinerc)
+ fs_give((void **)&local_pinerc);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ DEBUG_WRITE("Opened %s for reading\r\n", "pinerc");
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMPRCVARS && nmg->prcvars[i]->var; i++);
+ varnum = i;
+ while(fgets(line, BUFLEN, prcfd)){
+ j = 0;
+ while(isspace(line[j])) j++;
+ if(line[j] != '#' && line[j] != '\0'){
+ for(i = 0; i < varnum; i ++){
+ varlen = strlen(nmg->prcvars[i]->var);
+ if(_strnicmp(nmg->prcvars[i]->var, line+j, varlen)==0){
+ j += varlen;
+ if(line[j] == '='){
+ /* we found a match in the pinerc */
+ j++;
+ if(nmg->prcvars[i]->islist){
+ while(isspace(line[j])) j++;
+ if(line[j] != '\0'){
+ STRLIST_S *strl = NULL, *tl, *tln;
+ if(nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l){
+ for(k = 0; nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l[k]; k++)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l[k]);
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l);
+ }
+ strl = (STRLIST_S *)fs_get(sizeof(STRLIST_S));
+ memset(strl, 0, sizeof(STRLIST_S));
+ tl = strl;
+ while(line[j]){
+ while(isspace(line[j])) j++;
+ if(p = strchr(line+j, ','))
+ *p = '\0';
+ if(tl != strl || tl->str){
+ tl->next = (STRLIST_S *)fs_get(sizeof(STRLIST_S));
+ tl = tl->next;
+ memset(tl, 0, sizeof(STRLIST_S));
+ }
+ varlen = strlen(line+j);
+ while(isspace((line+j)[varlen - 1])){
+ varlen--;
+ (line+j)[varlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ tl->str = mstrdup(line+j);
+ if(p){
+ j = p - line + 1;
+ while(isspace(line[j])) j++;
+ if(!line[j]){
+ fgets(line, BUFLEN, prcfd);
+ j = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ for(tl = strl, k = 0; tl; tl = tl->next, k++);
+ nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l = (char **)fs_get((k+1)*sizeof(char *));
+ for(tl = strl, k = 0; tl; tl = tln, k++){
+ nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l[k] = tl->str;
+ tln = tl->next;
+ fs_give((void **)&tl);
+ }
+ nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l[k] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ while(isspace(line[j])) j++;
+ if(line[j] != '\0'){
+ varlen = strlen(line+j);
+ while(isspace((line+j)[varlen-1])){
+ varlen--;
+ (line+j)[varlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ if(nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p) fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p);
+ nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p = (char *)fs_get((varlen + 1)*sizeof(char));
+ strncpy(nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p, line+j, varlen);
+ nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p[varlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!depth){
+ if(pinercex){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd,
+ "Recursively calling read_pinerc for exceptions\r\n");
+ read_pinerc(nmg, cs, pinercex, NULL, NULL, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ _flushall();
+ fclose(prcfd);
+ for(i = 0; nmg->prcvars[FEATURE_LIST]->val.l
+ && nmg->prcvars[FEATURE_LIST]->val.l[i]; i++){
+ for(j = 0; j < NUMPRCFEATS; j++){
+ if(strcmp(nmg->prcfeats[j]->var, nmg->prcvars[FEATURE_LIST]->val.l[i]) == 0)
+ nmg->prcfeats[j]->is_set = 1;
+ else if((strncmp("no-", nmg->prcvars[FEATURE_LIST]->val.l[i], 3) == 0)
+ && (strcmp(nmg->prcfeats[j]->var,
+ nmg->prcvars[FEATURE_LIST]->val.l[i] + 3) == 0)){
+ nmg->prcfeats[j]->is_set = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(create_local && local_pinerc){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "Removing %s\r\n", local_pinerc);
+ _unlink(local_pinerc);
+ }
+ if(local_pinerc)
+ fs_give((void **)&local_pinerc);
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "Current pinerc settings:\r\n");
+ for(i = 0; i < varnum; i++){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "%s:", nmg->prcvars[i]->var);
+ if(!nmg->prcvars[i]->islist)
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, " %s\r\n",
+ nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p ? nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p : " NOT DEFINED");
+ else{
+ if(!nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l)
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, " NOT DEFINED\r\n");
+ else {
+ for(j = 0; nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l[j]; j++)
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "\t%s\r\n",
+ nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void expand_env_vars(mapi_global_s *nmg)
+ int i, j, check_reg = 0, islist;
+ DWORD keyDataSize = 1024, keyDataType;
+ char *p1, *p2, *p3, keyData[1024], *newstr, **valstrp;
+ HKEY hKey;
+ "Software\\University of Washington\\Alpine\\1.0\\PmapiOpts\\Env",
+ 0,
+ &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ check_reg = 1;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMPRCVARS; i++){
+ islist = nmg->prcvars[i]->islist;
+ for(j = 0; islist ? (int)(nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l && nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l[j])
+ : (j < 1); j++){
+ valstrp = islist ? &nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l[j] : &nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p;
+ if(*valstrp == NULL) continue;
+ while((p1 = strstr(*valstrp, "${")) && (p2 = strchr(p1, '}'))){
+ msprint1("%s -> ", *valstrp);
+ *p2 = '\0';
+ p3 = NULL;
+ if((p3 = getenv(p1+2)) && *p3)
+ ;
+ else if(check_reg && (keyDataSize = 1024)
+ && (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, p1+2, 0, &keyDataType,
+ keyData, &keyDataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ && keyDataType == REG_SZ)
+ p3 = keyData;
+ newstr = (char *)fs_get(sizeof(char)*(strlen(*valstrp)
+ + strlen(p3 ? p3 : "") + strlen(p2+1) + 1));
+ *p1 = '\0';
+ strcpy(newstr, *valstrp);
+ strcat(newstr, p3 && *p3 ? p3 : "");
+ strcat(newstr, p2 + 1);
+ fs_give((void **)valstrp);
+ *valstrp = newstr;
+ msprint1(" %s\r\n", *valstrp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(check_reg)
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
+void free_mapi_global(mapi_global_s *nmg)
+ int i, j;
+ sessionlist_s *ts;
+ if(nmg->pineExe)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->pineExe);
+ if(nmg->pineExeAlt)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->pineExeAlt);
+ if(nmg->pinerc)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->pinerc);
+ if(nmg->pineconf)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->pineconf);
+ if(nmg->pinercex)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->pinercex);
+ if(nmg->fccfolder)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->fccfolder);
+ if(nmg->attachDir)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->attachDir);
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMPRCFEATS; i++){
+ if(nmg->prcfeats[i]->var)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcfeats[i]->var);
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcfeats[i]);
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMPRCVARS; i++){
+ if(nmg->prcvars[i]->var)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcvars[i]->var);
+ if(nmg->prcvars[i]->islist){
+ if(nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l){
+ for(j = 0; nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l[j]; j++)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l[j]);
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcvars[i]->val.l);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcvars[i]->val.p);
+ }
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->prcvars[i]);
+ }
+ for(ts = nmg->sessionlist; ts;){
+ if(ts->open_stream)
+ ts->open_stream = mail_close_full(ts->open_stream, NIL);
+ ts = free_sessionlist_node(ts);
+ }
+ if(nmg->debugFile)
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg->debugFile);
+ if(nmg->debug && nmg->dfd)
+ fclose(nmg->dfd);
+ nmg->debug = FALSE;
+ fs_give((void **)&nmg);
+MAILSTREAM *first_open(sessionlist_s *cs)
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ /* cs->mhwnd = (HWND)ulUIParam;
+ * if(flFlags & MAPI_LOGON_UI)
+ * cs->flags.mapi_logon_ui = TRUE;
+ */
+ /* if someone is logging in right now, return failure */
+ if(nmg->cs) return NULL;
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "Opening mailbox for the first time\r\n");
+ if(nmg->prcvars[INBOX_PATH]->val.p == NULL){
+ ErrorBox("No value set for %s!", "inbox");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cs->open_stream = mapi_mail_open(cs, cs->open_stream, nmg->prcvars[INBOX_PATH]->val.p,
+ nmg->debug ? OP_DEBUG : NIL);
+ /* cs->flags.mapi_logon_ui = FALSE; */
+ if(cs->open_stream){
+ if(cs->currently_open){
+ fs_give((void **)&cs->currently_open);
+ cs->currently_open = NULL;
+ }
+ cs->currently_open = mstrdup(nmg->prcvars[INBOX_PATH]->val.p);
+ if(nmg->debug)
+ mail_debug(cs->open_stream);
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "returning SUCCESS_SUCCESS\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+ return cs->open_stream;
+ }
+ else if(cs->flags.dlg_cancel){
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "returning MAPI_E_FAILURE\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else{
+ cs->dlge.edit1[0] = '\0';
+ cs->dlge.edit2[0] = '\0';
+ if(cs->currently_open){
+ fs_give((void **)&cs->currently_open);
+ cs->currently_open = NULL;
+ }
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, "returning MAPI_E_FAILURE\r\n");
+ _flushall();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+mapi_smtp_open(sessionlist_s *cs, char **servers, long options)
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ SENDSTREAM *newstream;
+ pw_cache_s *tpwc, *dpwc;
+ nmg->cs = cs;
+ nmg->tmpmbxptr = NULL;
+ nmg->cs->flags.dlg_cancel = 0;
+ newstream = smtp_open(servers, options);
+ nmg->cs = NULL;
+ nmg->tmpmbxptr = NULL;
+ if(newstream){ /* if open stream, valid password */
+ for(tpwc = cs->pwc; tpwc; tpwc = tpwc->next)
+ tpwc->validpw = 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ for(tpwc = cs->pwc, dpwc = NULL; tpwc; dpwc = tpwc, tpwc = tpwc->next){
+ if(tpwc->validpw == 0){
+ if(tpwc == cs->pwc)
+ cs->pwc = tpwc->next;
+ else
+ dpwc->next = tpwc->next;
+ fs_give((void **)&tpwc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(newstream);
+mapi_mail_open(sessionlist_s *cs, MAILSTREAM *stream, char *name, long options)
+ MAILSTREAM *newstream;
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ pw_cache_s *tpwc, *dpwc;
+ nmg->cs = cs;
+ nmg->tmpmbxptr = name;
+ nmg->cs->flags.dlg_cancel = 0;
+ newstream = mail_open(stream, name, options);
+ nmg->tmpmbxptr = NULL;
+ nmg->cs = NULL;
+ if(newstream){ /* if open stream, valid password */
+ for(tpwc = cs->pwc; tpwc; tpwc = tpwc->next)
+ tpwc->validpw = 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ tpwc = cs->pwc;
+ while(tpwc){
+ if(tpwc->validpw == 0){
+ dpwc = tpwc;
+ tpwc = tpwc->next;
+ if(dpwc == cs->pwc)
+ cs->pwc = dpwc->next;
+ fs_give((void **)&dpwc);
+ }
+ else
+ tpwc = tpwc->next;
+ }
+ }
+ return (newstream);
+MAILSTREAM *check_mailstream(sessionlist_s *cs)
+ mapi_global_s *nmg;
+ nmg = ms_global;
+ if(!cs->open_stream){
+ return(first_open(cs));
+ }
+ cs->flags.check_stream = TRUE;
+ if(!mail_ping(cs->open_stream)){
+ if(nmg->cs) return NULL;
+ cs->open_stream = mapi_mail_open(cs, cs->open_stream,
+ cs->currently_open ? cs->currently_open :
+ nmg->prcvars[INBOX_PATH]->val.p,
+ nmg->debug ? OP_DEBUG : NIL);
+ if(!cs->open_stream){
+ fs_give((void **)&cs->currently_open);
+ cs->currently_open = NULL;
+ cs->dlge.edit1[0] = '\0';
+ cs->dlge.edit2[0] = '\0';
+ cs->flags.check_stream = FALSE;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ cs->flags.check_stream = FALSE;
+ return cs->open_stream;
+/* pretty much changes a string to an integer,
+ * but if it is not a valid message number, then 0 is returned
+ */
+unsigned long convert_to_msgno(char *msgid)
+ unsigned long place_holder = 1, msgno = 0;
+ int i, len;
+ len = strlen(msgid);
+ for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
+ if(msgid[len-1-i] - '0' < 0 || msgid[len-1-i] - '0' > 9)
+ return 0;
+ msgno += (msgid[len - 1 - i] - '0')*place_holder;
+ place_holder *= 10;
+ }
+ return msgno;
+ * Lookup file's mimetype by its file extension
+ * fn - filename
+ * body - body in which to store new type, subtype
+ *
+ * A mime type is ALWAYS set
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the file extension was found and mimetype was set accordingly
+ * 1 if otherwise
+ */
+int lookup_file_mime_type(char *fn, BODY *body)
+ char *p, subkey[1024], val[1024];
+ DWORD dtype, vallen = 1024;
+ HKEY hKey;
+ int i, rv = 0;
+ if(body->subtype)
+ fs_give((void **)&body->subtype);
+ if((p = strrchr(fn, '.')) && p[1]){
+ sprintf(subkey, "%.1020s", p);
+ if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, subkey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS){
+ if(RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Content Type", NULL, &dtype, val, &vallen) == ERROR_SUCCESS){
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
+ if((p = strrchr(val, '/')) && p[1]){
+ *(p++) = '\0';
+ body->subtype = mstrdup(p);
+ for(i=0; (i <= TYPEMAX) && body_types[i] && _stricmp(val, body_types[i]); i++);
+ if(i > TYPEMAX)
+ else if(!body_types[i])
+ body_types[i] = mstrdup(val);
+ body->type = i;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ body->type = TYPEAPPLICATION;
+ body->subtype = "octet-stream";
+ return 1;
+int LookupMIMEFileExt(char *val, char *mime_type, DWORD *vallen)
+ HKEY hKey;
+ DWORD dtype;
+ char subkey[1024];
+ sprintf(subkey, "MIME\\Database\\Content Type\\%s", mime_type);
+ if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, subkey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS){
+ rv = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,"extension",NULL, &dtype, val, vallen);
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
+ }
+ return(rv);
+ * xlate_out() - xlate_out the given character
+ */
+ char c;
+ register int dti;
+ register int xch;
+ if((c >= FIRSTCH) && (c <= LASTCH)){
+ xch = c - (dti = xlate_key);
+ xch += (xch < FIRSTCH-TABSZ) ? 2*TABSZ : (xch < FIRSTCH) ? TABSZ : 0;
+ dti = (xch - FIRSTCH) + dti;
+ dti -= (dti >= 2*TABSZ) ? 2*TABSZ : (dti >= TABSZ) ? TABSZ : 0;
+ xlate_key = dti;
+ return(xch);
+ }
+ else
+ return(c);
+/* return TRUE if the pwd is found, FALSE if not */
+int in_passfile(sessionlist_s *cs)
+ mapi_global_s *nmg;
+ char *tf, *tp, *ui[4], tmp[1024], *dir;
+ int i, j, n;
+ FILE *tfd;
+ nmg = ms_global;
+ if(*nmg->pinerc == '{')
+ dir = nmg->pineExe;
+ else
+ dir = nmg->pinerc;
+ /* if(nmg->flags.passfile_checked) return FALSE; */
+ if(!(tf = (char *)fs_get(sizeof(char)*(strlen(dir) + strlen("pine.pwd") + 1)))){
+ /* nmg->flags.passfile_checked = TRUE; */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ strcpy(tf,dir);
+ if(tp = strrchr(tf, '\\')){
+ tp++;
+ strcpy(tp, "pine.pwd");
+ }
+ else /* don't know when this will ever happen */
+ strcpy(tf, "pine.pwd");
+ if(_access(tf, 00) == 0){
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd,"found %s for passwords\r\n", tf);
+ if(!(tfd = fopen(tf,"r"))){
+ fs_give((void **)&tf);
+ /* nmg->flags.passfile_checked = TRUE; */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else{
+ for(n = 0; fgets(tmp, 1024, tfd); n++){
+ /*** do any necessary DEcryption here ***/
+ xlate_key = n;
+ for(i = 0; tmp[i]; i++)
+ tmp[i] = xlate_out(tmp[i]);
+ if(i && tmp[i-1] == '\n')
+ tmp[i-1] = '\0'; /* blast '\n' */
+ ui[0] = ui[1] = ui[2] = ui[3] = NULL;
+ for(i = 0, j = 0; tmp[i] && j < 4; j++){
+ for(ui[j] = &tmp[i]; tmp[i] && tmp[i] != '\t'; i++)
+ ;
+ if(tmp[i])
+ tmp[i++] = '\0';
+ }
+ if(ui[0] && ui[1] && ui[2]){
+ if(strcmp(ui[2], cs->mb->host) == 0){
+ if((cs->mb->altflag && ui[3] && *ui[3] == '1')
+ || (!cs->mb->altflag && (!ui[3] || (*ui[3] == '0')))){
+ if(strcmp(ui[1], *cs->mb->user ? cs->mb->user
+ : nmg->prcvars[USER_ID]->val.p) == 0){
+ /* winner */
+ strcpy(cs->dlge.edit1, *cs->mb->user ? cs->mb->user
+ : nmg->prcvars[USER_ID]->val.p);
+ strcpy(cs->dlge.edit2, ui[0]);
+ fclose(tfd);
+ fs_give((void **)&tf);
+ /* nmg->flags.passfile_checked = TRUE; */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(tfd);
+ fs_give((void **)&tf);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ fs_give((void **)&tf);
+ /* nmg->flags.passfile_checked = TRUE; */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* nmg->flags.passfile_checked = TRUE; */
+ return FALSE;
+int get_suggested_directory(char *dir)
+ char *tmpdir;
+ if(tmpdir = getenv("TEMP")){
+ strcpy(dir, tmpdir);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if(tmpdir = getenv("TMP")){
+ strcpy(dir, tmpdir);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if(ms_global && ms_global->attachDir){
+ strcpy(dir, ms_global->attachDir);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else{ /* should NEVER get here */
+ strcpy(dir, "C:\\");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/* return TRUE if file_ext is modified, FALSE if not */
+int get_suggested_file_ext(char *file_ext, PART *part, DWORD *file_extlen)
+ char mime_type[1024], *tmp_ext;
+ int rv = !ERROR_SUCCESS;
+ PARAMETER *param;
+ if(part->body.subtype){
+ sprintf(mime_type, "%s/%s", body_types[part->body.type], part->body.subtype);
+ rv = LookupMIMEFileExt(file_ext, mime_type, file_extlen);
+ }
+ if(rv == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ return TRUE;
+ else{
+ param = part->body.parameter;
+ while(param && (_stricmp("NAME", param->attribute)))
+ param = param->next;
+ if(!param){
+ if(part->body.type == TYPEMESSAGE){
+ /* don't try to recurse through attached messages yet */
+ strcpy(file_ext, ".txt");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ tmp_ext = strrchr(param->value, (int)'.');
+ if(!tmp_ext) return FALSE;
+ strcpy(file_ext, tmp_ext);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* return -1 for failure */
+int InitDebug()
+ char path[1024];
+ if(!ms_global){
+ if((ms_global = new_mapi_global()) == NULL) return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * if debug file exists, turn on debugging mode
+ */
+ if(ms_global->debug == 1) /* debug file already initialized, somehow */
+ return 1;
+ get_suggested_directory(path);
+ if(path[strlen(path-1)] != '\\')
+ strcat(path, "\\");
+ strcat(path, "mapi_debug.txt");
+ if(_access(path, 00) == 0){
+ ms_global->debug = 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ get_suggested_directory(path);
+ if(path[strlen(path-1)] != '\\')
+ strcat(path, "\\");
+ strcat(path, "mapisend");
+ if(_access(path, 00) == 0){
+ ms_global->debug = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ms_global->debug){
+ ms_global->dfd = fopen(path, "wb");
+ if(!ms_global->dfd){
+ ErrorBox("MAPISendMail: debug off: can't open debug file %.200s",
+ path);
+ ms_global->debug = 0; /* can't open the file, turn off debugging */
+ }
+ else if(ms_global->debug == 1){
+ ms_global->debugFile = (char *)fs_get((1+strlen(path))*sizeof(char));
+ strcpy(ms_global->debugFile, path);
+ }
+ }
+ if(ms_global->debug && (ms_global->dfd == NULL))
+ ms_global->debug = 0;
+ return ms_global->debug;
+int GetPineData()
+ HKEY pineKey;
+ BYTE pineKeyData[1024];
+ DWORD pineKeyDataSize;
+ DWORD pineKeyDataType;
+ char *defPath = "c:\\pine\\pine.exe";
+ char *pineExe = strrchr(defPath, '\\')+1;
+ char *freepineExe = NULL;
+ char *defAttachDir = "c:\\tmp";
+ char *penv = NULL;
+ /*
+ * get name of and path to pine.exe from registry
+ */
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(
+ "SOFTWARE\\University of Washington\\Alpine\\1.0",
+ 0,
+ &pineKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ pineKeyDataSize = sizeof(pineKeyData);
+ if (RegQueryValueEx(
+ pineKey,
+ "PineEXE",
+ 0,
+ &pineKeyDataType,
+ pineKeyData,
+ &pineKeyDataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ freepineExe = (char *)fs_get((pineKeyDataSize + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ if ((pineExe = freepineExe) != NULL) {
+ strcpy(pineExe, pineKeyData);
+ }
+ else {
+ ErrorBox("MAPISendMail: can't fs_get %d bytes for pineExe",
+ pineKeyDataSize);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (MSDEBUG) {
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"pine.exe pineKeyDataSize: %d\r\n", pineKeyDataSize);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"pine.exe pineKeyData: %s\r\n", pineKeyData);
+ }
+ }
+ pineKeyDataSize = sizeof(pineKeyData);
+ if (RegQueryValueEx(
+ pineKey,
+ "pinedir",
+ 0,
+ &pineKeyDataType,
+ pineKeyData,
+ &pineKeyDataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ ms_global->pineExe = (char *)fs_get(sizeof(char)*(pineKeyDataSize+strlen(pineExe)));
+ if (ms_global->pineExe) {
+ strncpy(ms_global->pineExe, pineKeyData, pineKeyDataSize);
+ strcat(ms_global->pineExe, pineExe);
+ }
+ else {
+ ErrorBox("MAPISendMail: can't fs_get %d bytes for av[0]",
+ pineKeyDataSize);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (MSDEBUG) {
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"pine.exe pineKeyDataSize: %d\r\n", pineKeyDataSize);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"pine.exe pineKeyData: %s\r\n", pineKeyData);
+ }
+ }
+ RegCloseKey(pineKey);
+ }
+ if(!ms_global->pineExe){
+ ms_global->pineExe = (char *)fs_get((1+strlen(defPath))*sizeof(char));
+ if(!ms_global->pineExe){
+ ErrorBox("Couldn't fs_get for %s","pineExe");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ strcpy(ms_global->pineExe, defPath);
+ }
+ if(freepineExe)
+ ms_global->pineExeAlt = freepineExe;
+ else{
+ ms_global->pineExeAlt = (char *)fs_get((strlen(strrchr(defPath, '\\')+1)+1)*sizeof(char));
+ if(!ms_global->pineExeAlt){
+ ErrorBox("Couldn't fs_get for %s","pineExeAlt");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ strcpy(ms_global->pineExeAlt, strrchr(defPath, '\\')+1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * get path to pinerc from registry
+ */
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(
+ "Software\\University of Washington\\Alpine\\1.0",
+ 0,
+ &pineKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ pineKeyDataSize = sizeof(pineKeyData);
+ if( RegQueryValueEx(
+ pineKey,
+ "PineRC",
+ 0,
+ &pineKeyDataType,
+ pineKeyData,
+ &pineKeyDataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ if(*pineKeyData != '{' || ms_global->pineExe)
+ ms_global->attachDir = (char *)fs_get(sizeof(char)*(*pineKeyData == '{' ?
+ pineKeyDataSize + 1 :
+ strlen(ms_global->pineExe)+1));
+ ms_global->pinerc = (char *)fs_get(pineKeyDataSize);
+ if(ms_global->attachDir){
+ char *p;
+ if(*pineKeyData != '{'){
+ strncpy(ms_global->attachDir, pineKeyData, pineKeyDataSize);
+ ms_global->attachDir[pineKeyDataSize] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ strcpy(ms_global->attachDir, ms_global->pineExe);
+ p = strrchr(ms_global->attachDir, '\\');
+ if (p) *p = '\0';
+ }
+ if(ms_global->pinerc)
+ strncpy(ms_global->pinerc, pineKeyData, pineKeyDataSize);
+ else {
+ ErrorBox("MAPISendMail: can't fs_get %d bytes for pinercPath",
+ pineKeyDataSize);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (MSDEBUG) {
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "pinerc pineKeyDataSize: %d\r\n", pineKeyDataSize);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "pinerc pineKeyData: %s\r\n", pineKeyData);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "attachDir: %s\r\n",
+ ms_global->attachDir ? ms_global->attachDir :
+ }
+ }
+ pineKeyDataSize = sizeof(pineKeyData);
+ if( RegQueryValueEx(
+ pineKey,
+ "PineConf",
+ 0,
+ &pineKeyDataType,
+ pineKeyData,
+ &pineKeyDataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS){
+ ms_global->pineconf = mstrdup(pineKeyData);
+ msprint1("ms_global->pineconf: %s (due to Registry setting)\r\n", ms_global->pineconf);
+ }
+ RegCloseKey(pineKey);
+ }
+ if(ms_global->attachDir == NULL){
+ if(ms_global->attachDir = (char *)fs_get((strlen(defAttachDir)+1)*sizeof(char)))
+ strcpy(ms_global->attachDir, defAttachDir);
+ else
+ ErrorBox("Can't find TEMP directory for %s!","attachments");
+ }
+ if(penv = getenv("PINERC")){
+ if(ms_global->pinerc)
+ fs_give((void **)&ms_global->pinerc);
+ if(ms_global->pinerc = (char *)fs_get((strlen(penv)+1)*sizeof(char)))
+ strcpy(ms_global->pinerc, penv);
+ else
+ ErrorBox("Couldn't fs_get for %s", "pinerc");
+ }
+ if(penv = getenv("PINECONF")){
+ if(ms_global->pineconf)
+ fs_give((void **)&ms_global->pineconf);
+ if(ms_global->pineconf = (char *)fs_get((strlen(penv)+1)*sizeof(char)))
+ strcpy(ms_global->pineconf, penv);
+ else
+ ErrorBox("Couldn't fs_get for %s", "pineconf");
+ }
+ else{
+ }
+ if(penv = getenv("PINERCEX")){
+ if(ms_global->pinercex)
+ fs_give((void **)&ms_global->pinercex);
+ if(ms_global->pinercex = mstrdup(penv))
+ strcpy(ms_global->pinercex, penv);
+ else
+ ErrorBox("Couldn't fs_get for %s", "pinercex");
+ }
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"ms_global->pineExe: %s\r\n",
+ (ms_global->pineExe) ? ms_global->pineExe : "NULL");
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"ms_global->pineExeAlt: %s\r\n",
+ ms_global->pineExeAlt ? ms_global->pineExeAlt : "NULL");
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"ms_global->attachDir: %s\r\n",
+ ms_global->attachDir ? ms_global->attachDir : "NULL");
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"ms_global->pinerc: %s\r\n",
+ ms_global->pinerc ? ms_global->pinerc : "NULL");
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"ms_global->pineconf: %s\r\n",
+ ms_global->pinerc ? ms_global->pineconf : "NULL");
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"ms_global->pinercex: %s\r\n",
+ ms_global->pinerc ? ms_global->pinercex : "NULL");
+ }
+ return 1;
+ HANDLE hInst,
+ DWORD ul_reason_being_called,
+ LPVOID lpReserved)
+ switch(ul_reason_being_called){
+ /* if(ms_global)
+ * return 1;
+ */
+ if(!ms_global)
+ ms_global = new_mapi_global();
+ if(!ms_global) return 0;
+ ms_global->attached++;
+ ms_global->mhinst = hInst;
+ if(InitDebug() == -1){
+ ErrorBox("Mapi32.dll could not %s", "initialize");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(MSDEBUG && ms_global->attached <= 1){
+ time_t now;
+ struct tm *tm_now;
+ extern char datestamp[], hoststamp[];
+ now = time((time_t *)0);
+ tm_now = localtime(&now);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "pmapi32.dll for Alpine Version 2.10r\n");
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, " Build date: %s\r\n", datestamp);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,
+ " please report all bugs to\r\n");
+ if(tm_now)
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,
+ "Created: %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d %d/%d/%d\r\n",
+ tm_now->tm_hour, tm_now->tm_min, tm_now->tm_sec,
+ tm_now->tm_mon+1, tm_now->tm_mday, tm_now->tm_year+1900);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "\r\n\r\n");
+ }
+ DEBUG_WRITE("%s called. Debug initialized (in DllMain)\r\n",
+ ul_reason_being_called == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ?
+ GetPineData();
+#include "../c-client-dll/linkage.c"
+ break;
+ DEBUG_WRITE("\r\n%s called\r\n",
+ ul_reason_being_called == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH ?
+ ms_global->attached--;
+ /* if(ms_global->open_stream)
+ * ms_global->open_stream = mail_close_full(ms_global->open_stream, NIL);
+ */
+ if(ms_global->attached <= 0 &&
+ ul_reason_being_called == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,
+ "detaching last thread/process. freeing mapi global struct\r\n");
+ free_mapi_global(ms_global);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static char *V="\r\n@(#) Alpine Simple Mapi Library Ver. 1.3\r\n";
+UnderlineSpace(char *s)
+ char *p;
+ if(p = strrchr(s, '\\'))
+ s = p++;
+ for(; *s; s++)
+ if(*s == ' ')
+ *s = '_';
+ return 1;
+ * Given source file name and destination directory, make a binary copy
+ * of the file and return the full name of the copy (mangled as necessary
+ * to avoid conflicts). The return value will be a fs_get'd string
+ */
+char *
+TmpCopy(char *srcFile, int is_pinerc)
+ char *dstName; /* constructed and fs_get'd full output pathname */
+ char *srcTail; /* last component of source pathname */
+ char *srcExt; /* extension, if any, of srcTail */
+ char dstDir[1024];
+ int i, cnt, c, len, spc = 0;
+ FILE *sfd, *dfd;
+ if (!srcFile) {
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: srcFile is %s", "NULL");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if(is_pinerc){
+ len = strlen(srcFile);
+ for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
+ if(srcFile[i] == ' ') spc = 1;
+ }
+ if(spc == 0) return mstrdup(srcFile);
+ }
+ get_suggested_directory(dstDir);
+ if (!dstDir) {
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: dstDir is %s", "NULL");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ dstName = (char *)fs_get(sizeof(char)*(strlen(srcFile) + 5 +
+ max(strlen(dstDir), strlen(PINERC_FILE))));
+ if (dstName == NULL) {
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: can't fs_get space %d bytes for dstName",
+ strlen(srcFile)+5+max(strlen(dstDir),strlen(PINERC_FILE)));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if(!is_pinerc){
+ srcTail = strrchr(srcFile, '\\');
+ if (srcTail)
+ ++srcTail;
+ else
+ srcTail = srcFile;
+ srcExt = strrchr(srcTail, '.');
+ sfd = fopen(srcFile, "rb");
+ if (sfd == NULL) {
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: can't open %.200s for reading", srcFile);
+ fs_give((void **)&dstName);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ i = sprintf(dstName, "%s%s%s", dstDir,
+ dstDir[strlen(dstDir)-1] == '\\' ? "" : "\\",
+ srcTail);
+ UnderlineSpace(dstName);
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < 1000; ++cnt) {
+ int handle = _open(dstName, _O_CREAT|_O_EXCL , _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE);
+ if (handle != -1) {
+ if (_close(handle)) /* this shouldn't be able to happen */
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: _close of new %.200s failed", dstName);
+ dfd = fopen(dstName, "wb");
+ if (dfd) break;
+ }
+ if (srcExt)
+ sprintf(dstName+i-strlen(srcExt), "%03d%s", cnt, srcExt);
+ else
+ sprintf(dstName+i, "%03d", cnt);
+ }
+ if (dfd == NULL) {
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: can't create anything like %.200s", dstName);
+ fclose(sfd);
+ fs_give((void **)&dstName);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else{ /* is_pinerc */
+ i = sprintf(dstName, "%s%s%s", dstDir,
+ dstDir[strlen(dstDir)-1] == '\\' ? "" : "\\",
+ dfd = fopen(dstName, "wb");
+ if(!dfd){
+ ErrorBox("Couldn't create temp %s for pine", "pinerc");
+ fs_give((void **)&dstName);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ sfd = fopen(srcFile, "rb");
+ if (sfd == NULL) {
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: can't open %.200s for reading", srcFile);
+ fclose(dfd);
+ fs_give((void **)&dstName);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ c = fgetc(sfd);
+ while(feof(sfd) == 0) {
+ putc(c, dfd);
+ c = fgetc(sfd);
+ }
+ if (ferror(dfd)) {
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: write error on %.200s", dstName);
+ fs_give((void **)&dstName);
+ fclose(dfd);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ferror(sfd)) {
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: read error on %.200s", srcFile);
+ fs_give((void **)&dstName);
+ fclose(sfd);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (fclose(sfd)) {
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: fclose error on %.200s", srcFile);
+ }
+ if (fclose(dfd)) {
+ ErrorBox("TmpCopy: fclose error on %.200s", dstName);
+ }
+ return dstName;
+int send_documents(char *files, char sep)
+ int ac, i, tmplen, j;
+ char **av, *tmpfiles, *file, *tmpfree;
+ mapi_global_s *nmg;
+ nmg = ms_global;
+ ac = 3;
+ tmplen = strlen(files);
+ tmpfiles = (char *)fs_get(sizeof(char)*(tmplen + 1));
+ strcpy(tmpfiles,files);
+ for(i = 0; i <= tmplen; i++){
+ if(files[i] == sep || files[i] == '\0')
+ ac += 2;
+ }
+ ac += 2; /* just for safe measure */
+ av = (char **)fs_get(ac * sizeof(char *));
+ if(nmg->pinerc){
+ av[1] = mstrdup("-p");
+ /* copy pinerc to temp directory just in case it too
+ * has spaces in its directory
+ */
+ if(tmpfree = TmpCopy(nmg->pinerc, IS_PINERC)){
+ av[2] = quote(tmpfree);
+ fs_give((void **)&tmpfree);
+ }
+ else
+ av[2] = quote(nmg->pinerc);
+ }
+ for(i = 0, j = 3, file = tmpfiles; i <= tmplen; i++){
+ if(tmpfiles[i] == sep || i == tmplen){
+ tmpfiles[i] = '\0';
+ if(i - (file - tmpfiles) > 1){
+ tmpfree = TmpCopy(file, NOT_PINERC);
+ if(tmpfree){
+ av[j++] = mstrdup("-attach_and_delete");
+ av[j++] = quote(tmpfree);
+ fs_give((void **)&tmpfree);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ av[j] = NULL;
+ av[0] = quote(nmg->pineExe);
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "spawning %s (else %s):\r\n",
+ ms_global->pineExe, ms_global->pineExeAlt);
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, " av:\r\n");
+ for(i = 0; av[i]; i++)
+ fprintf(nmg->dfd, " av[%d]: %s\r\n", i, av[i]);
+ }
+ /* clean up quote()'s */
+ if (_spawnvp(_P_NOWAIT, ms_global->pineExe, av) == -1 &&
+ _spawnvp(_P_NOWAIT, ms_global->pineExeAlt, av) == -1){
+ ErrorBox("MAPISendMail: _spawnvp of %s failed", ms_global->pineExe);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "_spawnvp %s and %s failed\r\n",
+ ms_global->pineExe,ms_global->pineExeAlt);
+ return(MAPI_E_FAILURE);
+ }
+ for(i = 0; av[i]; i++)
+ fs_give((void **)&av[i]);
+ fs_give((void **)&av);
+char *
+message_structure_to_mailto_url(lpMapiMessage lpm)
+ char **keyvals, **keyvalp, *url;
+ int keyvallen;
+ unsigned long i, url_len = 0;
+ if(lpm == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ keyvallen = lpm->nRecipCount + 4; /* subject + body + from + recips + NULL */
+ keyvals = (char **)fs_get(keyvallen * sizeof(char *));
+ keyvalp = keyvals;
+ for(i = 0; i < lpm->nRecipCount; i++)
+ *keyvalp++ = encode_mailto_addr_keyval(&lpm->lpRecips[i]);
+ if(lpm->lpszSubject)
+ *keyvalp++ = encode_mailto_keyval("subject", lpm->lpszSubject);
+ if(lpm->lpOriginator)
+ *keyvalp++ = encode_mailto_addr_keyval(lpm->lpOriginator);
+ if(lpm->lpszNoteText)
+ *keyvalp++ = encode_mailto_keyval("body", lpm->lpszNoteText);
+ *keyvalp = NULL;
+ if(*keyvals == NULL){
+ fs_give((void **)&keyvals);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ url_len = keyvallen + 10; /* mailto url extra chars */
+ for(keyvalp = keyvals; *keyvalp; keyvalp++)
+ url_len += strlen(*keyvalp);
+ url = (char *)fs_get(url_len * sizeof(char));
+ sprintf(url, "mailto:?");
+ for(keyvalp = keyvals; *keyvalp; keyvalp++){
+ strcat(url, *keyvalp);
+ if(*(keyvalp+1))
+ strcat(url, "&");
+ fs_give((void **)&(*keyvalp));
+ }
+ fs_give((void **)&keyvals);
+ return url;
+char *
+encode_mailto_addr_keyval(lpMapiRecipDesc lpmr)
+ ADDRESS *adr = NULL;
+ char *addr, *retstr;
+ int use_quotes = 0;
+ adr = mapirecip2address(lpmr);
+ addr = (char *)fs_get((size_t)est_size(adr));
+ addr[0] = '\0';
+ rfc822_write_address(addr, adr);
+ mail_free_address(&adr);
+ retstr = encode_mailto_keyval(lpmr->ulRecipClass == MAPI_CC ? "cc"
+ : (lpmr->ulRecipClass == MAPI_BCC ? "bcc"
+ : (lpmr->ulRecipClass == MAPI_ORIG ? "from"
+ : "to")),
+ addr);
+ fs_give((void **)&addr);
+ return(retstr);
+ * Hex conversion aids from alpine.h
+ */
+#define HEX_ARRAY "0123456789ABCDEF"
+#define HEX_CHAR1(C) HEX_ARRAY[((C) & 0xf0) >> 4]
+#define HEX_CHAR2(C) HEX_ARRAY[(C) & 0xf]
+/* strings.c macros */
+#define C2XPAIR(C, S) { \
+ *(S)++ = HEX_CHAR1(C); \
+ *(S)++ = HEX_CHAR2(C); \
+ }
+#define RFC1738_SAFE "$-_.+" /* "safe" */
+#define RFC1738_EXTRA "!*'()," /* "extra" */
+/* adapted from rfc1738_encode_mailto */
+char *
+encode_mailto_keyval(char *key, char* val)
+ char *d, *ret = NULL, *v = val;
+ if(key && val){
+ ret = (char *)fs_get(sizeof(char) * (strlen(key) + (3*strlen(val)) + 2));
+ strcpy(ret, key);
+ d = ret + strlen(key);
+ *d++ = '=';
+ while(*v){
+ if(isalnum((unsigned char)*v)
+ || strchr(RFC1738_SAFE, *v)
+ || strchr(RFC1738_EXTRA, *v))
+ *d++ = *v++;
+ else{
+ *d++ = '%';
+ C2XPAIR(*v, d);
+ v++;
+ }
+ }
+ *d = '\0';
+ }
+ return(ret);
+unsigned long
+send_msg_nodlg(LHANDLE lhSession, ULONG ulUIParam, lpMapiMessage lpMessage,
+ FLAGS flFlags, ULONG ulReserved)
+ sessionlist_s *cs;
+ int tsession = 0, orig_in_recip = 0;
+ unsigned long i, orig_index;
+ ADDRESS *tadr = NULL, *tadr2 = NULL;
+ BODY *body = NULL;
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ SENDSTREAM *sending_stream = NULL;
+ unsigned long rv;
+ time_t now;
+ struct tm *tm_now;
+ char *p = NULL;
+ if(nmg->pmapi_send_behavior == PMSB_NEVER_SEND)
+ else if(nmg->pmapi_send_behavior == PMSB_ALWAYS_PROMPT){
+ if(MessageBox(NULL, "Really Send Message?", "pmapi32.dll", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO)
+ }
+ if((flFlags & MAPI_NEW_SESSION) || lhSession == 0){
+ cs = new_sessionlist();
+ tsession = 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ cs = get_session(lhSession);
+ if(!cs)
+ }
+ cs->flags.mapi_logon_ui = (flFlags & MAPI_LOGON_UI) || (flFlags & MAPI_DIALOG) ? 1 : 0;
+ if(InitPineSpecific(cs) == -1){
+ goto smn_cleanup;
+ }
+ msprint("Preparing to Send Message with no dialogs...\r\n");
+ /* Make an envelope */
+ env = (ENVELOPE *)fs_get(sizeof(ENVELOPE));
+ memset(env, 0, sizeof(ENVELOPE));
+ if(lpMessage->lpszSubject){
+ p = rfc1522_encode(tmp_20k_buf, SIZEOF_20KBUF, lpMessage->lpszSubject,
+ nmg->prcvars[CHARACTER_SET]->val.p);
+ env->subject = mstrdup(p);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, " Subject: %s\r\n", env->subject);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Since it is "DateReceived", I think the right thing to do is ignore it,
+ * since we're sending, not receiving.
+ */
+ rfc822_date(tmp_20k_buf);
+ env->date = mstrdup(tmp_20k_buf);
+ msprint1(" Date: %s\r\n", env->date);
+ env->message_id = pmapi_generate_message_id();
+ msprint1(" Message-Id: %s\r\n", env->message_id);
+ for(i = 0; i < lpMessage->nRecipCount; i++){
+ if((&lpMessage->lpRecips[i])->ulRecipClass == MAPI_ORIG){
+ orig_in_recip = 1;
+ orig_index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if(lpMessage->lpOriginator || orig_in_recip){
+ if((env->from = mapirecip2address(lpMessage->lpOriginator
+ ? lpMessage->lpOriginator
+ : (&lpMessage->lpRecips[orig_index])))
+ == NULL){
+ goto smn_cleanup;
+ }
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ sprintf(tmp_20k_buf, "%.100s <%.100s@%.100s>", env->from->personal ? env->from->personal
+ : "", env->from->mailbox ? env->from->mailbox : "",
+ env->from->host ? env->from->host : "");
+ msprint1("From: %s\r\n", tmp_20k_buf);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(nmg->prcvars[USER_ID]->val.p && nmg->prcvars[USER_DOMAIN]->val.p){
+ /*
+ * judgment call: I guess we'll try to generate the from header if it's not
+ * given to us
+ */
+ env->from = mail_newaddr();
+ if(nmg->prcvars[PERSONAL_NAME]->val.p){
+ p = rfc1522_encode(tmp_20k_buf, SIZEOF_20KBUF, nmg->prcvars[PERSONAL_NAME]->val.p,
+ nmg->prcvars[CHARACTER_SET]->val.p);
+ env->from->personal = mstrdup(p);
+ }
+ env->from->mailbox = mstrdup(nmg->prcvars[USER_ID]->val.p);
+ env->from->host = mstrdup(nmg->prcvars[USER_DOMAIN]->val.p);
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ sprintf(tmp_20k_buf, "%.100s <%.100s@%.100s>", env->from->personal ? env->from->personal
+ : "", env->from->mailbox ? env->from->mailbox : "",
+ env->from->host ? env->from->host : "");
+ msprint1("From: %s\r\n", tmp_20k_buf);
+ }
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < lpMessage->nRecipCount; i++){
+ if((tadr = mapirecip2address(&lpMessage->lpRecips[i])) == NULL){
+ goto smn_cleanup;
+ }
+ switch (lpMessage->lpRecips[i].ulRecipClass) {
+ case MAPI_TO:
+ case MAPI_ORIG:
+ if(!env->to)
+ env->to = tadr;
+ else{
+ for(tadr2 = env->to; tadr2->next; tadr2 = tadr2->next);
+ tadr2->next = tadr;
+ }
+ msprint(" To: ");
+ break;
+ case MAPI_CC:
+ if(!env->cc)
+ env->cc = tadr;
+ else{
+ for(tadr2 = env->cc; tadr2->next; tadr2 = tadr2->next);
+ tadr2->next = tadr;
+ }
+ msprint(" Cc: ");
+ break;
+ case MAPI_BCC:
+ if(!env->bcc)
+ env->bcc = tadr;
+ else{
+ for(tadr2 = env->bcc; tadr2->next; tadr2 = tadr2->next);
+ tadr2->next = tadr;
+ }
+ msprint(" Bcc: ");
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto smn_cleanup;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ sprintf(tmp_20k_buf, "%.100s <%.100s@%.100s>", tadr->personal ? tadr->personal
+ : "", tadr->mailbox ? tadr->mailbox : "",
+ tadr->host ? tadr->host : "");
+ msprint1("%s\r\n", tmp_20k_buf);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now we have an envelope, let's make us a body */
+ if(lpMessage->lpszNoteText == NULL)
+ msprint("Empty Message Text\r\n");
+ body = mail_newbody();
+ if(lpMessage->nFileCount){
+ PART *p;
+ struct _stat sbuf;
+ unsigned long fsize, n;
+ FILE *sfd;
+ char c, *fn;
+ msprint1("Number of files to be Attached: %d\r\n", (void *)lpMessage->nFileCount);
+ body->type = TYPEMULTIPART;
+ body->nested.part = mail_newbody_part();
+ p = body->nested.part;
+ set_text_data(&p->body, lpMessage->lpszNoteText ? lpMessage->lpszNoteText
+ : "");
+ for(i = 0; i < lpMessage->nFileCount; i++){
+ p->next = mail_newbody_part();
+ p = p->next;
+ p->body.encoding = ENCBINARY;
+ if(lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszPathName == NULL)
+ return(MAPI_E_FAILURE);
+ if(lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszFileName == NULL
+ || lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszFileName[0] == '\0'){
+ fn = strrchr(lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszPathName, '\\');
+ if(!fn)
+ fn = lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszPathName;
+ else
+ fn++;
+ }
+ else
+ fn = lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszFileName;
+ if(lookup_file_mime_type(fn, &p->body) && (fn == lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszFileName))
+ lookup_file_mime_type(lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszPathName, &p->body);
+ msprint1(" Attaching file %s;", lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszPathName);
+ if(_stat(lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszPathName, &sbuf))
+ return(MAPI_E_FAILURE);
+ fsize = sbuf.st_size;
+ if((sfd = fopen(lpMessage->lpFiles[i].lpszPathName, "rb")) == NULL)
+ return(MAPI_E_FAILURE);
+ p-> = fs_get((fsize+1)*sizeof(char));
+ n = 0;
+ c = fgetc(sfd);
+ while(feof(sfd) == 0){
+ p->[n++] = c;
+ if(n > fsize){
+ fsize += 20000;
+ fs_resize((void **)&p->, (fsize+1)*sizeof(char));
+ }
+ c = fgetc(sfd);
+ }
+ fclose(sfd);
+ p->[n] = '\0';
+ p->body.contents.text.size = n;
+ msprint1(" File size: %d\r\n", (void *)n);
+ if(fn){
+ p->body.parameter = mail_newbody_parameter();
+ p->body.parameter->attribute = mstrdup("name");
+ p->body.parameter->value = mstrdup(fn);
+ p->body.disposition.type = mstrdup("attachment");
+ p->body.disposition.parameter = mail_newbody_parameter();
+ p->body.disposition.parameter->attribute = mstrdup("filename");
+ p->body.disposition.parameter->value = mstrdup(fn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ set_text_data(body, lpMessage->lpszNoteText ? lpMessage->lpszNoteText
+ : "");
+ msprint1(" Message Body size: %d\r\n", (void *)body->contents.text.size);
+ }
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ now = time((time_t *)0);
+ tm_now = localtime(&now);
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d %d/%d/%d ",
+ tm_now->tm_hour, tm_now->tm_min, tm_now->tm_sec,
+ tm_now->tm_mon+1, tm_now->tm_mday, tm_now->tm_year+1900);
+ }
+ if(nmg->prcvars[SMTP_SERVER]->val.l && nmg->prcvars[SMTP_SERVER]->val.l[0]
+ && nmg->prcvars[SMTP_SERVER]->val.l[0][0]){
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "Preparing to open SMTP connection (%s ...)\r\n",
+ nmg->prcvars[SMTP_SERVER]->val.l[0]);
+ _flushall();
+ }
+ sending_stream = mapi_smtp_open(cs, nmg->prcvars[SMTP_SERVER]->val.l,
+ nmg->prcfeats[ENABLE8BIT]->is_set ? SOP_8BITMIME : NIL);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "Error! No SMTP server defined!\r\n");
+ }
+ goto smn_cleanup;
+ }
+ if(!sending_stream){
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "Couldn't open SMTP connection!\r\n");
+ }
+ goto smn_cleanup;
+ }
+ if(!smtp_mail(sending_stream, "MAIL", env, body)){
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "Attempt to Send Failed\r\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "Message SENT!\r\n");
+ }
+ if(!nmg->fccfolder)
+ msprint("No fcc defined\r\n");
+ else { /* Now try to write to fcc */
+ MAILSTREAM *fccstream;
+ STRING msg;
+ msprint1("FCCing to %s\r\n", nmg->fccfolder);
+ sb = (STRBUFFER_S *)fs_get(sizeof(STRBUFFER_S));
+ sb->buf = (char *)fs_get(20000*sizeof(char));
+ sb->cur_bytes = 0;
+ sb->increment = 20000;
+ sb->bufsize = 20000;
+ rfc822_output(tmp_20k_buf, env, body, pmapi_soutr, sb, 1);
+ INIT(&msg, mail_string, (void *)sb->buf, sb->cur_bytes);
+ fccstream = mapi_mail_open(cs, NULL, nmg->fccfolder, ms_global->debug ? OP_DEBUG : NIL);
+ if(fccstream){
+ if(mail_append(fccstream, nmg->fccfolder, &msg) == NIL)
+ msprint1("Fcc to %s failed\r\n", nmg->fccfolder);
+ else
+ msprint1("Fcc to %s SUCCEEDED\r\n", nmg->fccfolder);
+ mail_close(fccstream);
+ }
+ else
+ msprint1("Open of %s failed, abandoning FCC\r\n", nmg->fccfolder);
+ if(sb->buf)
+ fs_give((void **)&sb->buf);
+ if(sb)
+ fs_give((void **)&sb);
+ }
+ if((flFlags & MAPI_LOGON_UI) || (flFlags & MAPI_DIALOG))
+ MessageBox(NULL, "Message SENT!\r\n", "pmapi32.dll", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
+ }
+ smtp_close(sending_stream);
+ smn_cleanup:
+ if(env)
+ mail_free_envelope(&env);
+ if(body)
+ mail_free_body(&body);
+ if(tsession)
+ fs_give((void **)&cs);
+ return(rv);
+set_text_data(BODY *body, char *txt)
+ char *p;
+ int has_8bit = 0;
+ for(p = txt; *p; p++)
+ if(*p & 0x80)
+ has_8bit++;
+ body-> = mstrdup(txt);
+ body->contents.text.size = strlen(txt);
+ if(has_8bit){
+ body->encoding = ENC8BIT;
+ if(!body->parameter)
+ pm = body->parameter = mail_newbody_parameter();
+ else {
+ for(pm = body->parameter; pm->next; pm = pm->next);
+ pm->next = mail_newbody_parameter();
+ pm = pm->next;
+ }
+ pm->attribute = mstrdup("charset");
+ if(ms_global->prcvars[CHARACTER_SET]->val.p)
+ pm->value = mstrdup(ms_global->prcvars[CHARACTER_SET]->val.p);
+ else
+ pm->value = mstrdup("X-UNKNOWN");
+ }
+ return 0;
+pmapi_soutr(STRBUFFER_S *s, char *str)
+ unsigned long i;
+ if(s->cur_bytes >= s->bufsize){
+ fs_resize((void **)&s->buf, s->bufsize+ s->increment);
+ s->bufsize += s->increment;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; str[i]; i++){
+ s->buf[s->cur_bytes++] = str[i];
+ if(s->cur_bytes >= s->bufsize){
+ fs_resize((void **)&s->buf, s->bufsize+ s->increment);
+ s->bufsize += s->increment;
+ }
+ }
+ s->buf[s->cur_bytes] = '\0';
+ return T;
+mapirecip2address(lpMapiRecipDesc lpmrd)
+ ADDRESS *adr = NULL;
+ static char *fakedomain = "@", *p;
+ mapi_global_s *nmg = ms_global;
+ if(!lpmrd->lpszAddress)
+ return(NULL);
+ rfc822_parse_adrlist(&adr, _strnicmp(lpmrd->lpszAddress, "SMTP:", 5) == 0
+ ? lpmrd->lpszAddress + 5 : lpmrd->lpszAddress,
+ nmg->prcvars[USER_DOMAIN]->val.p
+ ? nmg->prcvars[USER_DOMAIN]->val.p : fakedomain);
+ if(!adr)
+ return(NULL);
+ if(adr->next || adr->error){
+ mail_free_address(&adr);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ if(lpmrd->lpszName && adr->personal)
+ fs_give((void **)&adr->personal);
+ if(lpmrd->lpszName){
+ p = rfc1522_encode(tmp_20k_buf, SIZEOF_20KBUF, lpmrd->lpszName,
+ nmg->prcvars[CHARACTER_SET]->val.p);
+ adr->personal = mstrdup(p);
+ }
+ return(adr);
+ * given a fs_get'd string, return a newly fs_get'd quoted copy
+ */
+char *
+quote(char *old)
+ char *new, *newp, *oldp;
+ int newSize = strlen(old)*2+3;
+ if (!old) return mstrdup(old);
+ if(!strchr(old, ' ')) return mstrdup(old);
+ newp = new = (char *)fs_get(sizeof(char)*newSize); /* worst case */
+ if (new == NULL) {
+ ErrorBox("quote: fs_get of %d bytes failed", newSize);
+ return old;
+ }
+ *newp++ = '"';
+ for (oldp=old; *oldp; ++oldp) {
+ switch(*oldp) {
+ case '"': *newp++ = '\\'; /* fall through */
+ default : *newp++ = *oldp;
+ }
+ }
+ *newp++ = '"';
+ *newp = '\0';
+ return(new);
+int GetPCPineVersion(int *major, int *minor, int *minorminor)
+ *major = 4;
+ *minor = 52;
+ *minorminor = 0;
+ return 1;
+msprint(char *str)
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, "%s", str);
+ _flushall();
+ return 0;
+msprint1(char *str, void *arg1)
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd, str, arg1);
+ _flushall();
+ return 0;
+msprint_message_structure(lpMapiMessage lpm)
+ unsigned long i;
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ msprint1("lpMapiMessage: %p\r\n", lpm);
+ if(!lpm)
+ return 1;
+ msprint1(" ulReserved: %d\r\n", (void *)lpm->ulReserved);
+ msprint1(" lpszSubsect: %s\r\n", lpm->lpszSubject ? lpm->lpszSubject : "(NULL)");
+ msprint1(" lpszNoteText size: %d\r\n", lpm->lpszNoteText
+ ? (void *)strlen(lpm->lpszNoteText) : (void *)0);
+ if(lpm->lpszNoteText)
+ msprint1("\tleading text: %.10s\r\n", lpm->lpszNoteText);
+ msprint1(" lpszMessageType: %s\r\n", lpm->lpszMessageType ? lpm->lpszMessageType : "(NULL)");
+ msprint1(" lpszDateReceived: %s\r\n", lpm->lpszDateReceived ? lpm->lpszDateReceived : "(NULL)");
+ msprint1(" lpszConversationID: %s\r\n", lpm->lpszConversationID ? lpm->lpszConversationID : "(NULL)");
+ msprint1(" flFlags: %d\r\n", (void *)lpm->flFlags);
+ msprint(" Originator:\r\n");
+ msprint_recipient_structure(lpm->lpOriginator, 0);
+ msprint1(" nRecipCount: %d\r\n", (void *)lpm->nRecipCount);
+ for(i = 0; i < lpm->nRecipCount; i++)
+ msprint_recipient_structure(&lpm->lpRecips[i], 1);
+ msprint1(" nFileCount: %d\r\n", (void *)lpm->nFileCount);
+ for(i = 0; i < lpm->nFileCount; i++)
+ msprint_file_structure(&lpm->lpFiles[i]);
+ msprint("\r\n");
+ }
+ return 0;
+msprint_recipient_structure(lpMapiRecipDesc lmrd, int mapi_orig_is_unexpected)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ msprint1(" lpMapiRecipDesc: %p\r\n", (void *)lmrd);
+ if(lmrd == NULL)
+ return 1;
+ msprint1(" ulReserved: %d\r\n", (void *)lmrd->ulReserved);
+ msprint1(" ulRecipClass: %s\r\n", lmrd->ulRecipClass == MAPI_ORIG ? "MAPI_ORIG"
+ : lmrd->ulRecipClass == MAPI_TO ? "MAPI_TO" : lmrd->ulRecipClass == MAPI_CC
+ ? "MAPI_CC" : "MAPI_BCC");
+ if(mapi_orig_is_unexpected && lmrd->ulRecipClass == MAPI_ORIG){
+ msprint(" # NOTE: it is seemingly strange behavior that a MAPI client would use\r\n # MAPI_ORIG instead of the lpOriginator. This may result in unexpected behavior.\r\n");
+ }
+ msprint1(" lpszName: %s\r\n", lmrd->lpszName ? lmrd->lpszName : "(NULL)");
+ msprint1(" lpszAddress: %s\r\n", lmrd->lpszAddress ? lmrd->lpszAddress : "(NULL)");
+ msprint1(" ulEIDSize: %p\r\n", (void *)lmrd->ulEIDSize);
+ msprint1(" lpEntryID: %p\r\n", (void *)lmrd->lpEntryID);
+ }
+ return 0;
+msprint_file_structure(lpMapiFileDesc lmfd)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ msprint1(" lpMapiFileDesc: %p\r\n", (void *)lmfd);
+ if(lmfd == NULL)
+ return 1;
+ msprint1(" ulReserved: %d\r\n", (void *)lmfd->ulReserved);
+ msprint1(" flFlags: %d\r\n", (void *)lmfd->flFlags);
+ msprint1(" nPosition: %d\r\n", (void *)lmfd->nPosition);
+ msprint1(" lpszPathName: %s\r\n", lmfd->lpszPathName ? lmfd->lpszPathName : "(NULL)");
+ msprint1(" lpszFileName: %s\r\n", lmfd->lpszFileName ? lmfd->lpszFileName : "(NULL)");
+ msprint1(" lpFileType: %p\r\n", (void *)lmfd->lpFileType);
+ }
+ return 0;
+char *mstrdup(char *old)
+ char *tmp;
+ tmp = fs_get((strlen(old)+1) * sizeof(char));
+ strcpy(tmp, old);
+ return tmp;
+ int cnt = 0;
+ for(; a; a = a->next){
+ /* two times personal for possible quoting */
+ cnt += 2 * (a->personal ? strlen(a->personal) : 0);
+ cnt += (a->mailbox ? strlen(a->mailbox) : 0);
+ cnt += (a->adl ? strlen(a->adl) : 0);
+ cnt += (a->host ? strlen(a->host) : 0);
+ /*
+ * add room for:
+ * possible single space between fullname and addr
+ * left and right brackets
+ * @ sign
+ * possible : for route addr
+ * , <space>
+ *
+ * So I really think that adding 7 is enough. Instead, I'll add 10.
+ */
+ cnt += 10;
+ }
+ return(max(cnt, 50)); /* just making sure */
+void ErrorBoxFunc(char *msg)
+ if(MSDEBUG){
+ fprintf(ms_global->dfd,"ErrorBox: %s\r\n", msg);
+ fclose(ms_global->dfd);
+ ms_global->dfd = fopen(ms_global->debugFile, "ab");
+ if(!ms_global->dfd){
+ MessageBox(NULL, "debug file problems! Debugging turned off.",
+ "mapi32.dll",
+ ms_global->debug = 0;
+ fs_give((void **)&ms_global->debugFile);
+ ms_global->debugFile = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ MessageBox(NULL, msg, "mapi32.dll", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
+ This was borrowed from reply.c, and modified
+ Generate a unique message id string.
+ Args: ps -- The usual pine structure
+ Result: Alloc'd unique string is returned
+Uniqueness is gaurenteed by using the host name, process id, date to the
+second and a single unique character
+char *
+ static short osec = 0, cnt = 0;
+ char *id;
+ time_t now;
+ struct tm *now_x;
+ now = time((time_t *)0);
+ now_x = localtime(&now);
+ id = (char *)fs_get(128 * sizeof(char));
+ if(now_x->tm_sec == osec){
+ cnt++;
+ }else{
+ cnt = 0;
+ osec = now_x->tm_sec;
+ }
+ sprintf(id,"<Pmapi32.%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%X.%d@%.50s>",
+ (now_x->tm_year) + 1900, now_x->tm_mon + 1,
+ now_x->tm_mday, now_x->tm_hour, now_x->tm_min, now_x->tm_sec,
+ cnt, getpid(), mylocalhost());
+ return(id);