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+Network Working Group C. Daboo
+Request for Comments: 5257 Apple Inc.
+Category: Experimental R. Gellens
+ QUALCOMM Incorporated
+ June 2008
+ Internet Message Access Protocol - ANNOTATE Extension
+Status of This Memo
+ This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
+ community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.
+ Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
+ Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+ The ANNOTATE extension to the Internet Message Access Protocol
+ permits clients and servers to maintain "meta data" for messages, or
+ individual message parts, stored in a mailbox on the server. For
+ example, this can be used to attach comments and other useful
+ information to a message. It is also possible to attach annotations
+ to specific parts of a message, so that, for example, they could be
+ marked as seen, or important, or a comment added.
+ Note that this document was the product of a WG that had good
+ consensus on how to approach the problem. Nevertheless, the WG felt
+ it did not have enough information on implementation and deployment
+ hurdles to meet all of the requirements of a Proposed Standard. The
+ IETF solicits implementations and implementation reports in order to
+ make further progress.
+ Implementers should be aware that this specification may change in an
+ incompatible manner when going to Proposed Standard status. However,
+ any incompatible changes will result in a new capability name being
+ used to prevent problems with any deployments of the experimental
+ extension.
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 1]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction and Overview .......................................3
+ 2. Conventions Used in This Document ...............................4
+ 3. Data Model ......................................................4
+ 3.1. Overview ...................................................4
+ 3.2. Namespace of Entries and Attributes ........................4
+ 3.2.1. Entry Names .........................................5
+ 3.2.2. Attribute Names .....................................7
+ 3.3. Private Versus Shared ......................................7
+ 3.4. Access Control .............................................8
+ 3.5. Access to Standard IMAP Flags and Keywords ................11
+ 4. IMAP Protocol Changes ..........................................11
+ 4.1. General Considerations ....................................11
+ 4.2. ANNOTATE Parameter with the SELECT/EXAMINE Commands .......12
+ 4.3. ANNOTATION Message Data Item in FETCH Command .............12
+ 4.4. ANNOTATION Message Data Item in FETCH Response ............14
+ 4.5. ANNOTATION Message Data Item in STORE .....................16
+ 4.6. ANNOTATION Interaction with COPY ..........................18
+ 4.7. ANNOTATION Message Data Item in APPEND ....................18
+ 4.8. ANNOTATION Criterion in SEARCH ............................19
+ 4.9. ANNOTATION Key in SORT ....................................20
+ 4.10. New ACL Rights ...........................................21
+ 5. Formal Syntax ..................................................21
+ 6. IANA Considerations ............................................23
+ 6.1. Entry and Attribute Registration Template .................23
+ 6.2. Entry Registrations .......................................24
+ 6.2.1. /comment ...........................................24
+ 6.2.2. /flags .............................................24
+ 6.2.3. /altsubject ........................................25
+ 6.2.4. /<section-part>/comment ............................25
+ 6.2.5. /<section-part>/flags/seen .........................26
+ 6.2.6. /<section-part>/flags/answered .....................26
+ 6.2.7. /<section-part>/flags/flagged ......................27
+ 6.2.8. /<section-part>/flags/forwarded ....................27
+ 6.3. Attribute Registrations ...................................28
+ 6.3.1. value ..............................................28
+ 6.3.2. size ...............................................28
+ 6.4. Capability Registration ...................................28
+ 7. Internationalization Considerations ............................29
+ 8. Security Considerations ........................................29
+ 9. References .....................................................29
+ 9.1. Normative References ......................................29
+ 9.2. Informative References ....................................30
+ 10. Acknowledgments ...............................................30
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 2]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+1. Introduction and Overview
+ The ANNOTATE extension is present in any IMAP [RFC3501]
+ implementation that returns "ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1" as one of the
+ supported capabilities in the CAPABILITY response.
+ This extension makes the following changes to the IMAP protocol:
+ a. adds a new ANNOTATION message data item for use in FETCH.
+ b. adds a new ANNOTATION message data item for use in STORE.
+ c. adds a new ANNOTATION search criterion for use in SEARCH.
+ d. adds a new ANNOTATION sort key for use in the SORT extension.
+ e. adds a new ANNOTATION data item for use in APPEND.
+ f. adds a new requirement on the COPY command.
+ g. adds a new ANNOTATE parameter for use with the SELECT/EXAMINE
+ commands.
+ h. adds two new response codes to indicate store failures of
+ annotations.
+ i. adds a new untagged response code for the SELECT or EXAMINE
+ commands to indicate the maximum sized annotation that can be
+ stored.
+ j. adds a new Access Control List (ACL) "bit" for use with the ACL
+ extensions [RFC2086] and [RFC4314].
+ The data model used for the storage of annotations is based on the
+ Application Configuration Access Protocol [RFC2244]. Note that there
+ is no inheritance in annotations.
+ If a server supports annotations, then it MUST store all annotation
+ data permanently, i.e., there is no concept of "session only"
+ annotations that would correspond to the behavior of "session" flags
+ as defined in the IMAP base specification.
+ In order to provide optimum support for a disconnected client (one
+ that needs to synchronize annotations for use when offline), servers
+ SHOULD also support the Conditional STORE [RFC4551] extension.
+ The rest of this document describes the data model and protocol
+ changes more rigorously.
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 3]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+2. Conventions Used in This Document
+ The examples in this document use "C:" and "S:" to indicate lines
+ sent by the client and server, respectively.
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
+3. Data Model
+3.1. Overview
+ The data model for annotations in ANNOTATE uses a uniquely named
+ entry that contains a set of standard attributes. Thus, a single
+ coherent unit of "meta data" for a message is stored as a single
+ entry, made up of several attributes.
+ For example, a comment annotation added to a message has an entry
+ name of "/comment". This entry is composed of several attributes
+ such as "value", "size", etc., that contain the properties and data
+ of the entry.
+ The protocol changes to IMAP, described below, allow a client to
+ access or change the values of any attribute in any entry in a
+ message annotation, assuming it has sufficient access rights to do so
+ (see Section 3.4 for specifics).
+3.2. Namespace of Entries and Attributes
+ A message may contain zero or more annotations, each of which is a
+ single uniquely named entry. Each entry has a hierarchical name,
+ with each component of the name separated by a slash ("/"). An entry
+ name MUST NOT contain two consecutive "/" characters and MUST NOT end
+ with a "/" character.
+ Each entry is made up of a set of attributes. Each attribute has a
+ hierarchical name, with each component of the name separated by a
+ period ("."). An attribute name MUST NOT contain two consecutive "."
+ characters and MUST NOT end with a "." character.
+ The value of an attribute is "NIL" (has no value), or is a string of
+ zero or more octets.
+ Entry and attribute names MUST NOT contain asterisk ("*") or percent
+ ("%") characters, and MUST NOT contain non-ASCII characters or the
+ NULL octet. Invalid entry or attribute names result in a BAD
+ response in any IMAP commands where they are used.
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ Attribute names MUST NOT contain any hierarchical components with the
+ names "priv" or "shared", as those have special meaning (see Section
+ 3.3).
+ Entry and attribute names are case-sensitive.
+ Use of control or punctuation characters in entry and attribute names
+ is strongly discouraged.
+ This specification defines an initial set of entry and attribute
+ names available for use in message annotations. In addition, an
+ extension mechanism is described to allow additional names to be
+ added as needed.
+3.2.1. Entry Names
+ Entry names MUST be specified in a standards track or IESG approved
+ experimental RFC, or fall under the vendor namespace. See Section
+ 6.1 for the registration template.
+ /
+ Defines the top-level of entries associated with an entire
+ message. This entry itself does not contain any attributes. All
+ entries that start with a numeric character ("0" - "9") refer to
+ an annotation on a specific body part. All other entries are for
+ annotations on the entire message.
+ /comment
+ Defines a comment or note associated with an entire message.
+ /flags
+ This entry hierarchy is reserved for future use.
+ /altsubject
+ Contains text supplied by the message recipient to be used by the
+ client, instead of the original message Subject.
+ /vendor/<vendor-token>
+ Defines the top-level of entries associated with an entire message
+ as created by a particular product of some vendor. These sub-
+ entries can be used by vendors to provide client-specific
+ annotations. The vendor-token MUST be registered with IANA, using
+ the [RFC2244] vendor subtree registry.
+ /<section-part>
+ Defines the top-level of entries associated with a specific body
+ part of a message. This entry itself does not contain any
+ attributes. The section-part is a numeric part specifier. Its
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 5]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ syntax is the same as the section-part ABNF element defined in
+ [RFC3501]. The server MUST return a BAD response if the client
+ uses an incorrect part specifier (either incorrect syntax or a
+ specifier referring to a non-existent part). The server MUST
+ return a BAD response if the client uses an empty part specifier
+ (which is used in IMAP to represent the entire message).
+ /<section-part>/comment
+ Defines a comment or note associated with a specific body part of
+ a message.
+ /<section-part>/flags
+ Defines the top-level of entries associated with the flag state
+ for a specific body part of a message. All sub-entries are
+ maintained entirely by the client. There is no implicit change to
+ any flag by the server.
+ /<section-part>/flags/seen
+ This is similar to the IMAP \Seen flag, except it applies
+ to only the body part referenced by the entry.
+ /<section-part>/flags/answered
+ This is similar to the IMAP \Answered flag, except it
+ applies to only the body part referenced by the entry.
+ /<section-part>/flags/flagged
+ This is similar to the IMAP \Flagged flag, except it
+ applies to only the body part referenced by the entry.
+ /<section-part>/flags/forwarded
+ This is similar to the IMAP $Forwarded keyword, except it
+ applies to only the body part referenced by the entry.
+ Defines flags for a specific body part of a message. The "value"
+ attribute of each of the entries described above must be either
+ "1", "0", or "NIL". "1" corresponds to the flag being set.
+ /<section-part>/vendor/<vendor-token>
+ Defines the top-level of entries associated with a specific body
+ part of a message as created by a particular product of some
+ vendor. This entry can be used by vendors to provide client
+ specific annotations. The vendor-token MUST be registered with
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 6]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+3.2.2. Attribute Names
+ Attribute names MUST be specified in a standards track or IESG
+ approved experimental RFC. See Section 6.1 for the registration
+ template.
+ All attribute names implicitly have a ".priv" and a ".shared" suffix
+ that maps to private and shared versions of the entry. Searching or
+ fetching without using either suffix will include both. The client
+ MUST specify either a ".priv" or ".shared" suffix when storing an
+ annotation or sorting on annotations.
+ value
+ A string or binary data representing the value of the annotation.
+ To delete an annotation, the client can store "NIL" into the
+ value. If the client requests the value attribute for a non-
+ existent entry, then the server MUST return "NIL" for the value.
+ The content represented by the string is determined by the
+ content-type used to register the entry (see Section 6.1 for entry
+ registration templates). Where applicable, the registered
+ content-type MUST include a charset parameter. Text values SHOULD
+ use the utf-8 [RFC3629] character set. Note that binary data
+ (data which may contain the NULL octet) is allowed (e.g., for
+ storing images), and this extension uses the "literal8" syntax
+ element [RFC4466] to allow such data to be written to or read from
+ the server.
+ size
+ The size of the value, in octets. Set automatically by the
+ server, read-only to clients. If the client requests the size
+ attribute for a non-existent entry, then the server MUST return
+ "0" (zero) for the size.
+3.3. Private Versus Shared
+ Some IMAP mailboxes are private, accessible only to the owning user.
+ Other mailboxes are not, either because the owner has set an ACL
+ [RFC4314] that permits access by other users, or because it is a
+ shared mailbox.
+ This raises the issue of shared versus private annotations.
+ If all annotations are private, it is then impossible to have
+ annotations in a shared or otherwise non-private mailbox be visible
+ to other users. This eliminates what could be a useful aspect of
+ annotations in a shared environment. An example of such use is a
+ shared IMAP folder containing bug reports. Engineers may want to use
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 7]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ annotations to add information to existing messages, indicate
+ assignments, status, etc. This use requires shared annotations.
+ If all annotations are shared, it is impossible to use annotations
+ for private notes on messages in shared mailboxes. Also, modifying
+ an ACL to permit access to a mailbox by other users may
+ unintentionally expose private information.
+ There are also situations in which both shared and private
+ annotations are useful. For example, an administrator may want to
+ set shared annotations on messages in a shared folder, which
+ individual users may wish to supplement with additional notes.
+ If shared and private annotations are to coexist, we need a clear way
+ to differentiate them. Also, it should be as easy as possible for a
+ client to access both and not overlook either. There is also a
+ danger in allowing a client to store an annotation without knowing if
+ it is shared or private.
+ This document proposes two standard suffixes for all attributes:
+ ".shared" and ".priv". A SEARCH or FETCH command that specifies
+ neither, uses both. STORE, APPEND, and SORT commands MUST explicitly
+ use ".priv" or ".shared" suffixes.
+ If the ANNOTATE extension is present, support for shared annotations
+ in servers is REQUIRED, while support for private annotations in
+ servers is OPTIONAL. This recognizes the fact that support for
+ private annotations may introduce a significant increase in
+ complexity to a server in terms of tracking ownership of the
+ annotations, how quota is determined for users based on their own
+ annotations, etc. Clients that support the ANNOTATE extension MUST
+ handle both shared and private annotations.
+3.4. Access Control
+ A user needs to have appropriate rights in order to read or write
+ ".priv" or ".shared" annotation values. How those rights are
+ calculated depends on whether or not the ACL [RFC2086] extension or
+ its update [RFC4314] is present. If a client attempts to store or
+ fetch an annotation to which they do not have the appropriate rights,
+ the server MUST respond with a NO response.
+ When the ACL extension is not present, access to annotation values is
+ governed by the nature of the selected state, in particular whether
+ the mailbox was SELECTED or EXAMINED in READ-ONLY or READ-WRITE mode.
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 8]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ When the ACL extension is present, the server MUST recognize the new
+ ACL "n" right, in addition to the ones defined by the ACL extension
+ itself.
+ For ".priv" annotation values, the "r" right controls both read and
+ write access. When it is on, access to ".priv" annotations is
+ allowed; when it is off, access to ".priv" annotations is disallowed.
+ For ".shared" annotation values, the "r" right controls read access.
+ When it is on, ".shared" annotations can be read; when it is off,
+ ".shared" annotations cannot be read.
+ For ".shared" annotation values, the "n" right controls write access.
+ When it is on, ".shared" annotations can be changed or created
+ through either a STORE or APPEND command; when it is off, ".shared"
+ annotations cannot be changed or created. The "n" right constitutes
+ a "shared flag right" as defined in Section 6.2 of [RFC4314].
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 9]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ A summary of all the access control restrictions is tabulated below
+ +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+
+ | Server Type | Action on | Type of mailbox |
+ | | annotation | |
+ +===============+===============+===================================+
+ | | | |
+ | | read .priv | Any mailbox that can be SELECTED |
+ | | values | or EXAMINED. |
+ | | | |
+ | +---------------+-----------------------------------+
+ | | | |
+ | | write .priv | Any SELECTED [READ-WRITE] mailbox.|
+ | | values | SELECTED [READ-ONLY] mailboxes MAY|
+ | Server | | also permit writes. |
+ | without | | |
+ | ACL Extension +---------------+-----------------------------------+
+ | | | |
+ | | read .shared | Any mailbox that can be SELECTED |
+ | | values | or EXAMINED. |
+ | | | |
+ | +---------------+-----------------------------------+
+ | | | |
+ | | write .shared | Any mailbox that can be SELECTED |
+ | | values | or EXAMINED and is [READ-WRITE]. |
+ | | | |
+ +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+
+ | | | |
+ | | read .priv | Any mailbox with the "r" |
+ | | values | ACL right. |
+ | | | |
+ | +---------------+-----------------------------------+
+ | | | |
+ | | write .priv | Any mailbox with the "r" |
+ | Server | values | ACL right. |
+ | with | | |
+ | ACL Extension +---------------+-----------------------------------+
+ | | | |
+ | | read .shared | Any mailbox with the "r" |
+ | | values | ACL right. |
+ | | | |
+ | +---------------+-----------------------------------+
+ | | | |
+ | | write .shared | Any mailbox with the "n" |
+ | | values | ACL right. |
+ | | | |
+ +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 10]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+3.5. Access to Standard IMAP Flags and Keywords
+ Due to the ambiguity of how private and shared values would map to
+ the base IMAP flag and keyword values, the ANNOTATE extension does
+ not expose IMAP flags or keywords as entries. However, the /flags
+ annotation entry is reserved for future use and MUST NOT be used by
+ clients or servers supporting this extension.
+ Clients that need to implement shared and private "flags" can create
+ their own annotation entries for those, completely bypassing the base
+ IMAP flag/keyword behavior.
+4. IMAP Protocol Changes
+4.1. General Considerations
+ Servers may be able to offer only a limited level of support for
+ annotations in mailboxes, and it is useful for clients to be able to
+ know what level of support is available. Servers MUST return an
+ ANNOTATIONS response code during the SELECT or EXAMINE command for a
+ mailbox to indicate the level of support. Possible data items used
+ with the ANNOTATIONS response code are:
+ "NONE" - this indicates that the mailbox being selected does not
+ support annotations at all. Clients MUST NOT attempt to use
+ annotation extensions in commands for this mailbox.
+ "READ-ONLY" - this indicates that the annotations supported by the
+ mailbox cannot be changed by the client. Clients MUST NOT attempt
+ to store annotations on any messages in a mailbox with this
+ response code.
+ "NOPRIVATE" - this indicates that the server does not support
+ private annotations on the mailbox. Only shared annotations are
+ supported. Clients SHOULD only attempt to read or store
+ annotations attributes with the ".shared" suffix. If a client
+ uses an attribute with the ".priv" suffix in a FETCH command, then
+ servers should return the attribute value in the FETCH response as
+ "NIL". If a client uses an attribute with the ".priv" suffix in a
+ STORE command (or an APPEND command targeted at the mailbox), then
+ the server MUST return a NO response.
+ numeric values - if servers support writable annotations, then the
+ server MUST indicate the maximum size in octets for an annotation
+ value by providing the maximum size value in the response code.
+ Clients MUST NOT store annotation values of a size greater than
+ the amount indicated by the server. Servers MUST accept a minimum
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 11]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ annotation data size of at least 1024 octets if annotations can be
+ written.
+ In addition, the server MAY limit the total number of annotations for
+ a single message. However, the server MUST provide a minimum
+ annotation count per message of at least 10.
+4.2. ANNOTATE Parameter with the SELECT/EXAMINE Commands
+ The ANNOTATE extension defines a single optional SELECT parameter
+ [RFC4466] "ANNOTATE", which is used to turn on unsolicited responses
+ for annotations as described in Section 4.4. This optional parameter
+ results in a per-mailbox state change, i.e., it must be used in each
+ SELECT/EXAMINE command in order to be effective, irrespective of
+ whether it was used in a previous SELECT/EXAMINE during the same
+ session.
+ Example:
+ S: * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen)
+ S: * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft
+ \Deleted \Seen \*)]
+ S: * 10268 EXISTS
+ S: * 1 RECENT
+ S: * OK [UNSEEN 10268]
+ S: * OK [UIDVALIDITY 890061587]
+ S: * OK [UIDNEXT 34643]
+ S: a OK [READ-WRITE] Completed
+ In the above example, a SELECT command with the ANNOTATE parameter
+ is issued. The response from the server includes the required
+ ANNOTATIONS response that indicates that the server supports
+ annotations up to a maximum size of 20480 octets, and does not
+ support private annotations (only shared).
+4.3. ANNOTATION Message Data Item in FETCH Command
+ This extension adds an ANNOTATION message data item to the FETCH
+ command. This allows clients to retrieve annotations for a range of
+ messages in the currently selected mailbox.
+ ANNOTATION <entry-specifier> <attribute-specifier>
+ The ANNOTATION message data item, when used by the client in the
+ FETCH command, takes an entry specifier and an attribute
+ specifier.
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ Example:
+ C: a FETCH 1 (ANNOTATION (/comment value))
+ S: * 1 FETCH (ANNOTATION (/comment
+ (value.priv "My comment"
+ value.shared "Group note")))
+ S: a OK Fetch complete
+ In the above example, the content of the "value" attribute for the
+ "/comment" entry is requested by the client and returned by the
+ server. Since neither ".shared" nor ".priv" was specified, both
+ are returned.
+ "*" and "%" wild card characters can be used in entry specifiers to
+ match one or more characters at that position, with the exception
+ that "%" does not match the "/" hierarchy delimiter. Thus, an entry
+ specifier of "/%" matches entries such as "/comment" and
+ "/altsubject", but not "/1/comment".
+ Example:
+ (/* (value.priv size.priv)))
+ (/comment (value.priv "My comment"
+ size.priv "10")
+ /altsubject (value.priv "Rhinoceroses!"
+ size.priv "13")
+ /vendor/foobar/label.priv
+ (value.priv "label43"
+ size.priv "7")
+ /vendor/foobar/personality
+ (value.priv "Tallulah Bankhead"
+ size.priv "17")))
+ S: a OK Fetch complete
+ In the above example, the contents of the private "value" and
+ "size" attributes for any entries in the "/" hierarchy are
+ requested by the client and returned by the server.
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ Example:
+ C: a FETCH 1 (ANNOTATION (/% value.shared))
+ (/comment (value.shared "Patch Mangler")
+ /altsubject (value.shared "Patches? We don't
+ need no steenkin patches!")))
+ S: a OK Fetch complete
+ In the above example, the contents of the shared "value"
+ attributes for entries at the top level only of the "/" hierarchy
+ are requested by the client and returned by the server.
+ Entry and attribute specifiers can be lists of atomic specifiers, so
+ that multiple items of each type may be returned in a single FETCH
+ command.
+ Example:
+ ((/comment /altsubject) value.priv))
+ (/comment (value.priv "What a chowder-head")
+ /altsubject (value.priv "How to crush beer cans")))
+ S: a OK Fetch complete
+ In the above example, the contents of the private "value"
+ attributes for the two entries "/comment" and "/altsubject" are
+ requested by the client and returned by the server.
+4.4. ANNOTATION Message Data Item in FETCH Response
+ The ANNOTATION message data item in the FETCH response displays
+ information about annotations in a message.
+ ANNOTATION parenthesized list
+ The response consists of a list of entries, each of which have a
+ list of attribute-value pairs.
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ Example:
+ C: a FETCH 1 (ANNOTATION (/comment value))
+ S: * 1 FETCH (ANNOTATION (/comment
+ (value.priv "My comment"
+ value.shared NIL)))
+ S: a OK Fetch complete
+ In the above example, a single entry with a single attribute-value
+ pair is returned by the server. Since the client did not specify
+ a ".shared" or ".priv" suffix, both are returned. Only the
+ private attribute has a value (the shared value is "NIL").
+ Example:
+ ((/comment /altsubject) value))
+ (/comment (value.priv "My comment"
+ value.shared NIL)
+ /altsubject (value.priv "My subject"
+ value.shared NIL)))
+ S: a OK Fetch complete
+ In the above example, two entries, each with a single attribute-
+ value pair, are returned by the server. Since the client did not
+ specify a ".shared" or ".priv" suffix, both are returned. Only
+ the private attributes have values; the shared attributes are
+ "NIL".
+ Example:
+ (/comment (value size)))
+ (/comment
+ (value.priv "My comment"
+ value.shared NIL
+ size.priv "10"
+ size.shared "0")))
+ S: a OK Fetch complete
+ In the above example, a single entry with two attribute-value
+ pairs is returned by the server. Since the client did not specify
+ a ".shared" or ".priv" suffix, both are returned. Only the
+ private attributes have values; the shared attributes are "NIL".
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ Servers SHOULD send ANNOTATION message data items in unsolicited
+ FETCH responses if an annotation entry is changed by a third-party,
+ and the ANNOTATE select parameter was used. This allows servers to
+ keep clients updated with changes to annotations by other clients.
+ Unsolicited ANNOTATION responses MUST NOT include ANNOTATION data
+ values -- only the entry name of the ANNOTATION that has changed.
+ This restriction avoids sending ANNOTATION data values (which may be
+ large) to a client unless the client explicitly asks for the value.
+ Example:
+ C: a STORE 1 +FLAGS (\Seen)
+ S: * 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen))
+ ANNOTATION (/comment))
+ S: a OK STORE complete
+ In the above example, an unsolicited ANNOTATION response is
+ returned during a STORE command. The unsolicited response
+ contains only the entry name of the annotation that changed, and
+ not its value.
+4.5. ANNOTATION Message Data Item in STORE
+ ANNOTATION <parenthesized entry-attribute-value list>
+ Sets the specified list of entries by adding or replacing the
+ specified attributes with the values provided. Clients can use
+ "NIL" for values of attributes it wants to remove from entries.
+ The ANNOTATION message data item used with the STORE command has an
+ implicit ".SILENT" behavior. This means the server does not generate
+ an untagged FETCH in response to the STORE command and assumes that
+ the client updates its own cache if the command succeeds. Though
+ note, that if the Conditional STORE extension [RFC4551] is present,
+ then an untagged FETCH response with a MODSEQ data item will be
+ returned by the server as required by [RFC4551].
+ If the server is unable to store an annotation because the size of
+ its value is too large, the server MUST return a tagged NO response
+ with a "[ANNOTATE TOOBIG]" response code.
+ If the server is unable to store a new annotation because the maximum
+ number of allowed annotations has already been reached, the server
+ MUST return a tagged NO response with a "[ANNOTATE TOOMANY]" response
+ code.
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ Example:
+ C: a STORE 1 ANNOTATION (/comment
+ (value.priv "My new comment"))
+ S: a OK Store complete
+ In the above example, the entry "/comment" is created (if not
+ already present). Its private attribute "value" is created if not
+ already present, or replaced if it exists. "value.priv" is set to
+ "My new comment".
+ Example:
+ C: a STORE 1 ANNOTATION (/comment
+ (value.shared NIL))
+ S: a OK Store complete
+ In the above example, the shared "value" attribute of the entry
+ "/comment" is removed by storing "NIL" into the attribute.
+ Multiple entries can be set in a single STORE command by listing
+ entry-attribute-value pairs in the list.
+ Example:
+ C: a STORE 1 ANNOTATION (/comment
+ (value.priv "Get tix Tuesday")
+ /altsubject
+ (value.priv "Wots On"))
+ S: a OK Store complete
+ In the above example, the entries "/comment" and "/altsubject" are
+ created (if not already present) and the private attribute "value"
+ is created or replaced for each entry.
+ Multiple attributes can be set in a single STORE command by listing
+ multiple attribute-value pairs in the entry list.
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ Example:
+ C: a STORE 1 ANNOTATION (/comment
+ (value.priv "My new comment"
+ value.shared "foo's bar"))
+ S: a OK Store complete
+ In the above example, the entry "/comment" is created (if not
+ already present) and the private and shared "value" attributes are
+ created if not already present, or replaced if they exist.
+4.6. ANNOTATION Interaction with COPY
+ The COPY command can be used to move messages from one mailbox to
+ another on the same server. Servers that support the ANNOTATION
+ extension MUST, for each message being copied, copy all ".priv"
+ annotation data for the current user only, and all ".shared"
+ annotation data along with the message to the new mailbox. The only
+ exceptions to this are if the destination mailbox permissions are
+ such that either the ".priv" or ".shared" annotations are not
+ allowed, or if the destination mailbox is of a type that does not
+ support annotations or does not support storing of annotations (a
+ mailbox that returns a "NONE" or "READ-ONLY" response code in its
+ ANNOTATIONS response), or if the destination mailbox cannot support
+ the size of an annotation because it exceeds the ANNOTATIONS value.
+ Servers MUST NOT copy ".priv" annotation data for users other than
+ the current user.
+4.7. ANNOTATION Message Data Item in APPEND
+ ANNOTATION <parenthesized entry-attribute-value list>
+ Sets the specified list of entries and attributes in the resulting
+ message.
+ The APPEND command can include annotations for the message being
+ appended via the addition of a new append data item [RFC4466]. The
+ new data item can also be used with the multi-append [RFC3502]
+ extension that allows multiple messages to be appended via a single
+ APPEND command.
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ Example:
+ C: a APPEND drafts ANNOTATION (/comment
+ (value.priv "Don't send until I say so")) {310}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C: MIME-Version: 1.0
+ ...
+ C:
+ S: a OK APPEND completed
+ In the above example, a comment with a private value is added to a
+ new message appended to the mailbox. The ellipsis represents the
+ bulk of the message.
+4.8. ANNOTATION Criterion in SEARCH
+ ANNOTATION <entry-name> <attribute-name> <value>
+ The ANNOTATION criterion for the SEARCH command allows a client to
+ search for a specified string in the value of an annotation entry of
+ a message.
+ Messages that have annotations with entries matching <entry-name>,
+ attributes matching <attribute-name>, and the specified string
+ <value> in their values are returned in the SEARCH results. The "*"
+ character can be used in the entry name field to match any content in
+ those items. The "%" character can be used in the entry name field
+ to match a single level of hierarchy only.
+ Only the "value", "value.priv", and "value.shared" attributes can be
+ searched. Clients MUST NOT specify an attribute other than either
+ "value", "value.priv", or "value.shared". Servers MUST return a BAD
+ response if the client tries to search any other attribute.
+ Example:
+ C: a SEARCH ANNOTATION /comment value "IMAP4"
+ S: * SEARCH 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23
+ S: a OK Search complete
+ In the above example, the message numbers of any messages
+ containing the string "IMAP4" in the shared or private "value"
+ attribute of the "/comment" entry are returned in the search
+ results.
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ Example:
+ C: a SEARCH ANNOTATION * value.priv "IMAP4"
+ S: * SEARCH 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
+ S: a OK Search complete
+ In the above example, the message numbers of any messages
+ containing the string "IMAP4" in the private "value" attribute of
+ any entry are returned in the search results.
+ ANNOTATION <entry-name> <attribute-name>
+ The ANNOTATION criterion for the SORT command [RFC5256] instructs the
+ server to return the sequence numbers or Unique Identifiers (UIDs) of
+ messages in a mailbox, sorted using the values of the specified
+ annotations. The ANNOTATION criterion is available if the server
+ returns both ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1 and SORT as supported capabilities
+ in the CAPABILITY command response.
+ Messages are sorted using the values of the <attribute-name>
+ attributes in the <entry-name> entries.
+ Clients MUST provide either the ".priv" or ".shared" suffix to the
+ attribute name to ensure that the server knows which specific value
+ to sort on.
+ Only the "value.priv" and "value.shared" attributes can be used for
+ sorting. Clients MUST NOT specify an attribute other than either
+ "value.priv" or "value.shared". Servers MUST return a BAD response
+ if the client tries to sort on any other attribute.
+ When either "value.priv" or "value.shared" is being sorted, the
+ server MUST use the character set value specified in the SORT command
+ to determine the appropriate sort order.
+ Example:
+ C: a SORT (ANNOTATION /altsubject value.shared) UTF-8 ALL
+ S: * SORT 2 3 4 5 1 11 10 6 7 9 8
+ S: a OK Sort complete
+ In the above example, the message numbers of all messages are
+ returned, sorted according to the shared "value" attribute of the
+ "/altsubject" entry.
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ Note that the ANNOTATION sort key must include a fully specified
+ entry -- wild cards are not allowed.
+4.10. New ACL Rights
+ As discussed in Section 3.4, this extension adds a new "n" right to
+ the list of rights provided by the ACL extensions [RFC2086] and
+ [RFC4314].
+5. Formal Syntax
+ The following syntax specification uses the Augmented Backus-Naur
+ Form (ABNF) notation as specified in [RFC5234].
+ Non-terminals referenced but not defined below are as defined by
+ [RFC3501] with the new definitions in [RFC4466] superseding those in
+ [RFC3501].
+ Except as noted otherwise, all alphabetic characters are case-
+ insensitive. The use of upper or lower case characters to define
+ token strings is for editorial clarity only. Implementations MUST
+ accept these strings in a case-insensitive fashion.
+ ann-size = "NONE" /
+ (("READ-ONLY" / nz-number)
+ ; response codes indicating the level of
+ ; support for annotations in a mailbox
+ append-ext =/ att-annotate
+ ; modifies [RFC3501] extension behaviour
+ att-annotate = "ANNOTATION" SP
+ "(" entry-att *(SP entry-att) ")"
+ att-search = "value" / "value.priv" / "value.shared"
+ ; the only attributes that can be searched
+ att-sort = "value.priv" / "value.shared"
+ ; the only attributes that can be sorted
+ att-value = attrib SP value
+ attrib = astring
+ ; dot-separated attribute name
+ ; MUST NOT contain "*" or "%"
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ attribs = attrib / "(" attrib *(SP attrib) ")"
+ ; one or more attribute specifiers
+ capability =/ "ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1"
+ ; defines the capability for this extension
+ entries = entry-match /
+ "(" entry-match *(SP entry-match) ")"
+ entry = astring
+ ; slash-separated path to entry
+ ; MUST NOT contain "*" or "%"
+ entry-att = entry SP "(" att-value *(SP att-value) ")"
+ entry-match = list-mailbox
+ ; slash-separated path to entry
+ ; MAY contain "*" or "%" for use as wild cards
+ fetch-att =/ "ANNOTATION" SP "(" entries SP attribs ")"
+ ; modifies original IMAP fetch-att
+ msg-att-dynamic =/ "ANNOTATION" SP
+ ( "(" entry-att *(SP entry-att) ")" /
+ "(" entry *(SP entry) ")" )
+ ; extends FETCH response with annotation data
+ resp-text-code =/ "ANNOTATE" SP "TOOBIG" /
+ "ANNOTATIONS" SP ann-size
+ ; new response codes
+ search-key =/ "ANNOTATION" SP entry-match SP att-search
+ SP value
+ ; modifies original IMAP search-key
+ select-param =/ "ANNOTATE"
+ ; defines the select parameter used with
+ ; ANNOTATE extension
+ sort-key =/ "ANNOTATION" SP entry SP att-sort
+ ; modifies original sort-key
+ store-att-flags =/ att-annotate
+ ; modifies original IMAP STORE command
+ value = nstring / literal8
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+6. IANA Considerations
+ Entry names MUST be specified in a standards track or IESG approved
+ experimental RFC, or fall under the vendor namespace. Vendor names
+ MUST be registered.
+ Attribute names MUST be specified in a standards track or IESG
+ approved experimental RFC.
+ Each entry registration MUST include a content-type that is used to
+ indicate the nature of the annotation value. Where applicable, a
+ charset parameter MUST be included with the content-type.
+6.1. Entry and Attribute Registration Template
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [] Entry [] Attribute
+ Name: ______________________________
+ Description: _______________________
+ ____________________________________
+ ____________________________________
+ Content-Type:_______________________
+ Contact person: ____________________
+ email: ____________________
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+6.2. Entry Registrations
+ The following templates specify the IANA registrations of annotation
+ entries specified in this document.
+6.2.1. /comment
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [X] Entry [] Attribute
+ Name: /comment
+ Description: Defined in IMAP ANNOTATE extension document.
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
+ Contact person: Cyrus Daboo
+ email:
+6.2.2. /flags
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [X] Entry [] Attribute
+ Name: /flags
+ Description: Reserved entry hierarchy.
+ Content-Type: -
+ Contact person: Cyrus Daboo
+ email:
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 24]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+6.2.3. /altsubject
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [X] Entry [] Attribute
+ Name: /altsubject
+ Description: Defined in IMAP ANNOTATE extension document.
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
+ Contact person: Cyrus Daboo
+ email:
+6.2.4. /<section-part>/comment
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [X] Entry [] Attribute
+ Name: /<section-part>/comment
+ Description: Defined in IMAP ANNOTATE extension document.
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
+ Contact person: Cyrus Daboo
+ email:
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+6.2.5. /<section-part>/flags/seen
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [X] Entry [] Attribute
+ Name: /<section-part>/flags/seen
+ Description: Defined in IMAP ANNOTATE extension document.
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
+ Contact person: Cyrus Daboo
+ email:
+6.2.6. /<section-part>/flags/answered
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [X] Entry [] Attribute
+ Name: /<section-part>/flags/answered
+ Description: Defined in IMAP ANNOTATE extension document.
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
+ Contact person: Cyrus Daboo
+ email:
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 26]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+6.2.7. /<section-part>/flags/flagged
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [X] Entry [] Attribute
+ Name: /<section-part>/flags/flagged
+ Description: Defined in IMAP ANNOTATE extension document.
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
+ Contact person: Cyrus Daboo
+ email:
+6.2.8. /<section-part>/flags/forwarded
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [X] Entry [] Attribute
+ Name: /<section-part>/flags/forwarded
+ Description: Defined in IMAP ANNOTATE extension document.
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
+ Contact person: Cyrus Daboo
+ email:
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 27]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+6.3. Attribute Registrations
+ The following templates specify the IANA registrations of annotation
+ attributes specified in this document.
+6.3.1. value
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [] Entry [X] Attribute
+ Name: value
+ Description: Defined in IMAP ANNOTATE extension document.
+ Contact person: Cyrus Daboo
+ email:
+6.3.2. size
+ To:
+ Subject: IMAP Annotate Registration
+ Please register the following IMAP Annotate item:
+ [] Entry [X] Attribute
+ Name: size
+ Description: Defined in IMAP ANNOTATE extension document.
+ Contact person: Cyrus Daboo
+ email:
+6.4. Capability Registration
+ This document registers "ANNOTATE-EXPERIMENT-1" as an IMAPEXT
+ capability.
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+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+7. Internationalization Considerations
+ Annotations may contain values that include text strings, and both
+ searching and sorting are possible with annotations. Servers MUST
+ follow standard IMAP text normalization, character set conversion,
+ and collation rules when such operations are carried out, as would be
+ done for other textual fields being searched or sorted on.
+8. Security Considerations
+ Annotations whose values are intended to remain private MUST be
+ stored in ".priv" values instead of ".shared" values, which may be
+ accessible to other users.
+ Excluding the above issues, the ANNOTATE extension does not raise any
+ security considerations that are not present in the base IMAP
+ protocol; these issues are discussed in [RFC3501].
+9. References
+9.1. Normative References
+ [RFC2086] Myers, J., "IMAP4 ACL extension", RFC 2086, January 1997.
+ [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
+ [RFC2244] Newman, C. and J. Myers, "ACAP -- Application
+ Configuration Access Protocol", RFC 2244, November 1997.
+ 4rev1", RFC 3501, March 2003.
+ [RFC3502] Crispin, M., "Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) -
+ MULTIAPPEND Extension", RFC 3502, March 2003.
+ [RFC3629] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
+ 10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, November 2003.
+ [RFC4314] Melnikov, A., "IMAP4 Access Control List (ACL) Extension",
+ RFC 4314, December 2005.
+ [RFC4466] Melnikov, A. and C. Daboo, "Collected Extensions to IMAP4
+ ABNF", RFC 4466, April 2006.
+ [RFC5234] Crocker, D., Ed., and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for
+ Syntax Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234, January
+ 2008.
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 29]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+ [RFC5256] Crispin, M. and K. Murchison, "Internet Message Access
+ Protocol - SORT and THREAD Extensions", RFC 5256, June
+ 2008.
+9.2. Informative References
+ [RFC4551] Melnikov, A. and S. Hole, "IMAP Extension for Conditional
+ STORE Operation or Quick Flag Changes Resynchronization",
+ RFC 4551, June 2006.
+10. Acknowledgments
+ Many thanks to Chris Newman for his detailed comments on the first
+ draft of this document, and to the participants at the ACAP working
+ dinner in Pittsburgh. The participants of the IMAPext working group
+ made significant contributions to this work.
+Authors' Addresses
+ Cyrus Daboo
+ Apple Inc.
+ 1 Infinite Loop
+ Cupertino, CA 95014
+ EMail:
+ URI:
+ Randall Gellens
+ QUALCOMM Incorporated
+ 5775 Morehouse Dr.
+ San Diego, CA 92121-2779
+ EMail:
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 30]
+RFC 5257 IMAP ANNOTATE Extension June 2008
+Full Copyright Statement
+ Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2008).
+ This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
+ contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
+ retain all their rights.
+ This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
+Intellectual Property
+ The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
+ Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
+ pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
+ this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
+ might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
+ made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information
+ on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
+ found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
+ Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
+ assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
+ attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
+ such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
+ specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at
+ The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
+ copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
+ rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
+ this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at
+Daboo & Gellens Experimental [Page 31]