path: root/imap/docs/rfc/rfc4469.txt
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authorEduardo Chappa <>2013-11-02 02:51:18 -0600
committerEduardo Chappa <>2013-11-02 02:51:18 -0600
commit7fe712882b909931088a318c08041b0e7974a000 (patch)
tree2770f9b084e2efc7fc55e96e9bf4352cf2ff33a3 /imap/docs/rfc/rfc4469.txt
parentbdfc834badee92ceeb2befe02f1d065ced5b9ddf (diff)
* Update to version 2.19.1
* Upgrade UW-IMAP to Panda IMAP from * Replace tabs by spaces in From and Subject fields to control for size in screen of these fields. Change only in index screen display.
Diffstat (limited to 'imap/docs/rfc/rfc4469.txt')
1 files changed, 731 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/imap/docs/rfc/rfc4469.txt b/imap/docs/rfc/rfc4469.txt
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+Network Working Group P. Resnick
+Request for Comments: 4469 QUALCOMM Incorporated
+Updates: 3501, 3502 April 2006
+Category: Standards Track
+ Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) CATENATE Extension
+Status of This Memo
+ This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
+ Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
+ improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
+ Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
+ and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
+ The CATENATE extension to the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
+ extends the APPEND command to allow clients to create messages on the
+ IMAP server that may contain a combination of new data along with
+ parts of (or entire) messages already on the server. Using this
+ extension, the client can catenate parts of an already existing
+ message onto a new message without having to first download the data
+ and then upload it back to the server.
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 1]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+1. Introduction
+ The CATENATE extension to the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
+ [1] allows the client to create a message on the server that can
+ include the text of messages (or parts of messages) that already
+ exist on the server without having to FETCH them and APPEND them back
+ to the server. The CATENATE extension extends the APPEND command so
+ that, instead of a single message literal, the command can take as
+ arguments any combination of message literals (as described in IMAP
+ [1]) and message URLs (as described in the IMAP URL Scheme [2]
+ specification). The server takes all the pieces and catenates them
+ into the output message. The CATENATE extension can also coexist
+ with the MULTIAPPEND extension [3] to APPEND multiple messages in a
+ single command.
+ There are some obvious uses for the CATENATE extension. The
+ motivating use case was to provide a way for a resource-constrained
+ client to compose a message for subsequent submission that contains
+ data that already exists in that client's IMAP store. Because the
+ client does not have to download and re-upload potentially large
+ message parts, bandwidth and processing limitations do not have as
+ much impact. In addition, since the client can create a message in
+ its own IMAP store, the command also addresses the desire of the
+ client to archive a copy of a sent message without having to upload
+ the message twice. (Mechanisms for sending the message are outside
+ the scope of this document.)
+ The extended APPEND command can also be used to copy parts of a
+ message to another mailbox for archival purposes while getting rid of
+ undesired parts. In environments where server storage is limited, a
+ client could get rid of large message parts by copying over only the
+ necessary parts and then deleting the original message. The
+ mechanism could also be used to add data to a message (such as
+ prepending message header fields) or to include other data by making
+ a copy of the original and catenating the new data.
+2. The CATENATE Capability
+ A server that supports this extension returns "CATENATE" as one of
+ the responses to the CAPABILITY command.
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 2]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+3. The APPEND Command
+ Arguments: mailbox name
+ (The following can be repeated in the presence of the
+ MULTIAPPEND extension [3])
+ OPTIONAL flag parenthesized list
+ OPTIONAL date/time string
+ a single message literal or one or more message parts to
+ catenate, specified as:
+ message literal
+ or
+ message (or message part) URL
+ Responses: OPTIONAL NO responses: BADURL, TOOBIG
+ Result: OK - append completed
+ NO - append error: can't append to that mailbox, error
+ in flags or date/time or message text, or can't
+ fetch that data
+ BAD - command unknown or arguments invalid
+ The APPEND command concatenates all the message parts and appends
+ them as a new message to the end of the specified mailbox. The
+ parenthesized flag list and date/time string set the flags and the
+ internal date, respectively, as described in IMAP [1]. The
+ subsequent command parameters specify the message parts that are
+ appended sequentially to the output message.
+ If the original form of APPEND is used, a message literal follows the
+ optional flag list and date/time string, which is appended as
+ described in IMAP [1]. If the extended form is used, "CATENATE" and
+ a parenthesized list of message literals and message URLs follows,
+ each of which is appended to the new message. If a message literal
+ is specified (indicated by "TEXT"), the octets following the count
+ are appended. If a message URL is specified (indicated by "URL"),
+ the octets of the body part pointed to by that URL are appended, as
+ if the literal returned in a FETCH BODY response were put in place of
+ the message part specifier. The APPEND command does not cause the
+ \Seen flag to be set for any catenated body part. The APPEND command
+ does not change the selected mailbox.
+ In the extended APPEND command, the string following "URL" is an IMAP
+ URL [2] and is interpreted according to the rules of [2]. The
+ present document only describes the behavior of the command using
+ IMAP URLs that refer to specific messages or message parts on the
+ current IMAP server from the current authenticated IMAP session.
+ Because of that, only relative IMAP message or message part URLs
+ (i.e., those having no scheme or <iserver>) are used. The base URL
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 3]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+ for evaluating the relative URL is considered "imap://user@server/",
+ where "user" is the user name of the currently authenticated user and
+ "server" is the domain name of the current server. When in the
+ selected state, the base URL is considered
+ "imap://user@server/mailbox", where "mailbox" is the encoded name of
+ the currently selected mailbox. Additionally, since the APPEND
+ command is valid in the authenticated state of an IMAP session, no
+ further LOGIN or AUTHENTICATE command is performed for URLs specified
+ in the extended APPEND command.
+ Note: Use of an absolute IMAP URL or any URL that refers to
+ anything other than a message or message part from the current
+ authenticated IMAP session is outside the scope of this document
+ and would require an extension to this specification, and a server
+ implementing only this specification would return NO to such a
+ request.
+ The client is responsible for making sure that the catenated message
+ is in the format of an Internet Message Format (RFC 2822) [4] or
+ Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) [5] message. In
+ particular, when a URL is catenated, the server copies octets,
+ unchanged, from the indicated message or message part to the
+ catenated message. It does no data conversion (e.g., MIME transfer
+ encodings) nor any verification that the data is appropriate for the
+ MIME part of the message into which it is inserted. The client is
+ also responsible for inserting appropriate MIME boundaries between
+ body parts, and writing MIME Content-Type and Content-Transfer-
+ Encoding lines as needed in the appropriate places.
+ Responses behave just as the original APPEND command described in
+ IMAP [1]. If the server implements the IMAP UIDPLUS extension [6],
+ it will also return an APPENDUID response code in the tagged OK
+ response. Two response codes are provided in Section 4 that can be
+ used in the tagged NO response if the APPEND command fails.
+4. Response Codes
+ When a APPEND command fails, it may return a response code that
+ describes a reason for the failure.
+4.1. BADURL Response
+ The BADURL response code is returned if the APPEND fails to process
+ one of the specified URLs. Possible reasons for this are bad URL
+ syntax, unrecognized URL schema, invalid message UID, or invalid body
+ part. The BADURL response code contains the first URL specified as a
+ parameter to the APPEND command that has caused the operation to
+ fail.
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 4]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+4.2. TOOBIG Response
+ The TOOBIG response code is returned if the resulting message will
+ exceed the 4-GB IMAP message limit. This might happen, for example,
+ if the client specifies 3 URLs for 2-GB messages. Note that even if
+ the server doesn't return TOOBIG, it still has to be defensive
+ against misbehaving or malicious clients that try to construct a
+ message over the 4-GB limit. The server may also wish to return the
+ TOOBIG response code if the resulting message exceeds a server-
+ specific message size limit.
+5. Formal Syntax
+ The following syntax specification uses the Augmented Backus-Naur
+ Form (ABNF) [7] notation. Elements not defined here can be found in
+ the formal syntax of the ABNF [7], IMAP [1], and IMAP ABNF extensions
+ [8] specifications. Note that capability and resp-text-code are
+ extended from the IMAP [1] specification and append-data is extended
+ from the IMAP ABNF extensions [8] specification.
+ append-data =/ "CATENATE" SP "(" cat-part *(SP cat-part) ")"
+ cat-part = text-literal / url
+ text-literal = "TEXT" SP literal
+ url = "URL" SP astring
+ resp-text-code =/ toobig-response-code / badurl-response-code
+ toobig-response-code = "TOOBIG"
+ badurl-response-code = "BADURL" SP url-resp-text
+ url-resp-text = 1*(%x01-09 /
+ %x0B-0C /
+ %x0E-5B /
+ %x5D-FE) ; Any TEXT-CHAR except "]"
+ capability =/ "CATENATE"
+ The astring in the definition of url and the url-resp-text in the
+ definition of badurl-response-code each contain an imapurl as defined
+ by [2].
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 5]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+6. Acknowledgements
+ Thanks to the members of the LEMONADE working group for their input.
+ Special thanks to Alexey Melnikov for the examples.
+7. Security Considerations
+ The CATENATE extension does not raise any security considerations
+ that are not present for the base protocol or in the use of IMAP
+ URLs, and these issues are discussed in the IMAP [1] and IMAP URL [2]
+ documents.
+8. IANA Considerations
+ IMAP4 capabilities are registered by publishing a standards track or
+ IESG approved experimental RFC. The registry is currently located at
+ <>. This document
+ defines the CATENATE IMAP capability. The IANA has added this
+ capability to the registry.
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 6]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+Appendix A. Examples
+ Lines not starting with "C: " or "S: " are continuations of the
+ previous lines.
+ The original message in examples 1 and 2 below (UID = 20) has the
+ following structure:
+ multipart/mixed MIME message with two body parts:
+ 1. text/plain
+ 2. application/x-zip-compressed
+ Example 1: The following example demonstrates how a CATENATE client
+ can replace an attachment in a draft message, without the need to
+ download it to the client and upload it back.
+ C: A003 APPEND Drafts (\Seen \Draft $MDNSent) CATENATE
+ (URL "/Drafts;UIDVALIDITY=385759045/;UID=20/;section=HEADER"
+ TEXT {42}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050907
+ C: URL "/Drafts;UIDVALIDITY=385759045/;UID=20/;section=1.MIME"
+ URL "/Drafts;UIDVALIDITY=385759045/;UID=20/;section=1" TEXT {42}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050907
+ C: URL "/Drafts;UIDVALIDITY=385759045/;UID=30" TEXT {44}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050907--
+ C: )
+ S: A003 OK catenate append completed
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 7]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+ Example 2: The following example demonstrates how the CATENATE
+ extension can be used to replace edited text in a draft message, as
+ well as header fields for the top level message part (e.g., Subject
+ has changed). The previous version of the draft is marked as
+ \Deleted. Note that the server also supports the UIDPLUS extension,
+ so the APPENDUID response code is returned in the successful OK
+ response to the APPEND command.
+ C: A003 APPEND Drafts (\Seen \Draft $MDNSent) CATENATE (TEXT {738}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C: Return-Path: <>
+ C: Received: from []
+ C: by via TCP (internal) with ESMTPA;
+ C: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 16:57:07 +0000
+ C: Message-ID: <>
+ C: Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2004 16:57:05 +0000
+ C: From: Bob Ar <>
+ C: X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
+ C: MIME-Version: 1.0
+ C: To:
+ C: Subject: About our holiday trip
+ C: Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
+ C: boundary="------------030308070208000400050907"
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050907
+ C: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
+ C: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ C:
+ C: Our travel agent has sent the updated schedule.
+ C:
+ C: Cheers,
+ C: Bob
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050907
+ C: URL "/Drafts;UIDVALIDITY=385759045/;UID=20/;Section=2.MIME"
+ URL "/Drafts;UIDVALIDITY=385759045/;UID=20/;Section=2" TEXT {44}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050907--
+ C: )
+ S: A003 OK [APPENDUID 385759045 45] append Completed
+ C: A004 UID STORE 20 +FLAGS.SILENT (\Deleted)
+ S: A004 OK STORE completed
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 8]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+ Example 3: The following example demonstrates how the CATENATE
+ extension can be used to strip attachments. Below, a PowerPoint
+ attachment was replaced by a small text part explaining that the
+ attachment was stripped.
+ C: A003 APPEND Drafts (\Seen \Draft $MDNSent) CATENATE
+ (URL "/Drafts;UIDVALIDITY=385759045/;UID=21/;section=HEADER"
+ TEXT {42}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050903
+ C: URL "/Drafts;UIDVALIDITY=385759045/;UID=21/;section=1.MIME"
+ URL "/Drafts;UIDVALIDITY=385759045/;UID=21/;section=1" TEXT {255}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050903
+ C: Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ C: Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
+ C:
+ C: This body part contained a Power Point presentation that was
+ C: deleted upon your request.
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050903--
+ C: )
+ S: A003 OK append Completed
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 9]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+ Example 4: The following example demonstrates a failed APPEND
+ command. The server returns the BADURL response code to indicate
+ that one of the provided URLs is invalid. This example also
+ demonstrates how the CATENATE extension can be used to construct a
+ digest of several messages.
+ C: A003 APPEND Sent (\Seen $MDNSent) CATENATE (TEXT {541}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C: Return-Path: <>
+ C: Received: from []
+ C: by via TCP (internal) with ESMTPA;
+ C: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 16:57:07 +0000
+ C: Message-ID: <>
+ C: Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2004 16:57:05 +0000
+ C: From: Farren Oo <>
+ C: X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
+ C: MIME-Version: 1.0
+ C: To:
+ C: Subject: Digest of the mailing list for today
+ C: Content-Type: multipart/digest;
+ C: boundary="------------030308070208000400050904"
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050904
+ C: URL "/INBOX;UIDVALIDITY=785799047/;UID=11467" TEXT {42}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050904
+ C: URL "/INBOX;UIDVALIDITY=785799047/;UID=113330/;section=1.5.9"
+ TEXT {42}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050904
+ C: URL "/INBOX;UIDVALIDITY=785799047/;UID=11916" TEXT {44}
+ S: + Ready for literal data
+ C:
+ C: --------------030308070208000400050904--
+ C: )
+ S: A003 NO [BADURL "/INBOX;UIDVALIDITY=785799047/;UID=113330;
+ section=1.5.9"] CATENATE append has failed, one message expunged
+ Note that the server could have validated the URLs as they were
+ received and therefore could have returned the tagged NO response
+ with BADURL response-code in place of any continuation request after
+ the URL was received.
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 10]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+9. Normative References
+ RFC 3501, March 2003.
+ [2] Newman, C., "IMAP URL Scheme", RFC 2192, September 1997.
+ [3] Crispin, M., "Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) -
+ MULTIAPPEND Extension", RFC 3502, March 2003.
+ [4] Resnick, P., "Internet Message Format", RFC 2822, April 2001.
+ [5] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail
+ Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies",
+ RFC 2045, November 1996.
+ [6] Crispin, M., "Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) - UIDPLUS
+ extension", RFC 4315, December 2005.
+ [7] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
+ Specifications: ABNF", RFC 4234, October 2005.
+ [8] Melnikov, A. and C. Daboo, "Collected Extensions to IMAP4 ABNF",
+ RFC 4466, April 2006.
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 11]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+Author's Address
+ Peter W. Resnick
+ QUALCOMM Incorporated
+ 5775 Morehouse Drive
+ San Diego, CA 92121-1714
+ US
+ Phone: +1 858 651 4478
+ EMail:
+ URI:
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 12]
+RFC 4469 IMAP CATENATE Extension April 2006
+Full Copyright Statement
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
+ This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
+ contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
+ retain all their rights.
+ This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
+Intellectual Property
+ The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
+ Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
+ pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
+ this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
+ might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
+ made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information
+ on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
+ found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
+ Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
+ assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
+ attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
+ such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
+ specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at
+ The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
+ copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
+ rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
+ this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at
+ Funding for the RFC Editor function is provided by the IETF
+ Administrative Support Activity (IASA).
+Resnick Standards Track [Page 13]