set terminal pdf set decimalsign "," set output "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/Bild.pdf" set title "Oberflächentrajektorie" set size .9,.9 set format x "%g" set format y "%g" if (system("echo $logscale")=="1") { set xlabel "omega in omega_L" set xrange [0:40] set yrange [10**-11:*] set logscale y } else { set xlabel "t in T" set xrange [10:65] } # set ylabel sprintf("$\\left|\\Big(\\mathcal{FT}\\left(%s\\right)\\Big)(\\omega)\\right|$ in $%s$",groesze,einheit) # set xtics out # set ytics 10**-2 out #plot "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/surface.dat" using 1:2 with lines lt 1 title "surface", \ # "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/input.dat.ori" using 1:2 with lines lt 2 title "inputO", \ # "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/input.dat" using 1:2 with lines lt 3 title "input", \ # "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/output.dat.ori" using 1:2 with lines lt 4 title "outputO", \ # "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/output.dat" using 1:2 with lines lt 5 title "output", \ # "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/outputC.dat" using 1:2 with lines lt 6 title "output reconstructed" plot "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/surface.dat" using 1:2 with lines lt 1 title "surface", \ "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/input.dat.ori" using 1:2 with lines lt 2 title "inputO", \ "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/output.dat.ori" using 1:2 with lines lt 3 title "outputO", \ "~/Dokumente/Prograemmchen/ROM/outputC.dat" using 1:2 with lines lt 4 title "output reconstructed"