%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et % Abkürzungen gonna = \lyricmode { I’m gon -- na ride in the char -- iot in the morn -- ing, Lord, } ride = \lyricmode { Ride, ride, Ride in the char -- i -- ot to see my Lord. } ready = \lyricmode { I’m get -- tin’ read -- y for the judg -- ment day, } Ride = \lyricmode { Ride the char -- iot in the morn -- ing, } waiting = \lyricmode { I’m wait -- in’ for the char -- iot ’cause I’m read -- y to go. } % Die Textaufteilungen sopranText = \lyrics { %<+hier den Text für den Sopran eintragen+> } altText = \lyrics { %<+hier den Text für den Alt eintragen+> } tenorText = \lyrics { %<+hier den Text für den Tenor eintragen+> \Ride Lord, \Ride Lord, \ready my Lord, my Lord. my Lord. Oh yes Oh, yes, Oh, yes, \waiting read -- y to go. \ride \ride see my Lord. \Ride Lord, \Ride Lord, \ready My Lord, my Lord, \Ride Lord, \Ride Lord, I’m gon -- na ride in the char -- i -- ot to see my Lord, to see my Lord. } bassText = \lyrics { %<+hier den Text für den Baß eintragen+> \gonna \gonna \ready my Lord, my Lord. Im gon -- na my Lord. Oh yes Oh, yes, Oh, yes, \waiting I’m gon -- na read -- y to go. \ride \ride see my Lord. \gonna \gonna \ready my Lord, my Lord, \Ride Lord, \Ride %\set associatedVoice = upper Lord, I’m gon -- na ride in the char -- i -- ot to see my Lord, my Lord. }