% vim: encoding=utf8 nu %Die Textaufteilungen oberWords = \lyrics { Eve -- ning ri -- ses, spi -- rit come, sun goes down, the day is done. Mo -- ther Earth a -- wa -- kens me with the heart -- beat of the sea. } melWords = \lyrics { Eve -- ning rise, spi -- rit come, sun goes down, the day is done. Mo -- ther Earth a -- wa -- kens me with the heart -- beat of the sea. } altAW = \lyrics { Eve -- ning rise, spi -- rit come, sun goes down when the day is done. Mo -- ther Earth a -- wa -- kens me, heart -- beat of the sea. } altBW = \lyrics { Eve -- ning rise, spi -- rit come, sun goes down when the day is done. Mo -- ther Earth a -- wa -- kens me with the heart -- beat of the sea. } tenorWords = \lyrics { Eve -- ning rise, spi -- rit come, sun goes down when the day is done. Mo -- ther Earth a -- wa -- kens me with the heart -- beat of the sea. } bassWords = \lyrics { Eve -- ning rise, spi -- rit come, sun goes down, day is done. Mo -- ther Earth a -- wa -- kens me, heart -- beat of the sea. }