% vim: nu \version "2.12.1" \include "stimmen.ly" \include "texte.ly" \header { title = \markup \center-align {"Evening Rise" " " " "} composer = "Satz: Meinhard Ansohn" tagline = "" } #(set-global-staff-size 17) \paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##f system-count = 2 top-margin = 15\mm bottom-margin = 20\mm left-margin = 22\mm line-width = 167\mm head-separation = 6\mm foot-separation = 15\mm after-title-space = 10\mm } %\midi { %\tempo 4=72 %} \layout { indent = #12 \context { % a little smaller so lyrics can be closer to the staff \Staff \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3.5 . 3.5) } } \score { %\simultaneous \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = oberstimme << \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Sopran I (6.) " \new Voice = "xtras" { s1*4 s1*4 \bar "|." } \new Voice = "soprane" { \global \oberMusic } \lyricsto soprane \oberWords >> \new Staff = melodie << \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Sopran II (1.) " \new Voice = "sopraneTwo" { \global \melMusic } \lyricsto sopraneTwo \melWords >> \new Staff = altEins << \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alt I (3.) " \new Voice = "alti" { \global \altAM } \lyricsto alti \altAW >> \new Staff = altZwei << \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alt II (2.) " \new Voice = "altiTwo" { \global \altBM } \lyricsto altiTwo \altBW >> \new Staff = tenor << \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor (5.) " \new Voice = "tenoere" { \global \tenorMusic } \lyricsto tenoere \tenorWords >> \new Staff = bass << \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Baß (4.) " \new Voice = "baesse" { \global \bassMusic } \lyricsto baesse \bassWords >> >> % \midi{ % \context{ % \Score % tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 72 4) % } % %\tempo 4=72 % } }