%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et % Abkürzungen ignon = { \set ignoreMelismata = ##t } ignoff = { \unset ignoreMelismata } stzI = \lyricmode { I’ll \ignon buy you a \ignoff dia -- mond ring my \ignon friend, if it \ignoff makes you feel al -- right. I’ll get you an -- y -- thing, my \ignon friend, if it \ignoff makes you feel al -- right. I don’t care too much for mon -- ey, mon -- ey can’t buy me love. Can’t__ buy__ me__ love, ev -- ’ry -- bod -- y tells me so. Can’t__ buy__ me__ love, no, no, no. I’ll love. I don’t care too much for mon -- ey, mon -- ey can’t buy me love. } stzII = \lyricmode { _ give you all I’ve got to \ignon give if you \ignoff say you love me too. I may not__ have__ a__ lot to give_but what_I’ve got I’ll__ give to you. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ignon _ Fa la la la la la la, fa la la la la la la, fa la la la la la la, fa la la la la. _ } stzIII = \lyricmode { _ \ignon Say that you \ignoff need no dia -- mond rings and__ I’ll be__ sa -- tis -- fied. _ \ignon Tell_me that you \ignoff want the kind of things that mo -- ney just can’t buy. } % Die Textaufteilungen sopranText = \lyrics { %<+hier den Text für den Sopran eintragen+> } altText = \lyrics { %<+hier den Text für den Alt eintragen+> } tenorText = \lyrics { %<+hier den Text für den Tenor eintragen+> } bassText = \lyrics { %<+hier den Text für den Baß eintragen+> }