Use of uninitialized value $1 in split at ../haukify line 129, <> line 249. Use of uninitialized value $2 in split at ../haukify line 130, <> line 249. Use of uninitialized value $d in numeric ne (!=) at ../haukify line 134, <> line 249. Use of uninitialized value $c in numeric ne (!=) at ../haukify line 134, <> line 249. Use of uninitialized value $b in numeric lt (<) at ../haukify line 122, <> line 249. Use of uninitialized value $a in numeric lt (<) at ../haukify line 122, <> line 249. Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at ../haukify line 214, <> line 249. underfull measure at (orig) 130, measure 16 (local 16) g4( f4) << { \voiceOne f8 f8 } { \voiceTwo c8 f8 } >> ? 128 out of 192 underfull measure at (orig) 131, measure 19 (local 18) r4 e,4 ? 128 out of 256 error at measure 21 (local 19) in (orig) 135, (result) 30 320 out of 192 (occurred after reading r4 e'8 e8 e2. ) error at measure 25 (local 23) in (orig) 142, (result) 39 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading b4( d4) r4 \times 2/3 { f4 f4 g4 } ) error at measure 29 (local 27) in (orig) 143, (result) 43 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading a4 b4 f2. ) error at measure 32 (local 30) in (orig) 143, (result) 46 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading g4 b4 f8 f8 d2 ) underfull measure at (orig) 144, measure 41 (local 39) r4 e8 e8 ? 128 out of 256 \tsilence error at measure 42 (local 1) in (orig) 113, (result) 59 192 out of 128 (occurred after reading a4 ) underfull measure at (orig) 113, measure 43 (local 2) d,4 ? 64 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 117, measure 44 (local 2) g4 d4 ? 192 out of 256 error at measure 45 (local 2) in (orig) 120, (result) 67 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading r2 ) underfull measure at (orig) 146, measure 46 (local 39) r2 ? 128 out of 256 \tsilence underfull measure at (orig) 117, measure 48 (local 2) g4 d4 ? 128 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 148, measure 50 (local 39) r2 ? 128 out of 256 error at measure 51 (local 39) in (orig) 152, (result) 86 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading a2.( ) underfull measure at (orig) 152, measure 52 (local 40) d,4) ? 64 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 156, measure 54 (local 41) d4) ? 64 out of 256 error at measure 55 (local 41) in (orig) 159, (result) 95 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading r1 ) underfull measure at (orig) 185, measure 15 (local 15) r2 ? 128 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 189, measure 18 (local 17) g2( f4) ? 192 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 196, measure 23 (local 21) r4 a4 ? 128 out of 256 error at measure 25 (local 22) in (orig) 200, (result) 147 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading r4 g'8 g8 e2. ) error at measure 28 (local 25) in (orig) 200, (result) 150 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading r4 \times 2/3 { a4 a4 b4 } \times 2/3 { g2 d4~ } ) underfull measure at (orig) 200, measure 30 (local 27) e4( g4) ? 128 out of 256 error at measure 32 (local 28) in (orig) 204, (result) 157 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading r4 c'8 c8 a2. ) error at measure 35 (local 31) in (orig) 204, (result) 160 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading r4 \times 2/3 { d4 d4 e4 } \times 2/3 { c2 g4~ } ) underfull measure at (orig) 204, measure 37 (local 33) e'2 ? 128 out of 256 error at measure 38 (local 33) in (orig) 207, (result) 165 192 out of 128 (occurred after reading r4 ) error at measure 39 (local 34) in (orig) 207, (result) 166 384 out of 256 (occurred after reading a,4 d4 e4 b2. ) error at measure 41 (local 36) in (orig) 207, (result) 168 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading c4 e4( f4) r2 ) underfull measure at (orig) 207, measure 47 (local 42) c8 c8 r4 r4 ? 192 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 211, measure 49 (local 43) c4 ? 64 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 215, measure 50 (local 43) g8 a8 f4 ? 192 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 218, measure 52 (local 44) g4 a4 ? 128 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 226, measure 54 (local 45) f,4 c'4 ? 128 out of 256 \bsilence underfull measure at (orig) 169, measure 57 (local 1) c4 g4 ? 128 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 176, measure 59 (local 2) r2 ? 128 out of 256 \bsilence underfull measure at (orig) 169, measure 61 (local 1) c4 g4 ? 128 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 176, measure 63 (local 2) r2 ? 128 out of 256 error at measure 66 (local 50) in (orig) 241, (result) 233 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading f2.( g2) ) underfull measure at (orig) 54, measure 15 (local 15) r4 g2 ? 192 out of 256 error at measure 16 (local 15) in (orig) 58, (result) 270 256 out of 192 (occurred after reading g4( ) underfull measure at (orig) 58, measure 17 (local 16) a4 b4) a8 a8 ? 192 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 61, measure 19 (local 17) a2 a8 a8 ? 192 out of 256 error at measure 20 (local 17) in (orig) 64, (result) 278 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading 2( ) error at measure 21 (local 18) in (orig) 64, (result) 279 256 out of 192 (occurred after reading 4) r4 r2 ) error at measure 22 (local 19) in (orig) 64, (result) 280 256 out of 192 (occurred after reading r4 c,4 2 ) error at measure 23 (local 20) in (orig) 64, (result) 281 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading r4 g8 g8 2. ) error at measure 25 (local 22) in (orig) 64, (result) 283 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading d8( e8 f4) a4~ \times 2/3 { a4 a4 b4 } ) underfull measure at (orig) 68, measure 28 (local 25) b4( c4) ? 128 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 78, measure 44 (local 40) e4 c4 ? 128 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 88, measure 47 (local 42) e4 c4 ? 128 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 19, measure 15 (local 15) r4 ? 64 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 21, measure 18 (local 17) f2( e4) ? 192 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 23, measure 22 (local 20) d4) ? 64 out of 192 error at measure 25 (local 22) in (orig) 26, (result) 382 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading r4 8 q8 2. ) underfull measure at (orig) 27, measure 26 (local 23) r4 ? 64 out of 128 error at measure 28 (local 24) in (orig) 29, (result) 386 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading d4( cis4) r4 \times 2/3 { f4 f4 g4 } ) error at measure 34 (local 30) in (orig) 34, (result) 395 192 out of 128 (occurred after reading d2. ) error at measure 36 (local 32) in (orig) 34, (result) 397 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading a4) r2 e2 ) underfull measure at (orig) 34, measure 49 (local 45) r2 ? 128 out of 256 error at measure 50 (local 45) in (orig) 37, (result) 413 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading g2.( ) underfull measure at (orig) 37, measure 51 (local 46) d4) ? 64 out of 256 underfull measure at (orig) 39, measure 53 (local 47) d4) ? 64 out of 256 error at measure 54 (local 47) in (orig) 42, (result) 420 320 out of 256 (occurred after reading r1 )