%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et % Abkürzungen % Die Textaufteilungen textFrauen = \lyricmode { I'm no -- thing spe -- cial, in fact I'm a bit of a bore. __ When I tell a joke, you've prob -- a -- bly heard it be -- fore. __ But I have a ta -- lent, a won -- der -- ful thing, 'cause ev -- 'ry -- one lis -- tens when I start to sing, I'm so grate -- ful and proud, __ all I want to do is sing it out loud. So I say thank -- you for the mu -- sic, the songs I'm sing -- ing. Thanks for all the joy they're bring -- ing. Who can live with -- out it? I ask in all hon -- es -- ty, __ what would life be __ with -- out a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank -- you for the mu -- sic, for gi -- ving it to me. __ Mo -- ther says I was a danc -- er be -- fore I could walk. __ And she says I be -- gan to sing __ long be -- fore I could talk. And I've of -- ten won -- dered, how did it all start? Who found out that no -- thing can cap -- ture a heart like a mel -- o dy can? __ Well, who -- ev -- er it was, I'm a fan. So I say me. __ I've __ been so luck -- y, I am the girl __ with gol -- den hair. __ I want to sing it out to ev -- 'ry -- bod -- y, what a joy, what a chance! __ Thank you for the mu -- sic, the songs, I'm sing -- ing. Thanks for all the joy they're bring -- ing. Who can live with -- out it? I ask in all hon -- es -- ty, what would life be with -- out a song __ or a dance, what are we? __ So I say thank -- you for the mu -- sic, for gi -- ving it to me. __ So I say thank -- you for the mu -- sic, for gi -- ving it to me. __ Thank -- you for the mu -- sic. __ } textMaenner = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 69 { \skip 1 } All hon -- es -- ty, what would life be? \repeat unfold 93 { \skip 1 } what a life, \repeat unfold 31 { \skip 1 } All hon -- es -- ty, what would life be? }