\version "2.24.3" % automatically converted by musicxml2ly from Spanische Nächte.musicxml \pointAndClickOff \header { encodingsoftware = "MuseScore 4.3.2" encodingdate = "2024-07-19" } #(set-global-staff-size 17.37142857142857) \paper { paper-width = 21.01\cm paper-height = 29.69\cm top-margin = 1.5\cm bottom-margin = 1.5\cm left-margin = 1.5\cm right-margin = 1.5\cm indent = 1.6161538461538463\cm } \layout { \context { \Score autoBeaming = ##f } } PartPOneVoiceOne = \relative c' { \clef "treble_8"\time 4/4 \key f \major | c4 ^ "42" s2 c4 | c4 ^\markup{ \bold\large {Spanische Nächte} } s2 c4 | c4 s2 c4 | c4 s2 c4 \break | c4 s2 c4 | c4 s2 c4 | c1~ | c2 s8 c8 c8 c8 \break | c4 d8 e8 f4 g8 f8 | f4 e4 s8 g4 f8 | f8 e4 d8 d4 c8 b8 | a8 b8 c4 s8 c8 c8 c8 \break | c4 d8 e8 f8 s8 g8 f8 | f4 e4 s8 g4 f8 | f8 e4 d8 d4 c8 g'8 | f4 s4. f8 f8 f8 \break | f4 s4. f8 f8 f8 | f4 s4. f8 f8 f8 | f4 s4. d8 e8 f8 \break | e4 g4 s8 c,8 ^ "43" c8 c8 | c4 d8 e8 f4 g8 f8 | f4 e4 s8 g4 f8 | f8 e4 d8 d4 ^ "coda" c8 g'8 \pageBreak | f4 s1 f8 f8 f4 f8 f8 | f4 s4 c2 s4 c8 d8 c4 c8 d8 \break | c4 s4 c2 s4 f8 g8 f4 f8 g8 | f4 s4 f2 \break s4 f8 g8 f4 f8 g8 | f4 s4 g2 s4 f8 f8 f4 f8 f8 | f4 s4 c2 \break s4 c8 d8 c4 c8 d8 | c4 s4 c2 s4 f8 f8 f4 f8 d8 \break | c4 e8 e8 e4 e8 g8 | f4 c8 d8 c4 c8 d8 ^ "44" \break | c8 d8 c4 s8 c8 c8 c8 | f4 s2 c4 | c4 s2 c4 | c4 s2 c4 \pageBreak | c4 s2 c4 | c4 s2 c4 | c4 s2 c4 \break | c4 s2 c4 | c1~ | c8 ( s8 e4 es2 ) | \bar "|." } PartPOneVoiceOneLyricsOne = \lyricmode {\set ignoreMelismata = ##t "Si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" \skip1 Das ist der Zau -- ber der spa -- ni -- schen Nä -- "chte." Je -- der mö -- chte so gern ein To -- re -- ro "sein." Denn ein To -- re -- ro hat Glück bei den Frau -- "en." Al -- le schau -- en auf ihn ganz al -- "lein." "\" Si," "si," Se -- "nor!\" " ver -- nimmt sein Ohr " \"To" -- re -- a -- "dor," Ihr seid der re -- "chte!\" " Das ist der Zau -- ber der spa -- ni -- schen Näch -- " te." Je -- der Mann fühlt sich dann Ma -- ta -- "dor." "Bäng," "bäng," "bäng," "bäng," "bäng," bäng "Hm!" "bäng," ".." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "Hm!" "Bäng," "..." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "Hm!" "bäng," "..." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "Hm!" "bäng," "..." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "Hm!" "bäng," "..." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "Hm!" "bäng," "..." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "bäng!" "Bäng," "bäng," "bäng!" "Bäng," "bäng," "bäng!" "Bäng," "bang," "bäng!" "Bäng," "bäng," "bäng," "bäng," "bäng!" Das ist der "dor!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" \skip1 "Hm!" \skip1 } PartPOneVoiceTwo = \relative a { \clef "treble_8"\time 4/4 \key f \major | a4 s2 a4 | b4 s2 b4 | a4 s2 a4 | b4 s2 b4 \break | a4 s2 a4 | a4 s2 a4 | a1~ | a2 s8 c8 c8 c8 \break | c4 c8 c8 h4 h8 h8 | b4 b4 s8 d4 c8 | c8 b4 b8 b4 a8 g8 | f8 g8 a4 s8 c8 c8 c8 \break | c4 c8 c8 h8 s8 h8 h8 | b4 b4 s8 d4 c8 | c8 b4 b8 b4 b8 b8 | a4 s4. es'8 es8 es8 \break | d4 s4. cis8 cis8 cis8 | c4 s4. c8 c8 c8 | h4 s4. h8 h8 h8 \break | c4 c4 s8 c8 c8 c8 | c4 c8 c8 h4 h8 h8 | b4 b4 s8 d4 c8 | c8 b4 b8 b4 b8 c8 \pageBreak | a4 s1 c8 d8 c4 c8 d8 | c4 s4 b2 s4 a8 b8 a4 a8 b8 \break | a4 s4 a2 s4 d8 d8 d4 d8 d8 | d4 s4 d2 \break s4 a8 b8 a4 a8 b8 | a4 s4 b2 s4 c8 d8 c4 c8 d8 | c4 s4 b2 \break s4 a8 b8 a4 a8 b8 | a4 s4 a2 s4 d8 d8 d4 d8 b8 \break | b4 b8 b8 b4 b8 b8 | a4 a8 b8 a4 a8 b8 \break | a8 b8 a4 s8 c8 c8 c8 | a4 s2 a4 | a4 s2 a4 | b4 s2 b4 \pageBreak | a4 s2 a4 | b4 s2 b4 | a4 s2 a4 \break | a4 s2 a4 | a1~ | a8 s8 c4 c2 | \bar "|." } PartPOneVoiceThree = \relative as { \clef "treble_8"\time 4/4 \key f \major s1*4 \break s1*4 \break s1*4 \break s1*4 \break s1*3 \break s1*4 \pageBreak s1*4 \break s1*3 \break s1*4 \break s1*3 \break s1*2 \break s1*4 \pageBreak s1*3 \break s4*9 as4 ( a2 ) | \bar "|." } PartPTwoVoiceOne = \relative f { \clef "bass"\time 4/4 \key f \major | r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 | r8 e8 c8 d8 e2 | r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 | r8 e8 c8 d8 e2 \break | r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 | r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 | r8 f8 c8 d8 f8 f8 c8 d8 | f2 s8 a8 a8 a8 \break | a4 a8 a8 as4 as8 as8 | g4 g4 s8 b4 a8 | a8 g4 f8 f4 e8 e8 | c8 c8 f4 s8 a8 a8 a8 \break | a4 a8 a8 as8 s8 as8 as8 | g4 g4 s8 b4 a8 | a8 g4 f8 f4 e8 e8 | f4 s4. a8 a8 a8 \break | b4 s4. b8 b8 b8 | a4 s4. a8 a8 a8 | g4 s4. g8 g8 g8 \break | g4 e4 s8 c'8 c8 c8 | a4 a8 a8 as4 as8 as8 | g4 g4 s8 b4 a8 | a8 g4 f8 f4 e8 e8 \pageBreak | f4 s2 c4 | a'1~ | a4 g8 f8 g4 f8 e8 | f1~ \break | f4 f8 g8 f4 e8 es8 | d4. f8 b2~ | b4 b8 a8 c8 b8 f8 d8 \break | c1~ | c4 c8 d8 e4 f8 g8 | a1~ | a4 g8 f8 g4 f8 e8 \break | f1~ | f4 f8 g8 f4 e8 es8 | d4. f8 b4. f8 \break | e4. f8 c'4. e,8 | f1~ \break | f2 s8 c'8 c8 c8 | f,4 s4 r2 | r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 | r8 e8 c8 d8 e2 \pageBreak | r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 | r8 e8 c8 d8 e2 | r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 \break | r8 f8 c8 d8 f2 | r8 f8 c8 d8 f8 f8 c8 d8 | f8 s8 c4~ c2 | \bar "|." } PartPTwoVoiceOneLyricsOne = \lyricmode {\set ignoreMelismata = ##t "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- nor\skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 Wie schön\skip1 sind die Fraun an -- zu -- sehn\skip1 Und es tönt wie ver -- lieb -- ter Sang\skip1 der Gi -- tar -- ren lei -- ser "Klang." \skip1 Und der Wein schmeckt so "gut," \skip1 geht wie Feu -- er ins "Blut." \skip1 Doch das kommt nur in Spa -- nien "vor." "Si," "si!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si," Se -- "nor!" \skip1 \skip1 } PartPTwoVoiceTwo = \relative f, { \clef "bass"\time 4/4 \key f \major | f4 s2 c'4 | g4 s2 c4 | f,4 s2 c'4 | g4 s2 c4 \break | f,4 s2 c'4 | f,4 s2 c'4 | f,1~ | f2 s8 f'8 f8 f8 \break | f4 f8 f8 d4 d8 d8 | c4 c4 s8 c4 c8 | c8 c4 c8 c4 c8 c8 | f,8 f8 f4 s8 f'8 f8 f8 \break | f4 f8 f8 d8 s8 d8 d8 | c4 c4 s8 c4 c8 | c8 c4 c8 c4 c8 c8 | f,4 c'8 a8 f4 r4 \break | r8 b8 f8 g8 b4 s4. f'8 c8 d8 f4 s4. d8 g,8 h8 d8 f8 e8 d8 \break | c4 c4 s8 c'8 c8 c8 | f,4 f8 f8 d4 d8 d8 | c4 c4 s8 c4 c8 | c8 c4 c8 c4 c8 c8 \pageBreak | f,4 c'8 a8 f4 s2 f8 f8 f4 f8 f8 | f4 s4 c'2 s4 f,8 f8 f4 f8 f8 \break | f4 s4 f2 s4 b8 b8 b4 b8 b8 | b4 s4 b2 \break s4 f8 f8 f4 f8 f8 | f4 s4 c'2 s4 f,8 f8 f4 f8 f8 | f4 s4 c'2 \break s4 f,8 f8 f4 f8 f8 | f4 s4 c'2 s4 b8 b8 g4 g8 g8 \break | c4 c8 c8 c4 c8 c8 | f,4 r8 b8 f4 r8 b8 \break | f4 s4. c''8 c8 c8 | f,,4 c'8 a8 f4 r4 | f4 s2 c'4 | g4 s2 c4 \pageBreak | f,4 s2 c'4 | g4 s2 c4 | f,4 s2 c'4 \break | f,4 s2 c'4 | f,1~ | f8 s8 c'4 f,2 | \bar "|." } PartPTwoVoiceTwoLyricsOne = \lyricmode {\set ignoreMelismata = ##t "Si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" Se -- nor "Si," "si!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "\" Si," "si," Se -- "nor!\" " ver -- nimmt sein Ohr " \"To" -- re -- a -- "dor," Ihr seid der re -- chte\skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 Ma -- ta -- "dor." \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "bäng!" "Bäng," "bäng," "bäng!" "Bäng," "bäng," "bäng!" "Si," "si," Se -- nor\skip1 \skip1 \skip1 "dor," Ma -- ta -- "tor." "Si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" "Si," "si!" "Si," "si!" Se -- "nor!" \skip1 "Hm!" \skip1 } % The score definition \score { << \new StaffGroup << \new Staff << \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor" \context Staff << \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceOne" { \voiceOne \PartPOneVoiceOne } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "PartPOneVoiceOne" { \set stanza = "1." \PartPOneVoiceOneLyricsOne } \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceTwo" { \voiceTwo \PartPOneVoiceTwo } \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceThree" { \voiceThree \PartPOneVoiceThree } >> >> \new Staff << \set Staff.instrumentName = "Bass" \context Staff << \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \context Voice = "PartPTwoVoiceOne" { \voiceOne \PartPTwoVoiceOne } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "PartPTwoVoiceOne" { \set stanza = "1." \PartPTwoVoiceOneLyricsOne } \context Voice = "PartPTwoVoiceTwo" { \voiceTwo \PartPTwoVoiceTwo } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "PartPTwoVoiceTwo" { \set stanza = "1." \PartPTwoVoiceTwoLyricsOne } >> >> >> >> \layout {} % To create MIDI output, uncomment the following line: % \midi {\tempo 4 = 100 } }