path: root/Froehliche_Weihnacht
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Froehliche_Weihnacht')
3 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Froehliche_Weihnacht/ b/Froehliche_Weihnacht/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..875e739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Froehliche_Weihnacht/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+\include ""
+\include ""
+\include ""
+#(set! paper-alist (cons '("kindle" . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 130 mm))) paper-alist))
+#(set-default-paper-size "kindle")
+\header {
+ tagline = ""
+ title = "Fröhliche Weihnacht"
+\paper {
+ top-margin = 5
+\score {
+ \layout {
+ indent = #0
+ \context {
+ \Staff
+ \RemoveEmptyStaves
+ \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
+ }
+ }
+ \new ChoirStaff <<
+ \set Score.skipBars = ##t
+ \new Lyrics = "sopranTextI" { }
+ \new Lyrics = "sopranTextII" { }
+ \new Lyrics = "sopranTextIII" { }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = sopran { \global \voiceOne \sopranMelodie }
+ \new Voice = alt { \global \voiceTwo \altMelodie }
+ >>
+ \context Lyrics = "sopranTextI" \lyricsto sopran { \sopranTextI }
+ \context Lyrics = "sopranTextII" \lyricsto sopran { \sopranTextII }
+ \context Lyrics = "sopranTextIII" \lyricsto sopran { \sopranTextIII }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto alt { \altTextI }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto alt { \altTextII }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto alt { \altTextIII }
+ \new Lyrics = "tenorTextI" { }
+ \new Lyrics = "tenorTextII" { }
+ \new Lyrics = "tenorTextIII" { }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = tenor { \global \clef "bass" \voiceOne \tenorMelodie }
+ \new Voice = bass { \global \clef "bass" \voiceTwo \bassMelodie }
+ >>
+ \context Lyrics = "tenorTextI" \lyricsto tenor { \tenorTextI }
+ \context Lyrics = "tenorTextII" \lyricsto tenor { \tenorTextII }
+ \context Lyrics = "tenorTextIII" \lyricsto tenor { \tenorTextIII }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto bass { \bassTextI }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto bass { \bassTextII }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto bass { \bassTextIII }
+ >>
diff --git a/Froehliche_Weihnacht/ b/Froehliche_Weihnacht/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..449e8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Froehliche_Weihnacht/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+ \version "2.12"
+ global = {
+ \key g \major
+ %\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
+ \time 4/4
+ \autoBeamOff
+ }
+% Die Stimmen
+ sopranMelodie = \relative d'' {
+ d8[ c] h c d4 h |
+ g a h2 |
+ h8 a g a h4 g |
+ d fis g2^\markup { \bold Fine } | \bar "|."
+ a4 d d2 |
+ h4 d d2\breathe |
+ a4 e' d h |
+ d c8[ h] a2\breathe |
+ d8[ c] h c d4 h |
+ g a h2 |
+ h8 a g a h4 g |
+ d fis g2\breathe |
+ a4. h8 c4 a |
+ \slurDashed \set melismaBusyProperties = #'() h( c) \slurSolid \set melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy slurMelismaBusy tieMelismaBusy beamMelismaBusy) d2 |
+ e4 d c h |
+ c1\breathe |
+ a4. h8 c4 a |
+ h c d2 |
+ d,4 h' h a |
+ g1^\markup { \bold D.C. al \bold Fine } | \bar "||"
+ }
+ altMelodie = \relative h' {
+ h8[ a] g a h4 fis |
+ e fis g2 |
+ d8 d d d d4 d |
+ d d d2 | \bar "|."
+ d4 fis g( a) |
+ h g a( g) |
+ fis fis g fis |
+ g g fis2 |
+ h8[ a] g a h4 fis |
+ e fis g2 |
+ d8 d d d d4 d |
+ d d d2 |
+ fis4. gis8 a4 fis |
+ \slurDashed \set melismaBusyProperties = #'(beamMelismaBusy) g( fis8[ e]) \slurSolid \set melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy slurMelismaBusy tieMelismaBusy beamMelismaBusy) d4 g8 f |
+ e4( f) e2 |
+ e1 |
+ fis4. gis8 a4 fis |
+ g fis8[ e] d4( e) |
+ d d8[ e] fis[ e] fis4 |
+ g1 | \bar "|."
+ }
+ tenorMelodie = \relative d' {
+ d4 d8 d d4 d |
+ h d d2 |
+ d8 c h c d4 h |
+ a c h2 | \bar "|."
+ a4 a a2 |
+ d4 d c( h)\breathe |
+ c c d c |
+ d e fis\breathe d~ |
+ d d8 d d4 d |
+ h d d2 |
+ d8 c h c d4 h |
+ a c h2\breathe |
+ d4. d8 e4 d |
+ \slurDashed \set melismaBusyProperties = #'() d( c) \slurSolid \set melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy slurMelismaBusy tieMelismaBusy beamMelismaBusy) h g~ |
+ g8[ a] h4 a gis |
+ a1\breathe |
+ d4. d8 e4 d |
+ d c h g8 a |
+ h[( c] d2 c4 |
+ h) a h2 | \bar "||"
+ }
+ bassMelodie = \relative g {
+ g4 g8 g g,4 h |
+ e d g2 |
+ g8 g g g g,4 h |
+ d d g2 | \bar "|."
+ fis4 d e( fis) |
+ g e fis( g) |
+ a a h a |
+ h c d2 |
+ g,4 g8 g g,4 h |
+ e d g2 |
+ g8 g g g g,4 h |
+ d d g2 |
+ d4 c8[ h] a4 d |
+ \slurDashed \set melismaBusyProperties = #'() g,( a) \slurSolid \set melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy slurMelismaBusy tieMelismaBusy beamMelismaBusy) h2 |
+ c4( d) e2 |
+ a,4 c8[ e] a2 |
+ d,4 c8[ h] a4 d |
+ g, a h( c) |
+ d2 d |
+ g4 d g,2 | \bar "||"
+ }
diff --git a/Froehliche_Weihnacht/ b/Froehliche_Weihnacht/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db9d36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Froehliche_Weihnacht/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+% Abkürzungen
+% Die Textaufteilungen
+ sopranTextI = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 51 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ stim -- met ein in den Ju -- bel -- ton
+ }
+ sopranTextII = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 51 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "2."
+ We -- _ ge, un -- ser Licht bist du,
+ }
+ sopranTextIII = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 51 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "3."
+ ta -- _ ten, sei für dich ge -- tan,
+ }
+ altTextI = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 47 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ Da -- rum al -- le stim -- met ein in den Ju -- bel -- ton,
+ denn es kommt das Heil der Welt von des Va -- ters Thron.
+ }
+ altTextII = \lyricmode {
+ \set stanza = "1.-3."
+ Fröh -- li -- che Weih -- nacht, ü -- ber -- all tö -- net durch die Lüf -- te fro -- her Schall;
+ Weih -- nachts -- ton Weih -- nachts -- baum Weih -- nachts -- duft in je -- dem Raum!
+ Fröh -- li -- che Weih -- nacht, ü -- ber -- all tö -- net durch die Lüf -- te fro -- her Schall.
+ \set stanza = "2."
+ Licht auf dunk -- lem We -- _ ge, un -- ser Licht bist du,
+ denn du führst, die dir ver -- traun, ein zur sel -- gen Ruh.
+ }
+ altTextIII = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 47 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "3."
+ Was wir an -- dern ta -- _ ten, sei für dich ge -- tan,
+ dass be -- ken -- nen je -- der muss: Christ -- kind kam für mich.
+ }
+ tenorTextI = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 54 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ in __ den Ju -- bel -- ton,
+ \repeat unfold 7 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ von des Va -- ters Thron.
+ }
+ tenorTextII = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 30 { \skip 1 }
+ Fröh -- li -- che
+ \repeat unfold 21 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "2."
+ un -- ser Licht bist du,
+ \repeat unfold 7 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "2."
+ ein zur sel -- gen Ruh.
+ }
+ tenorTextIII = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 54 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "3."
+ sei __ für dich ge -- tan,
+ \repeat unfold 7 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "3."
+ Christ -- kind kam __ für dich.
+ }
+ bassTextI = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 47 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ Da -- rum al -- le stim -- met ein in den Ju -- bel -- ton,
+ denn es kommt das Heil der Welt von des Va -- ters Thron.
+ }
+ bassTextII = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 47 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "2."
+ Licht auf dunk -- lem We -- _ ge, un -- ser Licht bist du,
+ denn du führst, die dir ver -- traun, ein zur sel -- gen Ruh.
+ }
+ bassTextIII = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 47 { \skip 1 }
+ \set stanza = "3."
+ Was wir an -- dern ta -- _ ten, sei für dich ge -- tan,
+ dass be -- ken -- nen je -- der muss: Christ -- kind kam für mich.
+ }