diff options
9 files changed, 611 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/El_Haderech/ b/El_Haderech/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84146f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/El_Haderech/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\include ""
+\include ""
+\include ""
+#(set! paper-alist (cons '("kindle" . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 130 mm))) paper-alist))
+#(set-default-paper-size "kindle")
+\header {
+ title = "El Haderech"
+ tagline = ""
+\paper {
+ top-margin = 5
+\score {
+ \new ChoirStaff <<
+ \set Score.skipBars = ##t
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = alle { \global \alleMelodie }
+ >>
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto alle { \textAlle }
+ \new Lyrics = sopranText { }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = frauen { \global \frauenPausen }
+ \new Voice = sopran { \global \voiceOne \sopranMelodie }
+ \new Voice = alt { \global \voiceTwo \altMelodie }
+ >>
+ \context Lyrics = sopranText \lyricsto sopran { \textSopran }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto alt { \textAlt }
+ \new Lyrics = tenorText { }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = maenner { \clef "bass" \global \maennerPausen }
+ \new Voice = tenor { \clef "bass" \global \voiceOne \tenorMelodie }
+ \new Voice = bass { \clef "bass" \global \voiceTwo \bassMelodie }
+ >>
+ \context Lyrics = tenorText \lyricsto tenor { \textTenor }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto bass { \textBass }
+ >>
+ \layout {
+ indent = #0
+ \context {
+ \Staff
+ \RemoveEmptyStaves
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/El_Haderech/ b/El_Haderech/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a591d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/El_Haderech/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+ \version "2.12"
+ global = {
+ \key f \major
+ %\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
+ \time 4/4
+ \autoBeamOff
+ \partial 4.
+ }
+% Die Stimmen
+ alleMelodie = \relative a {
+ a8 d e |
+ f4 e8 f4 e8 d a |
+ f'4 e8 f4 e8 d a |
+ g'4 f8 g4 f8 e4 |
+ d2~ d8 a d e |
+ f4 e8 f4 e8 d a |
+ f'4 e8 f4 e8 d a |
+ g'4 f8 g4 f8 e4 |
+ f2~ f8 r4. |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ R1*3 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ R1 |
+ }
+ {
+ R1 |
+ }
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ R1*2 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ R1*2 |
+ }
+ {
+ R1 |
+ }
+ }
+ R1 | \bar "||"
+ }
+ frauenPausen = {
+ r4. |
+ R1*7 |
+ r2 r8 s4. |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ s1*3 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ s1 |
+ }
+ {
+ s1 |
+ }
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ s1*2 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ s1*2 |
+ }
+ {
+ s1 |
+ }
+ }
+ s1 | \bar "||"
+ }
+ maennerPausen = {
+ r4. |
+ R1*8 |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ s1*3 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ s1 |
+ }
+ {
+ s1 |
+ }
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ r2 r8 s4. |
+ s1 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ s1*2 |
+ }
+ {
+ s1 |
+ }
+ }
+ s1 | \bar "||"
+ }
+ sopranMelodie = \relative a' {
+ s4. |
+ s1*7 |
+ s2 s8 a a a |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ a4^\segno g8 b4 a8 g a |
+ g4 f8 a4 g8 f d |
+ b4 a8 g'4 f8 e f |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ d2~ d8 a' a a |
+ }
+ {
+ d,2~^\fermata d8 a d e |
+ }
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ f4 e8 f4 e8 d a |
+ f'4 e8 f4 e8 d a |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ g'4 f8 g4 f8 e4 |
+ d2~ d8 a d e |
+ }
+ {
+ g4 f8 g4 f8 e4 |
+ }
+ }
+ f2~ f8 a a a_\markup { "dal segno al "\fermata } | \bar "||"
+ }
+ altMelodie = \relative f' {
+ s4. |
+ s1*7 |
+ s2 s8 r4. |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ f8. f16 f8 e~ e2 |
+ e8. e16 e8 d~ d2 |
+ d8. d16 d8 cis4 cis8 cis cis |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ d1 |
+ }
+ {
+ d2~ d8 a d e |
+ }
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ f4 e8 f4 e8 d a |
+ f'4 e8 f4 e8 d a |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ g'4 f8 g4 f8 e4 |
+ d2~ d8 a d e |
+ }
+ {
+ g4 f8 g4 f8 e4 |
+ }
+ }
+ f1 | \bar "||"
+ }
+ tenorMelodie = \relative b {
+ s4. |
+ s1*8 |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ b8. b16 b8 b~ b2 |
+ a8. a16 a8 a~ a2 |
+ g8. g16 g8 g4 f8 g a |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ f1 |
+ }
+ {
+ f1^\fermata |
+ }
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ s2 s8 a,8 d e |
+ f a a a4 g8 f4 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ b a8 b4 a8 g4 |
+ f1 |
+ }
+ {
+ b4 a8 b4 a8 g4 |
+ }
+ }
+ a1 | \bar "||"
+ }
+ bassMelodie = \relative g {
+ s4. |
+ s1*8 |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ g2~ g8 c, d e |
+ f2~ f8 b, c d |
+ e2~ e8 a, h cis |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ d1 |
+ }
+ {
+ d1 |
+ }
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ s2 s8 a8 d e |
+ f a a a4 g8 f4 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ b a8 b4 a8 g4 |
+ f1 |
+ }
+ {
+ b4 a8 b4 a8 g4 |
+ }
+ }
+ a1 | \bar "||"
+ }
diff --git a/El_Haderech/ b/El_Haderech/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5912a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/El_Haderech/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+% Abkürzungen
+% Die Textaufteilungen
+ textAlle = \lyricmode {
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ We shuv Ne -- ze -- a el ha -- de -- rech jad be -- jad la de -- rech be shal -- she -- let sa -- hav, __
+ we shuv ne -- ze -- a el ha -- de -- rech am e -- chad la de -- rech we shi -- re nu al gav __
+ }
+ textSopran = \lyricmode {
+ we ad le sha -- a -- re ra -- ki -- a be -- wa -- daj na -- gi -- a od me -- at im lo ach -- shav we ad le
+ shav
+ \repeat unfold 30 { \skip 1 }
+ we ad le
+ }
+ textAlt = \lyricmode {
+ la la la la __ la la la la __ la la la la la la la la la
+ \set stanza = "2."
+ we gam im a -- ru -- ka ha -- de -- rech we ra -- ba had -- de -- rech hen ko -- che -- nu od rav __ we gam im
+ na -- a -- wor ba jach dav
+ }
+ textTenor = \lyricmode {
+ la la la la __ la la la la __ la la la la __ la la la la la
+ }
+ textBass = \lyricmode {
+ la __ la la la la __ la la la la __ la la la la la
+ la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
+ }
diff --git a/Sto_mi_e_milo/ b/Sto_mi_e_milo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..617efab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sto_mi_e_milo/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+\include ""
+\include ""
+\include ""
+#(set! paper-alist (cons '("kindle" . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 130 mm))) paper-alist))
+#(set-default-paper-size "kindle")
+\header {
+ title = "Što mi e milo"
+ tagline = ""
+\paper {
+ top-margin = 5
+\score {
+ \new ChoirStaff <<
+ \set Score.skipBars = ##t
+ \new Lyrics = sopranText { }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = frauen { \global \pausen }
+ \new Voice = sopran { \global \voiceOne \sopranMelodie }
+ \new Voice = alt { \global \voiceTwo \altMelodie }
+ >>
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto sopran { \textI }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = maenner { \clef "bass" \global \pausen }
+ \new Voice = tenor { \clef "bass" \global \voiceOne \tenorMelodie }
+ \new Voice = bass { \clef "bass" \global \voiceTwo \bassMelodie }
+ >>
+ >>
+ \layout {
+ indent = #0
+ \context {
+ \Staff
+ \RemoveEmptyStaves
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Sto_mi_e_milo/ b/Sto_mi_e_milo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c744931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sto_mi_e_milo/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+ \version "2.12"
+ global = {
+ \key d \major
+ %\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
+ \time 7/8
+ \autoBeamOff
+ }
+% Die Stimmen
+ pausen = {
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ s2..*8 |
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ s2..*7 |
+ s2. r8 |
+ }
+ }
+ sopranMelodie = \relative d' {
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ d4. fis4 g |
+ \acciaccatura g8( a4.) a2 |
+ h4. a8[( g]) fis[( g]) |
+ \acciaccatura g8( a4.) a2 |
+ h4. a8[( g]) fis[( e]) |
+ e[( d]) d a'[( g]) g[( fis]) |
+ fis4. e8[( fis]) e[( d]) |
+ d4. d2^\markup { "Fine" } |
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ d8[( cis]) d e4 e |
+ e4. e2 |
+ fis4. fis8[( e]) d[( e]) |
+ e( fis4) fis2 |
+ a4. h8[( a]) g[( fis]) |
+ e[( d]) d a'[( g]) g[( fis]) |
+ fis4. e8[( fis]) e[( d]) d4. d s8 |
+ }
+ }
+ altMelodie = \relative d' {
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ d4. d4 e |
+ \acciaccatura e8( fis4.) fis2 |
+ g4. fis8[( e]) d[( e]) |
+ \acciaccatura e( fis4.) fis2 |
+ g4. fis8[( e]) d[( cis]) |
+ cis[( d]) d d4 d |
+ d4. d4 cis |
+ a4. a2 |
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ d8[( cis]) d fis4 a, |
+ cis4. cis2 |
+ d4. d8[( cis]) h[( cis]) |
+ cis( d4) d2 |
+ fis4. g8[( fis]) e[( d]) |
+ cis[( d]) d d4 d |
+ d4. d4 cis |
+ a4. a s8 |
+ }
+ }
+ tenorMelodie = \relative fis {
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ fis4. fis4 fis |
+ fis4. fis2 |
+ fis4. fis4 fis |
+ fis4. fis2 |
+ fis4. fis8[( cis]) cis4 |
+ a' a8 a([ h]) h[( a]) |
+ a4. a4 a |
+ a( g8) fis2 |
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ d'8[( cis]) h a4 a |
+ a4. a2 |
+ a4. a4 a |
+ a( d8) d4 d~ |
+ d4. d8[( a]) a4 |
+ a4 a8 a[( h]) h[( a]) |
+ a4. a4 a |
+ a( g8) fis4. s8 |
+ }
+ }
+ bassMelodie = \relative g {
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ fis4. fis4 fis |
+ fis4. fis2 |
+ fis4. fis4 fis |
+ fis4. fis2 |
+ fis4. fis8[( cis]) cis4 |
+ a' a8 a([ h]) h[( a]) |
+ a4. a,4 a |
+ a( d8) d2 |
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ fis4 fis8 a4 a |
+ a4. a2 |
+ fis4. fis4 fis |
+ fis4. fis2 |
+ fis4. fis8[( a]) a4 |
+ a4 a8 fis4 g |
+ a4. a,4 a |
+ a( d8) d4. s8 |
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Sto_mi_e_milo/ b/Sto_mi_e_milo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee456cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sto_mi_e_milo/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+% Abkürzungen
+% Die Textaufteilungen
+ textI = \lyricmode {
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ Što mi e mi -- lo, mi -- lo __ i __ dra -- go vo Stru -- ga __ gra -- da, ma -- mo, du -- kjan da i -- mam.
+ \set stanza = "1.-3."
+ Le -- le va -- raj mo -- me, mo -- me __ Ka -- lo -- no,
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ vo Stru -- ga __ gra -- da, ma -- mo, __ du -- kjan __ da __ e -- man.
+ }
diff --git a/Wer_kann_segeln/ b/Wer_kann_segeln/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54703b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wer_kann_segeln/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\include ""
+\include ""
+\include ""
+#(set! paper-alist (cons '("kindle" . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 130 mm))) paper-alist))
+#(set-default-paper-size "kindle")
+\header {
+ title = "Wer kann segeln - Vem kan segla"
+ tagline = ""
+\paper {
+ top-margin = 5
+\score {
+ \new ChoirStaff <<
+ \set Score.skipBars = ##t
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = sopran { \global \voiceOne \sopranMelodie }
+ \new Voice = alt { \global \voiceTwo \altMelodie }
+ >>
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto alt { \textFrauenDI }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto alt { \textFrauenNI }
+ \new Lyrics = tenorText { }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = maenner { \clef "bass" \global \oneVoice \maennerMelodie }
+ >>
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto maenner { \textMaennerDI }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto maenner { \textMaennerNI }
+ >>
+ \layout {
+ indent = #0
+ }
diff --git a/Wer_kann_segeln/ b/Wer_kann_segeln/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ad70d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wer_kann_segeln/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+ \version "2.12"
+ global = {
+ \key g \major
+ %\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
+ \time 6/8
+ \autoBeamOff
+ }
+ punktBoegen = {
+ \set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
+ \slurDashed
+ \tieDashed
+ }
+ strichBoegen = {
+ \set melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy slurMelismaBusy tieMelismaBusy beamMelismaBusy)
+ \slurSolid
+ \tieSolid
+ }
+% Die Stimmen
+ sopranMelodie = \relative e' {
+ e4 fis8 g8. fis16 e8 |
+ h'4 h8 h4. |
+ c4 c8 e8. d16 c8 |
+ h4. h |
+ a4 a8 c8. h16 a8 |
+ g4 g8 e4. |
+ fis8. fis16 fis8 h,4 dis8 |
+ e4. e | \bar "|."
+ }
+ altMelodie = \relative e' {
+ e4 fis8 g8. fis16 e8 |
+ h'4 h8 h4. |
+ g4 g8 g fis fis |
+ fis4( e8) e4. |
+ e4 e8 e dis fis |
+ fis[ e] d c4. |
+ c8 c c h4 h8 |
+ h4( c8) h4. | \bar "|."
+ }
+ maennerMelodie = \relative e {
+ e4 fis8 g8. fis16 e8 |
+ h'4 h8 h4. |
+ a4 a8 a d, d |
+ g4. g |
+ fis r8 h, h |
+ e g a \punktBoegen h( a) g |
+ a~ a~ a \strichBoegen d,( h') a |
+ g4( fis8) e4. | \bar "|."
+ }
diff --git a/Wer_kann_segeln/ b/Wer_kann_segeln/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c2aa5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wer_kann_segeln/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+% Abkürzungen
+% Die Textaufteilungen
+ textFrauenDI = \lyricmode {
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ Wer kann se -- geln ganz oh -- ne Wind, ru -- dern ganz oh -- ne Rie -- men?
+ Wer sich tren -- nen von sei -- nem Freund, oh -- ne dass Trä -- nen flie -- ßen?
+ }
+ textFrauenNI = \lyricmode {
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ Vem kan seg -- la för u -- tan vond? Vem kan ro u -- tan å -- ror?
+ Vem kan skil -- jas från vän -- nen sin u -- tan att fäl -- la tå -- rar?
+ }
+ textMaennerDI = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 15 { \skip 1 }
+ Wer, wer sich tren -- nen von sei -- nem Freund,
+ }
+ textMaennerNI = \lyricmode {
+ \repeat unfold 15 { \skip 1 }
+ Vem, vem kan skil -- jas från vän -- _ nen sin __ _ _ u -- tan tå -- rar?
+ }