Openscad/Phasenanschnitt[no description]6 months
Openscad/Staubsaugerhalter[no description]6 months
Erich/build-arch-isobuild the arch iso5 years
Erich/buff-di-wuffcache source files (not only) for archlinux324 years
Erich/crypt-expiry-checkcheck expiry of cryptographic keys and certificates10 months
Erich/checkVersionscheck if all packages are recent5 years
Erich/check-kernelcheck wether the installed kernel is the on which currently runs2 years
Erich/sammleEmailscollect all email addresses2 years
Erich/digest-mailercombine frequent emails into a big digest5 years
Erich/sound-cuttercommand line tool for mastering sound based on sox4 years
Erich/copyPhotoscopy photos from usb to destinations4 months
Erich/hardlinkedBackupscreate hardlinked backups to preserve space3 days
Erich/mark-as-expendable-dircreate tags marking a dir as not-to-be-backed-up5 years
Erich/cryptfs-daemondaemon to mount encrypted devices/partitions8 months
Erich/decrypt-logdecrypt the access log from eckner.net5 years
Erich/find-foreign-packagesfind which installed packages are not available in the repositories5 years
archlinux32/reflector32fork of xyne's reflector for archlinux, with minor changes to work on archlinux3...3 years
Erich/bash-git-promptgit-aware bash prompt2 years
Erich/show-irc-loggrab and show the irc log from titus_livius9 months
Erich/polyedergreate animated polyeder5 years
Erich/combine-imagesjigsaw-combine images5 years
Erich/Musiklilypond-Quellen meiner Noten3 months
Erich/lockscreenlock the screen (plus extras)5 years
Erich/makekernelmake the latest linux kernel2 years
Erich/merge-kernel-configsmerge multiple kernel configs into one5 years
Erich/Fernbedienung-avrmicro controller source code for my remote control5 years
archlinux32/devopsmisc software and configuration for running the services10 months
Erich/mount-usb-diskmount the encrypted usb disk5 years
Erich/crux-patchesmy crux patches6 months
Erich/passwort-tresorpassword vault based on gnupg3 years
Erich/sourceMirrorphp implemented mirror (meant to be used for caching package source)24 months
Erich/receive-all-keysrecursively receive all gpg keys5 years
Erich/kernelKeysrecursively retrieve all keys signing the linux kernel5 years
Erich/report-installed-packagesreposrt which packages are installed (for marking them as tested in archlinux32)3 years
Erich/runjobsparallelrun all jobs in a directory parallely2 years
Erich/sendmailadvancedsend encrypted and stamped emails from the command line2 years
Erich/mountedshow mounted partitions5 years
Erich/shutdownasapshut down asap - but wait for certain programs (backup, raid check, logged in us...3 months
Erich/osm-to-garminsimple script to create garmin maps from open street map5 years
Erich/send-to-ircsimple script to speak in irc5 years
Erich/archMirrorBootStrapskript to set up an arch mirror4 years
Erich/crux-enhancementssome enhancements for crux5 years
Erich/libalpm-extrasome extra hook for libalpm to make pacman not stumble over ro-mounted /boot4 years
Erich/bash-completion-extrassome more bash-completions5 years
Erich/logwatch-extrasome scripts around logwatch and cron2 weeks
Erich/github-api-clientsome simple client to access the github api5 years
Erich/wurzel-paket-toolssome tools for Wurzel packets5 years
Erich/update-ddnsupdate ddns entries4 years
Erich/update-allupdate this/all configured linux machines5 months
archlinux32/builder.wikiwiki of the builder5 years